Build a market-oriented, legal, international and first-class business environment
press conference
Time: 2024-05-06 20:38 Source: General Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government

Wei Yun (Chief of the News Coordination Division of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government) : Good afternoon, reporters! Welcome to the provincial government press conference. During the National Two Sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping, when participating in the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation, stressed that we should continue to build a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized first-class business environment and create new advantages for a higher level of open economy. In recent years, our province has made a series of progress by thoroughly implementing the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and high-quality promoting and optimizing the business environment. With the consent of provincial leaders, today we will hold a press conference to invite relevant leaders to introduce the business environment construction in our province and answer questions of interest to journalists. Present at today's press conference are: Mr. Lin Kang, deputy director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Mr. Sun Jin, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Commerce, Mr. Tang Hongbin, second level inspector of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, Mr. Zhang Min, deputy director of the Provincial Data Bureau, Mr. Chen Qihong, deputy director of the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, and Mr. Xu Xiangdong, chief accountant of the Provincial Tax Bureau. This is Wei Yun from the News Coordination Office of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government.

First of all, let's welcome Mr. Lin Kang, Deputy Director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, to introduce the situation.

Lin Kang (Deputy Director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission) Good afternoon, media friends! Thank you very much for your long-term attention, publicity and promotion to the optimization of business environment in our province.

Business environment is the soil for the survival and development of enterprises. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during his visit to Jiangsu last July that Jiangsu has the advantages of solid industrial foundation, rich scientific and educational resources, excellent business environment, huge market scale, and has the ability and responsibility to lead and demonstrate in promoting Chinese style modernization; In March of this year, when participating in the deliberation of the Jiangsu delegation, it was emphasized that we should continue to build a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized first-class business environment, and create a new advantage of a higher level of open economy. In April, Premier Li Qiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council and listened to the report on the special supervision and investigation of optimizing the business environment, stressing that optimizing the business environment is an important way to boost social confidence, stimulate market vitality and enhance the development potential. Today, we hold a press conference to implement the requirements of the General Secretary to continue to build a market-oriented, legal, international and first-class business environment, and report the relevant situation of the business environment construction in our province in recent years and the next work priorities.

The provincial party committee and the provincial government conscientiously implement the national decision and deployment on optimizing the business environment. In 2022, the provincial leading group for optimizing the business environment will be established, and the Action Plan for Optimizing the Business Environment of Jiangsu Province will be issued. It proposes to establish a "1+5+13+N" business environment policy system, and promote the construction of "five environments" of policy, market, government, rule of law, and humanities in an integrated way. Business entities have flourished. By the end of last year, the total number of business entities in the province had exceeded 14.52 million, making it the first province in China to have more than 10 million registered individual businesses; At present, there are a total of 43000 foreign-funded enterprises, and more than 400 of the world's top 500 enterprises have invested in the Soviet Union. Last year, the actual use of foreign capital was 25.34 billion US dollars, which continues to be among the top in the country. For five consecutive years, Jiangsu ranked among the "Best Reputation Provinces" for the business environment rated by 10000 private enterprises of the All China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Nanjing, Wuxi and Suzhou were rated as "Best Reputation Cities". Now I would like to introduce the relevant work to you.

First, focus on the construction of policy environment, and strive to enhance confidence and promote development. Guided by the needs of business entities, a series of policies and measures were introduced last year to promote the first overall improvement of economic operation, to promote the continuous recovery of the economy, to promote the development and growth of private economy, and to optimize the foreign investment environment. In 2023, a total of 218.5 billion yuan of new tax cuts and fee reductions and tax rebates were added. We will strengthen direct access to and fast access to preferential policies for enterprises, create a new platform for comprehensive services for enterprises in Jiangsu "run by one enterprise", and provide eight application services, including consultation on enterprise related policies and business information, and implementation of preferential policies for enterprises. Huai'an City launched the reform of integrated services for financial rewards and subsidies. It integrated 715 financial rewards and subsidies into a list of contents and announced them to the public, realizing the direct connection between the acceptance and payment of financial rewards and subsidies. The declaration materials and the declaration time limit were significantly reduced by 51% and 71% respectively.

