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Xiuzhou District Modern Agricultural Industrial Park Project Selected into the National List

Date of issue: 09:03, May 20, 2024 Source: Jiaxing Daily Number of views:

Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the General Office of the Ministry of Finance announced the list of projects approved for the 2024 agricultural industry integration development project, of which the Xiuzhou District Modern Agricultural Industrial Park project was included in the list of national modern agricultural industrial park projects. This is also the first national modern agricultural industrial park in Jiaxing.

The national level modern agricultural industrial park refers to the agricultural industrial park established or constructed with the approval of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Finance, which integrates production, processing, science and technology, is a regional representative and demonstration leading role, and is an important carrier for implementing the agricultural supply side structural reform, cultivating new driving forces for agricultural and rural development, and promoting agricultural modernization and rural revitalization.

Xiuzhou District Modern Agricultural Industrial Park is located in the north central part of Xiuzhou District. It was founded from 2024 to 2026. The total planned area of the industrial park is 300000 mu, of which 180000 mu is the planned area of the leading industry. It is clear that the central northern part of Xiuzhou District involves 72 villages in Xincheng Town, Youchegang Town, Wangjiangjing Town and Gaozhao Street.

Xiuzhou District Modern Agricultural Industrial Park will take the development orientation of "a land of fish and rice in the new era, a seed industry Silicon Valley in the Yangtze River Delta, a strong agricultural area along the canal", and on the basis of the existing functional layout of production, processing, logistics, research and development, services, etc., combined with the advantages of leading industries and creation ideas, strive to create a "one core led, two corridors driven, three district supporting, eight park linkage" The spatial pattern of modern agricultural industrial park strives to build a first-class national modern agricultural industrial park in the Yangtze River Delta with distinctive industrial characteristics, highly concentrated elements, advanced facilities and equipment, green production mode, significant economic benefits, strong radiation and driving force, and rich farmers.

It is reported that "one core" is the core area of Xiuzhou Modern Agricultural Industrial Park; "Two corridors" are the agricultural science and technology innovation corridor of Xiushui Avenue and the green development corridor of Yunhe Bay; The "three zones" are the rice high-tech leading zone, the pilot zone for healthy fishery breeding, and the demonstration zone for rice and fishery ecological planting and breeding; The "eight parks" are Wufangzhai Zongzi Industrial Park, Hetianxia Seed Industry Innovation Park, Qinfeng Seed Industry 10000 mu Seed Production Park, local specialty food processing park, rice turtle rice shrimp three-dimensional planting and breeding park, Linhu Innovation and Entrepreneurship Agricultural Incubation Park, Meijiadang Modern Fishery Characteristic Park, and Wenchuan Lotus Root Fishery, Agriculture and Tourism Park.

"We will focus on the two leading industries of rice and freshwater aquaculture, closely follow the six construction tasks of stabilizing food supply, seed industry Silicon Valley, smart agriculture, green development, subject cultivation, and park village integration, promote the extension and integration of the industrial chain, accelerate the cultivation of new industries, new formats, and new businesses, effectively improve the efficiency and benefits of modern agricultural production, and build a distinctive industrial characteristics and high-quality and efficient leadership National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park. " Xiuzhou District Bureau of Agriculture, Rural Affairs and Water Resources said.

At the same time, Xiuzhou District Modern Agricultural Industrial Park will also deeply implement the strategy of storing grain on the ground, storing grain in technology, and the "double strong action" of strengthening agriculture through science and technology and machinery, scientifically plan the coordinated development plan of "production, learning, research and application", deeply promote the cooperation and co construction with China Rice Research Institute, Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and further deepen the cooperation with Beidahuang, Dabeinong, Blue City Group Zhejiang Agricultural Group and other industry leading enterprises cooperate to provide project support for the construction of the industrial park.

"We strive to build the industrial park into a new highland with distinctive characteristics of Xiuzhou's leading industry, Zhejiang's agricultural characteristics of 'strong industry, beautiful ecology and rich people', national demonstration construction leading rice, integrated development of the whole industrial chain of freshwater aquaculture, a new benchmark for building an agricultural power, a new model for farmers to be rich and affluent, and a new model for poetry and painting in the south of the Yangtze River Xiuzhou creates a case. " Said the above responsible person.