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A healthy mung bean, a happy peanut, a beautiful red bean, a happy sauce, wrapped into a happy dumplings for you, I wish Mom and Dad a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

What is the tolerance in Photoshop and what is the meaning of color tolerance in Photoshop – [Home of Editing]

What does Photoshop tolerance mean? How to apply? Photoshop must know and must know series of tutorials. The first section [Tolerance] Zifeng series of tutorials is the basic tutorial of PS, suitable for beginners of PS. Please spray gently to the gods, or quietly detour

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[Actual measurement] Under the Mac OS X 10.14.2 system of Adobe Zii 4.1, the newly installed Br, Ps, Ai, and Id CC 2019 only had Ai crash, and the other three all worked perfectly. Thanks to TNT for the latest version of Adobe CC 20

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True Comp replicator of Ae synthetic replication script seems to be pushed by few people. I think this script is very convenient to use. When most people make packages or templates, a paragraph is well done, but they don't want to do it again, but they want to reuse it. If you directly use ctrl D to change the composition, you

What is the normal atmospheric pressure (Pa for 1 standard atmospheric pressure? What is the exact value) – [Editing Home]

: how much Pa or mbar is a standard atmospheric pressure: how much Pa or mbar is a standard atmospheric pressure=1.013 × 10 ^ 5Pa=1.013 × 10 ^ 3MBARA A standard atmospheric pressure is specified as follows: the temperature is 0c, the pressure on the latitude is 45 degrees is 1 atmosphere

A complete set of clip making tutorials, using clip making video tutorials – [Home of Editing]

The door cutting tutorial (024) teaches you to make a video of Mid Autumn Festival blessings, watch the demo video, and then check the text content in detail: loading the video When it comes to important festivals, friends and relatives will pay attention to each other and send videos of expressions and congratulations. Especially since the outbreak of the epidemic, many gatherings have decreased

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Believe is strong. Doubt only suppresses ability, but faith is power—— Frederick Robertson

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