Second, focus on the construction of market environment and strive to promote fairness and activation. We will continue to optimize enterprise start-up services, and conduct the whole process of enterprise establishment, change, migration and cancellation electronically, so as to achieve the fastest completion of enterprise start-up within 0.5 working days. Nanjing and other cities have carried out the reform of "one license and multiple addresses" facilitation services across counties, and more than 2000 enterprises across the province have realized that one business license corresponds to multiple business sites in the city to carry out production and operation at the same time. We will increase support for small and medium-sized enterprises, and set aside more than 40% of government procurement projects worth more than 4 million yuan for small and medium-sized enterprises. Optimize the management of total pollutant discharge indicators, establish provincial, municipal and county level reserves of total pollutant discharge indicators, and realize hierarchical reserves and standby before use. We launched new credit products of government bank cooperation, such as 11 products such as "talent loan" and "Suzhi loan". Last year, we granted preferential loans of 169.3 billion yuan to 41400 business entities. Through "government procurement loan", we provided unsecured and unsecured preferential interest rate loans of 2.565 billion yuan to government procurement winning enterprises to ease the financing difficulties of SMEs.

The third is to focus on the construction of the government environment and focus on improving services and increasing convenience. We have steadily promoted the standardization, standardization and facilitation of government services, and our province's integrated government service capacity has been among the top in the country for seven consecutive years in the survey and evaluation of the State Office. Publish 722 items of the list of administrative licensing items, make sure there is no license beyond the list, and realize 162 "trans provincial" and 175 "one network" of government services in the Yangtze River Delta. Set up a professional tax related service platform of "One Enterprise to Run • Jiangsu Tax Assistance", create a "market driven" online tax related service market, provide transparent service evaluation reference, and facilitate business entities to "shop around three". At present, nearly 9500 tax related professional service institutions have settled in, with a turnover of more than 166 million yuan. Suqian City innovated the "super administrator" government data sharing and coordination mechanism. According to the principle of "all materials approved and issued by government departments will not be submitted by the enterprise masses", it published 184 lists of shared data, and the application materials were reduced by 72%. Taizhou City implements the default system of overtime for administrative approval of industrial projects, which forces the approval work to speed up and increase efficiency.

Fourth, focus on the construction of the rule of law environment, and strive to stabilize expectations and protect rights and interests. Deeply practice the concept of "rule of law is the best business environment". In 2020, the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Optimizing Business Environment was issued. Local laws and regulations such as the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Tendering and Bidding, the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on Promoting and Protecting Foreign Investment, and other local laws and regulations were successively revised and issued. Seven cities, including Nanjing, Wuxi, Suzhou, Nantong, Lianyungang, Huai'an, and Taizhou, issued local laws and regulations on business environment. The province deployed a three-year action to improve administrative law enforcement, carried out a pilot project to optimize the power of administrative punishment, and 32 major provincial administrative law enforcement departments have formulated administrative discretion benchmarks to promote standardized, fair and civilized law enforcement. We will continue to promote inclusive and prudent supervision, develop a "three list" of no punishment, lighter punishment and mitigated punishment for minor violations, and list 6978 items, so that law enforcement is both strong and warm. Yancheng City has made it clear that the 1st to 20th of each month is the "safe production day for enterprises". In principle, except for special circumstances, enterprises are not allowed to enter the enterprise to carry out administrative law enforcement activities.

Fifth, focus on the construction of the humanistic environment, and strive to strengthen security and add momentum. Further optimize the innovation and development environment, implement the provincial incubation plan for technology-based entrepreneurial enterprises, support industry leading enterprises to build scientific and technological entrepreneurship carriers, and carry out pilot projects to give scientific researchers the ownership or long-term use rights of scientific and technological achievements. Smooth the normalized government enterprise communication mechanism, Nantong launched the activity of "I accompany the masses to follow the process", Xuzhou launched the policy mechanism of "enterprise ordering department service", Suzhou built an enterprise dynamic perception system to provide enterprises with "one-stop" services such as financing docking and unblocked industrial chain, and Yangzhou opened the director's hotline of "Nothing can be done", Wuxi launched 10 measures to facilitate foreigners, and created six facilitation scenarios, including entry and exit, payment, consumption, business, living and travel, education and medical care. All departments around the country listen to the voice of enterprises through multiple channels and ways, and earnestly help enterprises solve difficult problems.

