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Wonderful Girls of Light! Is a super classic Japanese Korean anime film directed by Sato Yajiao. It tells us that in the street where people and animals coexist in harmony, "Animal Town (アニマルンンンいろはは)" likes the colorful feather (いろはは) of animals best and her pet dog, Mai (こむぎ), is a good friend One day, the Mystery Creature Anxious Monster (ガルガルガルルルルルルルガルルルガルルガルルルガルル

<trans data-src="&#60;kbd dropzone=&#34;Kqz6A&#34;&#62;&#60;b id=&#34;NRUs07&#34;&#62;&#60;/b&#62;&#60;big lang=&#34;LFoGOB&#34;&#62;&#60;/big&#62;&#60;/kbd&#62;">&#60;kbd dropzone=&#34;Kqz6A&#34;&#62;&#60;b id=&#34;NRUs07&#34;&#62;&#60;/b&#62;&#60;big lang=&#34;LFoGOB&#34;&#62;&#60;/big&#62;&#60;/kbd&#62;</trans>

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