Index number: 014000319/2024-00109 Classification: Notice on Governmental Documents and Organs
Issued by: Jiangsu Provincial People's Government Date of issue: 2024-04-18
Title: Notice of the Provincial People's Government on the appointment and removal of Xue Honghai and other posts Subject words:
Document No.: SZF [2024] No. 33
Content overview: Notice of the Provincial People's Government on the appointment and removal of Xue Honghai and other posts

Notice of the Provincial People's Government on the appointment and removal of Xue Honghai and other posts

(SZF [2024] No. 33)


To the people's governments of cities, counties (cities, districts), provincial commissions, offices, departments and bureaus, and provincial units directly under:

After study, it is decided that:

Xue Honghai was appointed as the director of the office of the joint meeting of the provincial economic responsibility audit (at the level of deputy department), with a probation period of one year;

Song Qi was relieved from his post as Deputy Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Provincial Government.  


Jiangsu Provincial People's Government

April 18, 2024

(This document is publicly released)

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