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Create a model for the integrated development of transportation and tourism, feel the new charm of Jiaxing's ancient water town

Traveling to the ancient town by bus has broken the creative circle!

Date of issue: 09:03, May 20, 2024 Source: Jiaxing Daily Number of views:

What is the experience of watching Jiaxing by bus?

On May 1, the first three special tourist lines to ancient towns in our city were officially opened. Tourists can take the bus to start a tour of ancient towns. The small bridges, flowing water and people's houses, white walls, black bricks and black tiles in the old town, the slow life of the residents in the old street, and the pyrotechnic atmosphere in the world have all become the scenery flowing in the eyes of the world. Walking through them, you can clearly touch the historical pulse of the ancient town jumping for thousands of years.

According to the statistics of Jiaxing Transportation Bureau, as of May 15, the ancient town tourism line had sent 315 flights in 15 days, receiving 1447 tourists in total. Behind it, some new products, new ways of playing and new ideas have emerged quietly.

"Innovation": break the tradition and lead the new trend of tourism in ancient towns

When talking about buses, a word "old" will automatically appear in the mind of many people.

Time goes back to 1984.

In this year, No. 1 bus connecting Jiaxing Nanyan to Baihua New Village was officially opened, which was the first bus line opened in Jiaxing.

The crisp sound of tearing tickets, the shouts of the conductor, the sudden sound of the diesel engine... 40 years have passed, the people and things in the car are constantly changing, and the scenery outside the window is constantly changing.

Nowadays, with the improvement of people's living standards, the demand for travel is no longer limited to "having a car", and the safety, convenience, comfort and service of public transport equipment are increasingly valued by people. Jiaxing, with its unique temperament and rich cultural heritage in Jiangnan, is also actively exploring and innovating to open up a new path for the integrated development of tourism.

The first step is to "upgrade" the old bus.

As people travel in more and more diversified ways, convenience is one of the focuses of passengers' demand.

This is the core content of Jiaxing bus "updating". For example, the trunk line shuttle bus in the area will be more frequent in the morning and evening; "No. 815 Health Direct Bus" realizes the connection between Jiaxing No. 1 Hospital and the surrounding bus stops, greatly improving the convenience of patients' medical treatment; This spring, taking an outing bus to enjoy flowers has become a new fashion for citizens to travel

On May 1, the Jiaxing ancient town tourism line, which was jointly built by Jiaxing Transportation Bureau and Jiaxing Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, was officially "upgraded". As a "new face" of the old bus, the special line, based on the integration of urban public transport, further improves and perfects the public transport service radiation system with the central city as the core. In the form of "customized public transport", it is composed of three ring lines connecting Xitang, Puyuan, Wuzhen and Yanguan, with the urban Nanhu and Yuehe as the center, forming a central city as the core The public transport service system that radiates the major ancient town scenic spots. Tourists can take the special line at the tourist service center of the ancient town scenic spot to realize the communication between the ancient town scenic spots.

The setting of different routes will "string beads into a chain" of Jiaxing's characteristic ancient towns, and drive the city's scenic spots and cultural propaganda with urban public transport, which has greatly improved the riding comfort and sightseeing experience of citizens and tourists, and won praise from the vast number of passengers.

In the eyes of literary and artistic youth, the charm of Jiaxing ancient town tourism line lies in the surging vitality of the city. Along the way, the beautiful scenery along the line, the fireworks in the streets and lanes, and the profound cultural heritage of the city are constantly emerging and updating. "There is a kind of romance, called taking the bus to visit the ancient town"; In the eyes of the elderly local people, every place that Jiaxing's ancient town tourist line passes by is a scenery worth seeing. It may exist in the stories I heard in my childhood. Maybe I took the first picture of a scenic spot here. Maybe I still have countless connections with these places. "There is a kind of memory, called enjoying the beautiful scenery in the bus".

Jiaxing ancient town tourism line not only meets the diverse travel needs of citizens and tourists, but also becomes a new initiative in Jiaxing's transportation work.

"Turning Red": launch the cultural and tourism brand of "Jiaxing in Ancient Chinese Town"

Someone asked why the tourist line to Jiaxing Ancient Town became popular when there were buses to the ancient town all the time?

As another innovative measure of customizing bus routes, Jiaxing Ancient Town Tourist Dedicated Line is more appropriate to describe as "turning red" than "fire".

Jiaxing has been a famous water town in the south of the Yangtze River with beautiful scenery and prosperity since ancient times. The millennium canal passes through the ancient and modern times, connecting the small and large villages and towns born of water, and drawing a picture of the contemporary Jiaxing ancient town. It can be said that the ancient town is the most distinctive urban symbol of Jiaxing.

At present, with the integrated development of transportation tourism and culture and entertainment, transportation has become an important part of urban tourism services. Grasping the important development opportunities, how to let everyone who walks into Jiaxing fully feel the ancient charm and leisurely temperament of this water town city has become an urgent consideration.

