• The 15th joint meeting between the provincial government and the provincial federation of trade unions was held The 15th joint meeting between the provincial government and the provincial federation of trade unions was held

    On June 17, the provincial government and the provincial federation of trade unions held the 15th joint meeting to study the work of our province's workers' rehabilitation, model workers and craftsmen to help enterprises, democratic management of enterprises, and the establishment and membership of new forms of employment workers' associations. Ma Xin, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and executive vice governor, attended the meeting and delivered a speech

    "Made in Jiangsu" has obvious competitive advantages and has a strong momentum of going to sea "Made in Jiangsu" has obvious competitive advantages and has a strong momentum of going to sea

    Driven by the good export momentum of mechanical and electrical products, the continuous expansion of emerging markets, and the continued recovery of traditional markets, the total value of Jiangsu's foreign trade import and export hit a record high in the first five months of this year. Mechanical and electrical products, as the main force of export, have been performing quite well since this year

    In the first five months, the import and export of private enterprises in our province exceeded one trillion yuan In the first five months, the import and export of private enterprises in our province exceeded one trillion yuan

    According to the statistics of Nanjing Customs, in the first five months of this year, the import and export of private enterprises in our province reached 1.02 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 16.6%, driving the import and export growth of the province by 7.2 percentage points, accounting for an increase of 2.9 percentage points to 46% over the same period last year. Tariff preference

    Logistics enterprises in our province take advantage of digital intelligent management and distribution system to calmly cope with the "618" promotion Logistics enterprises in our province take advantage of digital intelligent management and distribution system to calmly cope with the "618" promotion

    Nearly one month after the "618" promotion "Super Long Standby" this year, all major e-commerce platforms have cancelled the pre-sale system. Express enterprises cannot predict the order volume, and the sudden change has brought considerable challenges. The monitoring data of the provincial postal administration shows that from May 20 to June 1

  • The whole province has achieved a good harvest of grain in summer The mechanical harvest of wheat in the whole province has basically ended
    The grain of summer grain is generally returned to the warehouse and harvested well

    On June 17, the reporter learned from the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs that the mechanical harvest of wheat in the province has basically ended, and the grain of summer grain has generally been returned to the warehouse and the harvest has been achieved. According to statistics, as of June 16, the province has invested 135000 combine harvesters, 35000 dryers

    The provincial intelligent testing equipment industry innovation and development promotion meeting was held The provincial intelligent testing equipment industry innovation and development promotion meeting was held

    Recently, the Jiangsu Intelligent Testing Equipment Industry Innovation and Development Promotion Conference was held in Wuxi. Ma Yushan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, delivered a keynote report on the theme of "intelligent manufacturing oriented testing equipment and applications". Guoyi Quantum, Wuhan Precision Measurement, Boshiyuan, UFJ Technology, etc

    The popularization area of lateral deep fertilization technology in the province has increased year by year
    Save nearly 30% of the fertilizer, save 40 yuan of labor per mu

    In June, Jiangsu rice entered the period of large-scale planting. One transplanter equipped with side deep fertilization device shuttled back and forth in the field, and rows of seedlings were full of vitality. Compared with conventional fertilization, lateral and deep fertilization can save fertilizer by 15% - 30%, and reduce the number of fertilization by 1-3 times

    The province held the "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" activity The province held the "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" activity

    On the 16th, the 2024 Jiangsu Province "Safety Publicity and Consultation Day" main event jointly hosted by the Provincial Safety Committee Office and Changzhou Municipal Safety Committee Office was held in Changzhou. This activity closely follows the theme of "everyone talks about safety and everyone meets emergency - unblocked life passage", and adopts provincial and urban linkage

  • The world's largest wind power test platform was put into operation in Yancheng The world's largest wind power test platform was put into operation in Yancheng

    Recently, Shanghai Electric Wind Power Full Power Platform, the world's largest wind power test platform, was put into operation in Shanghai Electric Wind Power Coastal Base. The first unit of Shanghai Electric Wind Power Binhai Base was offline at the same time. The wind power test platform, invested and built by Shanghai Electric Group, is the world's largest

    Lianyungang District, Lianyungang City Promotes Characteristic and Advantage Industries to Climb Higher Lianyungang District, Lianyungang City Promotes Characteristic and Advantage Industries to Climb Higher

    In midsummer, in the thermal drainage area of Tianwan Nuclear Power Station in Lianyungang District, Lianyungang City, with a total investment of more than 9.8 billion yuan, China's largest offshore photovoltaic project - CNNC Tianwan 2 million kilowatt beach photovoltaic demonstration project is under construction. "Moving PV power stations from land to sea

    The scale of Wuxi's foreign trade import and export hit a new record in the first five months The scale of Wuxi's foreign trade import and export hit a new record in the first five months

    According to the statistics of Wuxi Customs, from January to May, the city's foreign trade import and export reached 297.82 billion yuan, a record high in the same period, up 9.5% year on year, 0.3 percentage points better than the provincial average, accounting for 13.4% of the province's import and export. Among them, the outlet 19

    Suzhou High tech Zone Accelerates the Release of the Traction Role of the Landmark Scientific Innovation Platform Suzhou High tech Zone Accelerates the Release of the Traction Role of the Landmark Scientific Innovation Platform
    Demand new quality productivity from joint innovation

    At the beginning of June, the reporter came to Suzhou Institute of Optoelectronics Technology, located in Fengqiao Street, Suzhou Hi tech Zone, and golden bronze medals covered the entire display wall at the entrance. "These brands look like enterprises and platforms, and as a whole, they have become an embedded and coupled industrial ecosystem

Information on China Government Website
    • Xi Jinping made important instructions on flood control and drought relief Xi Jinping made important instructions on flood control and drought relief work, requiring full response to the disaster, doing well in flood control and drought relief work, and ensuring the safety of people's lives and property and social stability
    • Li Qiang and Australian Prime Minister Albanese jointly attended the welcome banquet held by overseas Chinese in Australia and delivered a speech
    • In May, economic operation was generally stable, production was stable, growth was stable, and demand continued to recover
    • Promote scientific and large-scale desertification control, and control more than 300 million mu of desertification land in China for more than 10 years
    • Basic pension will increase by 3% in 2024
    • In 2023, the total volume of China's commercial logistics will exceed 126 trillion yuan
    • China's economy showed these characteristics in May
    • Li Qiang and Australian Prime Minister Albanese jointly attended the 7th China Australia CEO Roundtable of Industry and Commerce, stressing that: adhere to open cooperation and mutual achievements to promote China Australia cooperation to achieve more mutually beneficial and win-win results
    • The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue orange rainstorm warnings and actively carried out flood control and disaster relief in many regions and departments
    • Xi Jinping sent a letter to congratulate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy and the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Whampoa Military Academy Alumni Association, stressing that the broad cohesion for the common realization of the Chinese dream