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It received 4.4783 million tourists!

This "May Day" holiday, Jiaxing is again "following the crowd"

Issued on: 2024-05-07 08:11 Source: Jiaxing Daily Number of views:

After the grain rain, the beginning of summer is coming. The flowers are blooming and everything grows. It is a good time to travel. This "May Day" holiday, Jiaxing cultural tourism market has released amazing vitality. The tourist flow in the scenic spot "explodes", and the station is crowded with people. You have to wait for places to eat, and you have to queue up to clock in

Such popularity is more intuitive to use data as evidence——

According to statistics, during the "May Day" holiday, the city's tourist attractions and 3A scenic villages received 4.4783 million tourists in total, realizing a tourism income of 5.817 billion yuan, up 28.33% and 41.16% respectively from the same period in 2023 on a comparable basis; Compared with the same period in 2019, it increased by 39.78% and 67.74% respectively.

The proportion of overnight tourists has increased significantly, driving the peak rental rate of tourist hotels in the city to remain at about 90%, an increase of 33.3% over the same period in 2023. According to Ctrip OTA big data platform, 75.1% of tourists from outside Jiaxing came to Jiaxing during the May Day holiday, and the number of tourists from Shanghai, Jiangsu and Anhui ranked top three; The tourist structure is more optimized, with post-90s tourists taking the first place, accounting for 31.17% of the total number of tourists; Tourists stay longer, about 46.83% of them stay for 2 days, and about 11.37% of them stay for 3 days

The central urban area, the core scenic spot, the ancient canal town, and the beautiful countryside are all beautiful, and the city's holiday culture and tourism market present a prosperous scene.

   The ancient town scenic spot is full of people

"Jiaxing is an ancient town in China". During the holiday, the ancient town scenic spot with beautiful water has always been the best choice for tourists to visit Jiaxing.

At 10:00 a.m. on May 1, the Xizha Scenic Spot in Wuzhen Town was open for only one hour, and tourists have been coming in an endless stream, especially the early spring market of the Republic of China near the water market. The stall is full of local seasonal snacks such as "spareribs rice cake" and "malt cake". The fragrance is overflowing, and the melodious accordion sound is heard. How pleasant it is.

The relevant person in charge of Wuzhen Scenic Area told reporters: "During the May Day holiday this year, our 'Wuzhen Good Life Festival' ushered in the second season. On the basis of the first season last year, it was renewed and upgraded, creating four activity units of 'going through a hundred years and tracing back to the Republic of China', 'exploring Wuqing Town, Song Yun Xichun's Gossip Record', 'Wuzhen in Intangible Cultural Heritage, Carnival in Jiangnan Waterside', 'Wuchun Market, Good Life is in Wucun Village', and strolling around Art stalls, or tailor a cheongsam at Xile Tailor's Shop, or go to Huazhao Spring Night Fair to try to make a lacquer fan and silk fan, and feel the charm of traditional intangible cultural heritage skills. "

Ma Xiaomei, a tourist from Tianjin, used to be a proper "special tourism soldier", but this "May Day" holiday slowed down in Tongxiang. She told reporters: "I was attracted by Mr. Muxin's" Once Upon a Time Slow ", to experience what a Jiangnan water town is like, 'cars, horses, mail are slow, and you can only love one person in your life'."

After staying in Wuzhen for two days, Ma Xiaomei also went to Puyuan Ancient Town in style. In 2024, Puyuan Fashion Week has just ended. In the streets and alleys of chessboard, the "May Day Special" of Puyuan Fashion Ancient Town is continuing to write the story of the encounter with the "fashionable elite". Three immersive night tours, 15 fashion performances, and Ginkgo Live Concert were staged, making the ancient style and fashion shine together. Ma Xiaomei excitedly said: "The ancient simplicity of Wuzhen, the fashion of Puyuan, Tongxiang really embraces the classical and avant-garde, really want to live here!"

In addition, Xitang held a series of activities on the 100th anniversary of Gu Xidong's birth with the theme of "human kindness and virtue", which attracted thousands of opera fans to come to the ancient town to feel the Chinese romance of Jiangnan water town superimposed with the beauty of hundreds of operas.

According to statistics, the core scenic spots of Xitang Town and Wuzhen Town received 471400 and 305900 tourists during the May Day holiday, respectively, an increase of 28.6% and 12.6% over the same period of 2023 and 25.3% and 13.7% over the same period of 2019.

   Central urban area performs well

"It's not too late for you to say spring, I will arrive at the real Jiangnan." In Jiaxing, you can feel the good scenery of Jiangnan. In addition to the good places like the ancient town scenic spot, the banks of the South Lake with glittering water are also a great place for traveling and outing.

