
wind that carries sand and drives stones You have enjoyed the happiness you should not have enjoyed,

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If you enjoy the happiness you should not enjoy, you will have to eat the food you should not eat. Brother Li Yueyue 01 likes meat. We ate together, and a large plate of braised pork was destroyed in a flash. It was not enough. We had to add some liver and stomach. As a result, when he was just 40 years old, he had an accident. His blood lipids, blood pressure, blood sugar were all absurdly high. Half a year ago, he had a mild cerebral infarction
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It's like this - you've enjoyed the happiness you shouldn't have enjoyed,

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Growing up means finally realizing that the world may not be as beautiful as we thought when we were young. The people we love and the things we care about may cheat us, may leave us, may lose our true love, or may be betrayed, but we will still accept all the bad things we are unwilling to face, Live bravely—— Old demon


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You shouldn't have enjoyed it&&you are horrified

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