Home> Open government> Official Gazette

    Jiangsu Provincial People's Government Gazette is a government publication sponsored by Jiangsu Provincial People's Government and publicly distributed at home and abroad.

    The Gazette of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government centrally and accurately publishes: administrative rules, decisions, orders and other documents published by the provincial government, administrative normative documents published by the provincial government and various departments, and other documents approved for publication by provincial government leaders.

    According to the provisions of the Legislative Law of the People's Republic of China, the regulations published in the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government Gazette are standard texts, and all official documents published have the same effect as the official texts.

    Address: 68 Beijing West Road, Nanjing

    Postal code: 210024

    Tel: 025-83396745

    mail box: jszfgb@js.gov.cn

    Jiangsu Government Affairs Open Microblog