The business environment is not the best, only better. We will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and always take the needs of business entities as the guide, continue to build a market-oriented, legalized, and international first-class business environment, and strive to build Jiangsu into the most attractive and competitive investment destination in the world, so that the masses and enterprises can work and start businesses more comfortably, enjoy the near future, and provide "Soviet" services Love Jiangsu. "Everyone is the business environment, and everything is related to the business environment". Optimizing the business environment requires the joint participation of the whole society and the care and support of media friends. Please promote good experience and practices, supervise the acts that damage the business environment, and jointly build the business environment into a "golden signboard" of high-quality development in Jiangsu. I will tell you this. Thank you!

Wei Yun (Chief of the News Coordination Division of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government) : Thank you, Deputy Director Lin Kang. Now, let's enter into the question session. Journalists can ask questions about the questions they are interested in. Before asking questions, please explain which media they work for.

Reporter of Guangming Daily : Building a first-class business environment is only in progress and not completed. Please introduce Jiangsu's plan for the next step of promoting business environment construction.

Lin Kang (Deputy Director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission) : Thank you for your question. The business environment is "excellent" and has no end. In the new era and new journey, we will, in accordance with the important guiding spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech, mainly grasp three aspects in the goal of business environment construction: first, building a business environment oriented by the needs of business entities. "Whether the business environment is good or not, enterprises and the masses have the most say". The business environment should make people and enterprises more comfortable and convenient. The second is to build a business environment suitable for the new quality productivity. Optimizing the business environment is to establish new production relations and better serve the development needs of new quality productivity. The third is to build a business environment that promotes Jiangsu to take the lead in the construction of Chinese style modernization. The purpose of business environment construction is ultimately to serve the needs of high-quality development, focus on playing a leading role in demonstration, and promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of all work.

In order to achieve the above goals, we will focus on the following three aspects: First, we will focus on benchmarking. We will benchmark against the world-class level, learn from the World Bank's business environment maturity assessment indicator system, and focus on ten categories of indicators to carry out benchmarking reform. Pay attention to learning the advanced practices of brother provinces and cities, and carry out benchmarking. On the basis of making good use of the stock policy, further strengthen investigation and research, and introduce incremental measures to optimize the business environment in response to the urgent needs of business entities. The second is to work hard on the service business entity. We will always be guided by the needs of business entities, further improve the government enterprise communication mechanism, build a "round table" system for private enterprises, form a normal face-to-face communication mechanism between the government and private enterprises, and improve the closed-loop management of enterprise appeals; Further strengthen the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, implement the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on the Promotion and Protection of Foreign Investment, promote the legislation of the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Private Enterprises, and ensure that state-owned enterprises dare to do, private enterprises dare to venture, and foreign enterprises dare to invest; Further deepen the reform of key areas of business environment, prepare an annual list of business environment reform items, and introduce more reforms that are felt by the market and the enterprise masses. Third, efforts should be made to reward the good and punish the bad. We will make greater efforts to pool the strength of all parties and create a good atmosphere for joint discussion and construction of a jointly governed business environment. Encourage grassroots innovation, support local governments to carry out differentiated exploration according to local conditions, carry out the selection of outstanding cases of business environment reform and innovation, and form a batch of replicable and promotable "Jiangsu experience"; At the same time, we will resolutely correct the behaviors that damage the business environment of Jiangsu, seriously investigate and deal with relevant cases, and achieve the warning of Class I problems through the investigation and treatment of a case, so as to achieve the overall improvement of the level of business environment construction in the province, and truly let the business entities see changes and get benefits. thank you!

Xinhua Daily At the beginning of this year, the State Council issued the Guiding Opinions on Further Optimizing Government Service and Improving Administrative Efficiency to Promote "One Thing Efficiently", which proposed that "One Thing Efficiently" be an important starting point for optimizing government service and improving administrative efficiency. What measures does Jiangsu have in this regard?

Zhang Min (Deputy Director of Provincial Data Bureau) : Thank you for your question. The provincial party committee and the provincial government attach great importance to "efficiently accomplish one thing". The Government Work Report lists "efficiently accomplish one thing" as the key work, and provincial leaders have made instructions and requirements for many times. The provincial data bureau takes "efficiently doing one thing" as the key work of the overall situation after the establishment of the listing, firmly grasp it, carefully organize and implement it, make every effort to tackle key problems and promote it, and strive to hand over the excellent answers of Jiangsu. In promoting specific work, we actively comply with the trend of economic and social digital transformation, strive to create "agile services" that change on demand, digital support, and rapid response, and strive to promote the high-quality implementation of "efficiently accomplish one thing" from five aspects:

