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"The Gate of the Grand Mansion 1912" is a super classic plot, biography, and domestic mainland film directed by Guo Baochang. It tells that the success of the 1911 Revolution is still the trivia in the gate of the grand mansion. Bai Jingqi (Chen Baoguo), the seventh master of the upcoming children, is sandwiched between the second grandmother (Siqin Gaowa) and Yang Jiuhong (He Qing) There is a dilemma in the middle. The opening of the Heiqi Hall in Jinan, Shandong Province is imminent. Who knows the local leader of the Green Gang, Gao Jingjie (Guo Degang), and. If you want to see more relevant films and TV works, please collect our website: www.jinshuruanguan.net

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