Jiaxing Ancient Town Tourist Dedicated Line, as a successful attempt of "turning red" of the old bus, can not be separated from the innovation and culture behind it.

The hot spot is customized public transportation, which is also a way of travel that combines tradition and innovation.

For tourists coming from afar, compared with the traditional way of traveling in the past, people are now more willing to understand and integrate into the life of a city. Traveling by bus is the most economical and unique way to see the world, which is popular with young people——

"Every time I go to a city for tourism, I will take a bus directly when I get out of the station, just to see the streets and alleys of the city and the fireworks."

"I always think that the bus is the best viewing platform in a city. I especially like to see the bustling scene outside the window. I feel very grounded and full of fireworks."

"Traveling in the ancient town by bus is an ingenious way of traveling. It breaks the tradition of bus transfer and lets us experience a new way of roaming in the ancient town."


The hot spot is the tourist line, and it is also a "flowing window" to show the charm of Jiaxing ancient town.

Throughout the country, Jiaxing has a large number of ancient towns with distinctive characteristics and high popularity, ranking first. In order to create a new model for cultural inheritance and development, since 2022, Jiaxing has taken Wuzhen Town, Xitang Town, Puyuan Town and Yanguan Town as the core, and has linked 18 ancient towns into a chain, comprehensively creating and promoting the cultural and tourism integration brand of "Jiaxing as an Ancient Town in China".

A single ancient town can not only be beautiful and resplendent, but also be combined freely. Jiaxing Ancient Town Tourism Line is a "seamless" bridge between them. On the carriage, the elements of Jiaxing's ancient water town can be seen at any time; During the journey, the unique food and scenery of different ancient towns also make tourists feel full of experience.

The G1 line connecting the South Lake - Yuehe - Xitang makes the Ling growing in the South Lake meet the time-honored sauce duck in Yuehe and the malt cake in Xitang; The G2 line connecting South Lake - Yuehe - Puyuan - Wuzhen allows the flowing water of South Lake to flow through the green tiles of the ancient houses in Yuehe and flow into the "network" of the Internet light in Wuzhen; The G3 line connecting Nanhu Yuehe Yanguan also allows more and more people to see the magnificent beauty of Yanguan Tide.

One station, one scenic spot, one line, one feeling. "A bus is a flowing cultural display window of Jiaxing ancient town" has become the common feeling of citizens and tourists.

"Reserve": How can the public transport industry unlock the next flowering period?

The heroic slogan of "Jiaxing is a Chinese ancient town" has made Jiaxing an ancient town a new tourism benchmark in China; The shuttle buses of Jiaxing ancient town tourism line give new vitality to the traditional ancient town tourism; The romantic way of traveling in the ancient town by bus also attracts a lot of traffic.

How to change "flow" into "reserve"? What role can buses play in life in the future? It becomes the key to unlock the next flowering period of Jiaxing's public transport industry.

From all over the country, the "out of circle" attempts of some city buses may provide us with ideas——

In May 2022, the first hot pot bus will be launched in Chengdu. Passengers can enjoy the old hot pot while enjoying the night in Chengdu, which is new and brilliant;

In August 2023, Xi'an opened a customized bus route from the Drum Tower to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, integrating Han and Tang culture, Han clothing elements, etc., to create an immersive travel experience;

In August 2023, Shenzhen will launch the first electronic bus, which will become a tourism publicity ambassador through the dynamic light and shadow art. It will shuttle through the key areas of Shenzhen, presenting the urban attributes of Shenzhen as a fashion pioneer to tourists;

In November 2023, Foshan will organically combine the three elements of culture and tourism, night economy, and public transportation. For the first time, weak current fluorescent materials will be used in the bus body, and the first light-emitting bus will be launched, making it the "brightest star in the night road";


Each bus shuttling through the city has become a unique flowing landscape.

Nowadays, buses are regarded as one of the most energy-saving and emission reducing travel modes. The relevant person in charge of Jiaxing Group said that Jiaxing, an ancient and simple city, relying on the concept of bus priority and green travel, presents a new aspect to the world with the style of intelligent and modern transportation.

Jiaxing's determination goes far beyond this - constantly optimize the layout of public transport network, promote the opening of rural tourism and ancient town tourism routes, achieve full public transport access to 97 3A level scenic spots and villages in the city, connect the South Lake scenic spot with the four major ancient town scenic spots, launch the brand of "China's ancient towns see Jiaxing", and form an excellent model of integrated development of transportation and tourism.

In the future, buses will become the "propagandists" of Jiaxing's historical, cultural and landscape landmarks. We are looking forward to a more vivid and wonderful perspective of "Jiaxing as an ancient town in China", as well as a better travel experience brought by Jiaxing public transportation to the world!