First, carefully organize and implement. After the issuance of the document of the State Council, the provincial data bureau quickly convened a coordination meeting to establish an efficient liaison and promotion mechanism with the leading department and responsible unit for the 13 "one thing" identified in the document, set up a special shift to focus on business and technical research, and conduct scheduling on a Monday and inventory on a daily basis. At present, four innovative demonstration "One Thing", including enterprise information change, transportation enterprise establishment, enterprise bankruptcy information verification and social security card resident service, undertaken by Jiangsu, have been printed and issued with implementation plans, which have been implemented first and achieved results first. The Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department not only completed the four categories of tasks specified in the documents of the State Council, but also increased the use of six new fields, including "government services", "treatment subsidies" and "campus services". The provincial court has taken the initiative to negotiate with the provincial data bureau, the public security department and other departments for many times to establish a "one thing" service mechanism and an online and offline handling system for enterprise bankruptcy information verification, expand 8 departments and 9 matters specified in the State Council document to 12 departments, 13 matters and 39 types of information, and add enterprise bank accounts, securities accounts, trademark patents Information inquiry services such as overdue electricity charges. On the basis of the completion of the road cargo transport business license and the Road Transport License for ordinary road cargo transport vehicles as stipulated by the state, the Provincial Department of Transport added a new business road cargo transport driver license to achieve the goal from "two licenses issued at the same time" to "three licenses issued at the same time". The "One Thing" of enterprise information change undertaken by the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau has been piloted in four districts and cities, including Nanjing, Suzhou, Nantong and Yangzhou. In addition to the four innovation demonstration "One Thing", the other nine "One Thing" have also completed the scheme formulation and system design. At the same time, it actively plans to expand "one thing" in Jiangsu, and promote and implement the 13 "one things" as a whole.

The second is to build a unified provincial acceptance terminal. In order to reduce the development cost, shorten the development cycle, and reduce the burden of the grassroots, this time, we adhere to the provincial overall planning, and the provincial leading department will build the "one thing" receiving end. After receiving the application information, the receiving end will automatically distribute it to the relevant department system by the provincial digital government affairs center. The department will automatically feed back after handling in accordance with the regulations. The center will integrate the processing results, and the receiving end will feed back once to achieve event integration, form integration, and application integration, and promote the realization of the "one thing" whole process online processing.

The third is to innovate "the voice receiver enters the hall". The traditional 12345 hotline mainly adopts the service mode that operators accept calls from the masses in the hotline service hall. This time, we will take a step forward to promote the transformation of the 12345 hotline from an institution to a mechanism, shape a new form of the 12345 hotline, and arrange the 12345 hotline "Voice Answers in the Hall" throughout the province. At present, 12345 special seats are set up in the service window of the provincial government affairs service center to "efficiently accomplish one thing", and four voice receivers are linked with the chief representative and policy commissioner to provide business consulting and guidance services.

Fourth, create a question and answer session on the theme of "getting things done efficiently". The "hotline encyclopedia" is the first government information dictionary created by Jiangsu 12345 in China. The party and government departments of 7153 provinces, cities and counties regularly input 280000 pieces of government information, which is updated dynamically every day and released to the public. In order to facilitate enterprises and the masses to know the relevant policies and service processes of "efficiently accomplishing one thing", we have specially created a question and answer session on the theme of "efficiently accomplishing one thing" to further improve the effectiveness of publicity and work quality. At present, the 4 innovation demonstration "One Thing" has gathered 19 categories and 1115 Q&A pairs, which are available for enterprises and the masses to query at any time.

Fifth, promote the "integration of all sectors" of government services. "Small horses pulling big cars" is a prominent problem in current grass-roots governance. We adhere to the combination of provincial unified construction and service sink, innovate the "integrated" mode, encapsulate the "one thing" acceptance end developed at the provincial level as a standardized service application, embed it into the municipal government service platform, and grass-roots staff can directly handle "one thing" and more matters. By giving full play to the role of data and government departments, grassroots staff can feel the convenience of turning multiple systems into one system and logging into one platform to handle more matters, helping grassroots "ponies" become "small motors".

