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Haining Yunhe held a symposium on the construction of trans regional educational community

Release date: 2024-05-20 16:19 Source: Municipal Education Bureau Number of views:

In order to further promote the construction of cross regional educational communities in Haining and Yunhe, and strengthen the cooperation and progress of education between the two places, on May 10, Xu Limin, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of Yunhe County Education Bureau, led a team to Haining Experimental Primary School to carry out a symposium on the construction of "Haining Yunhe" cross regional educational communities. Xue Jin Xinyu, a member of the Party Leadership Group and Governor of Haining Education Bureau, attended.

Xu Limin and his party first visited the south campus of Haining Experimental Primary School, and affirmed the planning and construction of the experimental primary school in the building of characteristic venues, the development of labor education, the construction of courses and other aspects. Subsequently, the symposium was held in the conference room of the Experimental Primary School.

Jin Xinyu welcomed Yunhe and his party to Haining for exchange and discussion, and introduced the basic situation of Haining's economy, culture and education. She pointed out that since the education cooperation with Yunhe started in 2022, the education teaching and research work carried out by the two places in the past two years has achieved remarkable results. The words "Haiyun Program, Ninghe Model" are the best explanation for the two places to make good use of the trans regional education community. She hoped that after this exchange, the two places will continue to focus on in-depth cooperation to promote the high-quality development of education.

In his speech, Xu Limin expressed his gratitude to the Haining education system for its long-term support and help to Yunhe Education, and raised three hopes for how to continue to develop Yunhe Education with wisdom and strength in the next step. First, we should gather consensus, deeply understand the reform significance of the construction of trans regional educational communities, accelerate the construction of education project teams, and vigorously promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education. The second is to innovate and cooperate, firmly grasp the common development opportunities across regions, and strive to carry out in-depth development in moral education construction, team building, education and teaching, teaching and research, so as to promote the further development and improvement of the overall level of education. Third, we should strengthen the guarantee, speed up the implementation of policies, improve the opportunities for exchange and cooperation, rely on high-quality educational resources, select high-quality courses, and make good use of accurate test questions.

Xu Xiaoliang, the principal of Haining Experimental Primary School, Qian Fengliang, the vice principal of Haining Ziwei Junior High School, Wang Xiaoting, the principal of Shitang Primary School in Yunhe County, and Lin Hongping, the principal of Jiangbin Experimental Primary School in Yunhe County, respectively introduced their experience in promoting the work of cross regional educational communities with their paired schools.

After the centralized exchange activity, Ye Yunxiang, director of Yunhe County Education Development Center, summarized the seminar activity around the three key words of "moving, thanking and expecting", and each paired school and relevant departments of the bureau carried out group exchanges with Yunhe and the delegation.

This meeting is not only a review of the achievements of the past cooperation between the two places, but also a good hope for the future education vision. We will strive to create a new act and a new benchmark for mountain sea cooperation, a new model for mutual prosperity in education, and promote the high-quality development of education in both places.