In the morning of May Day, when the reporter came to the South Lake Scenic Area, the tourist service center was already full of private cars from all over the country, and there were many people around the South Lake. It coincides with the upcoming May 4th Youth Day. In the scenic spot, red culture blends with youth.

Zhuang Li Bing, deputy general manager of Zhejiang South Lake Cultural Tourism Group Co., Ltd., introduced that the South Lake Scenic Spot aimed at parent-child and young people groups, especially launched a series of activities of "Poetry and South Lake · Youth May Day", as well as three routes of "May Day GO! Study together"; The "Yuanhu Night Painting" boat tour around the lake at night is added to provide each citizen who boarded the boat with an ancient zither performance, tea art performance and special refreshments. With the boat as the medium, zither friends and tea for guests, the whole trip can not only feel the comfort of the lake breeze blowing your cheeks, but also feel the charm of art.

"The scenery in the south is quite different from that in the north. When I arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, I felt that people became gentler." Mr. Pan's family of five came from the northeast. This is not the first time that Mr. Pan came to Jiaxing. This time, I heard that the South Lake Scenic Area has prepared a variety of activities, so I specially brought my children to see it.

The reporter learned that during the May Day holiday, the tourism market in the central urban area with the South Lake Tourist Area as the core was full of vitality. The South Lake Scenic Area, Yuehe Historical and Cultural Block, Zicheng Relics Park, etc., with the theme of red culture, Song rhyme culture, Guochao culture, and martial arts culture, launched "listening to red explanations, pursuing red memories" and "paying homage to youth with poetry" Cultural and tourism activities such as "Song Yun Martial Arts Theme Cultural Tourism Market" attract tourists in a continuous stream.

The data shows that during the "May Day" holiday, the reception of tourists in the South Lake scenic spot has broken a new high, with 62000 tourists on the island, up 33.5% year on year in 2023; Zicheng Heritage Park received nearly 100000 citizen tourists; The peak rental rate of high-quality tourist hotels represented by Nanhu Hotel, Yuehe Inn, Salon Hotel, etc. reached more than 90%.

In addition, the public cultural venues in the central urban area of Jiaxing also made joint efforts. The Red Boat Recitation Art Troupe entered the Luxihui Kaiyuan Temple Hall. The Jiaxing Museum created a "Jiabo Wonderful Night" integrating characteristic exhibitions, zither performances, and Chinese costume performances. The Municipal Cultural Museum held a parent-child activity themed "Appreciating Traditional Culture and Competing against the Essence of Chinese Studies". During the holiday, more than 200 cultural activities were held in the central city, with nearly 1 million people participating.

   Cultural tourism consumption "full house"

The integration of culture and tourism will drive the upgrading of tourism consumption. During the May Day holiday, all counties (cities, districts), tourist attractions, hotels, commercial complexes, cultural and museum venues and other business entities jointly launched a series of "May Day" holiday exclusive preferential policies and theme activities to stimulate market consumption vitality with more rich cultural and tourism formats.

For example, Pinghu's "thousands of mountains and seas" continued the night economic boom, attracting 221400 tourists in total, and was listed on the CCTV news channel under the title of "Guochao Light Group lights up the night sky, and colorful folk activities"; Wuzhen Zhanyi Aviation Helicopter Base, focusing on the "low altitude economy", launched the project of taking a helicopter to view Wuzhen scenic spot, attracting nearly 200 tourists per day; Jiaxing Wanda Plaza held trunk fairs, fan meetings, superstar egg turners and other activities, with an average daily passenger flow of more than 55000 people, an increase of more than 10% over the same period in 2023; Haining held the 2024 World Garden Conference and launched the "May Day Price Setting" activity with several commercial enterprises. The passenger flow of Yintai, Hualian and Outlets increased by 48% year on year, and the sales increased by 56% year on year

Spring flowers are good. It's time to go to the countryside to enjoy and taste spring. It is reported that during the May Day holiday, 829800 tourists were received in 3A scenic villages in the city, an increase of 53.21% over the same period in 2023.

"Jiangnan Four Seasons Village Tour Jiaxing" and 2024 Rural Wild Rice, Crawfish Life Season... A total of 153 wild rice bases in the city launched their own unique wild rice packages, released wild rice tasting maps, and superimposed various leisure formats such as picking, flower appreciation, kayaking, camping, music, so that the spring water countryside and countryside become the "yearning life" of citizens and tourists.