"Doing something efficiently" is a major reform to promote the upgrading of government services and build a service-oriented government that satisfies the people. Next, we will focus on the implementation of the work from three aspects. First, high-quality and high-level in-depth planning, strengthened overall planning and coordination, strengthened overall design, and improved the list management mechanism and normalization promotion mechanism of "efficiently accomplishing one thing". The second is to effectively implement 13 "one things", deepen and improve the quality of the four innovation demonstration "one things", and promote the other nine "one things" to strive for the first class and see the actual results; Promote more "one thing" construction and implementation with the "13+" model. Third, we should give better play to the role of "efficiently doing one thing" in grass-roots governance, combine "efficiently doing one thing" with deepening grass-roots governance, and promote "one platform" for high-frequency government affairs at the grass-roots level. thank you!

Xinhua reporter : Since last year, Wuxi, Yangzhou, Suqian and other places have introduced new policies and measures around the reform of the approval system of construction projects. What other measures have been taken in the whole province to improve the business environment?

Tang Hongbin (second-class inspector of Provincial Housing and Urban Rural Development Department) : Thank you for your attention to the reform of project approval. The reform of the approval system of construction projects is an important part of optimizing the business environment. Under the leadership of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, our department, together with 23 provincial departments, made arrangements, promoted and implemented reforms in 13 cities with districts, and made great efforts to promote reform in depth. After more than five years of efforts, we have made positive progress and achieved remarkable results. First, the approval items and materials were significantly simplified. The approval items of the whole process from project establishment to completion acceptance and public facilities access services were reduced by two-thirds, and the application materials were reduced by nearly half. Second, the approval time limit was significantly reduced. By optimizing and reengineering the approval process, all matters can be merged, and the whole process approval service time is controlled within 100 working days. Compared with 200 working days before the reform, the time limit compression rate is more than 50%. Third, the approval management system covering the whole process was basically completed. The approval management system of the mode of 1 (provincial system)+13 (district city system)+N (horizontal and vertical business collaboration) has been fully built and operated stably, and has achieved interconnection and full process online approval at the national, provincial, municipal, and county (city, district) levels. So far, 142181 projects have been approved online, and 563274 have been handled. The fourth is the overall formation of a unified system in the province. The province has formulated more than 800 rules and regulations, covering more than 20 reform initiatives, and a new project approval and management system has basically taken shape. Fifth, the satisfaction continued to improve. Through the reform, the service convenience and satisfaction have been steadily improved. 220000 satisfaction evaluations targeted at the approval of engineering construction projects have been conducted, and the rate of "satisfaction" has reached more than 99%. In the field of engineering construction approval, in recent years, we have focused on the following work:

First, promote the rapid commencement of projects with reform integration. In order to ensure the implementation of major projects, our province took the lead in establishing a working mechanism to strengthen the generation of early project planning and promote the implementation of "land acquisition and commencement". The government designated working departments or institutions take the lead in implementing the system of strengthening the generation of early project planning and project reserve by establishing a coordination mechanism between relevant departments and municipal public utilities, Determine all construction conditions and management and control requirements required before the commencement of the project, form a list of construction conditions, and uniformly deliver it to the construction unit. The construction unit is no longer required to separately apply to many government departments for approval services. Up to now, nearly 2000 major projects have been implemented in the province using this mechanism, and the preparation time before commencement has been shortened by nearly half a year on average.

The second is to promote efficient and streamlined approval through classified management. According to the principle of project classification management, the whole process approval items of low-risk projects were significantly reduced to 11 items, and a number of reform measures, such as standardized evaluation and review services, promoting "multiple tests in one" and joint acceptance, optimizing the installation application access of municipal public services, and improving relevant regulatory measures, were implemented simultaneously; Small and low-risk projects are approved by the notification and commitment system. After the enterprise makes a commitment to meet the commencement conditions, the relevant government departments can directly issue a certificate to start construction. Since the issuance of Several Measures on Simplifying the Approval of Plant and Storage Projects and Optimizing the Business Environment in April 2022, 642 low-risk projects across the province have applied the simple approval mechanism, and the whole process approval time has been significantly reduced to 15 working days; 186 small and low-risk projects use the notification and commitment system, and the approval time before commencement shall not exceed 4 working days.

The third is to promote the "efficient completion of one thing" by optimizing services. The mode of optimizing the application handling of seven municipal public installation reporting items, namely water supply, power supply, gas supply, heat supply, drainage, communication, and radio and television, is transformed from the mode of the construction unit applying separately, the municipal public unit and the approval department handling separately, to the mode of the construction unit putting forward demands, the municipal public service unit uniformly accepting, cooperating with the service, and the approval department approving in parallel. Small external pipelines implement "three zero" services of zero door-to-door, zero investment and zero approval, and constantly improve service efficiency and service convenience.

Next, we will strive to implement the new mission and new requirements of "going ahead and demonstrating", consolidate the existing reform achievements, focus on the difficulties and blockages, aim at continuously deepening reform and innovation, system integration reform measures, optimizing and improving system functions, and improving the comprehensive effect of reform, benchmark the domestic advanced level, and follow the national and provincial principle of "efficiently doing one thing" And new requirements for optimizing the business environment, and continue to deepen the reform of the approval system for construction projects. thank you!

Jiangsu Economic Daily reporter There are 43000 foreign-funded enterprises in Jiangsu, which is one of the regions with the closest and most active foreign investment. How do we support and serve foreign-funded enterprises? thank you!

Sun Jin (Deputy Director of Provincial Department of Commerce) : First of all, I would like to thank the reporter of Jiangsu Economic Daily for his questions. At the same time, I would also like to thank all media friends for their long-term attention, care and support to Jiangsu's foreign investment work. Jiangsu is a hot spot for foreign investment. First of all, the provincial party committee and government firmly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and attach great importance to foreign investment. At the same time, thanks to the concerted efforts of relevant provincial departments and local governments, a good business environment has been created for the development of foreign-funded enterprises in Jiangsu. With regard to supporting and serving the development of foreign-funded enterprises in Jiangsu, focusing on the work functions of the Provincial Department of Commerce, the following three aspects are mainly introduced:

First, improve the foreign investment laws, regulations and policy system, and consolidate the foundation of service guarantee. Last September, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress deliberated and passed the Regulations of Jiangsu Province on the Promotion and Protection of Foreign Investment, which is the fourth local regulation implementing the Foreign Investment Law in China. It clarifies the functions of governments at all levels in terms of investment promotion, investment protection, investment management and government services, so as to provide a good legal guarantee for foreign enterprise investment. At the same time, we have constantly improved the policy system to support the development of foreign-funded enterprises. At the beginning of the year, the provincial government issued Several Measures on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment, focusing on the expansion of quantity, stabilizing the stock and improving the quality, forming 28 specific measures in Jiangsu. In response to the concerns of foreign investors and foreign-funded enterprises, we will continue to improve and optimize the specific policies that foreign-funded enterprises care about, such as the import tax rebate policy for encouraged projects, the related policies to support the development of foreign-funded R&D centers, the deferred tax policy for reinvestment of profits of foreign-funded enterprises, and the related policies to establish regional headquarters and functional institutions of multinational companies in Jiangsu. By constantly increasing policy publicity and optimizing policy implementation, foreign-funded enterprises will continue to improve their awareness and sense of gain of these policies. For example, since its implementation in 2012, the headquarters policy of multinational corporations has been revised four times according to the reflection of foreign-funded enterprises and changes in objective conditions, constantly optimizing the identification standards and facilitation measures for regional headquarters of foreign-funded multinational corporations, and has been highly recognized by the majority of foreign-funded enterprises, especially multinational corporations.

The second is to strengthen factor guarantee and promote the implementation of foreign-funded projects. Give full play to the role of special class for key foreign-funded projects, regularly sort out the provincial key foreign-funded projects under construction, strengthen the linkage between the upper and lower levels and departmental coordination, and strive to solve various problems in the process of the implementation of foreign-funded projects. In 2023, the special work team will sort out 100 provincial key foreign-funded projects that are in line with the high-quality development orientation and have a strong leading role. With the support of the relevant provincial departments and local authorities, it will strengthen the guarantee in project land use, energy consumption, environmental assessment, financing and other aspects, and promote the early signing, early landing and early production of projects. At the same time, we will actively recommend qualified foreign-funded projects to be included in the list of national key foreign-funded projects. At present, there are 84 projects listed in the list of key foreign-funded projects of the Ministry of Commerce in Jiangsu, and 12 projects listed in the national landmark foreign-funded projects in the field of manufacturing, all of which rank first in the country.

Third, unblock the communication channels between government and enterprises, and respond to the demands of enterprises in a timely manner. Jiangsu governments at all levels have established regular communication and exchange mechanisms with foreign-funded enterprises. Last year, according to the requirements of the State Council, we further standardized the "round table conference" system for foreign-funded enterprises and strengthened the construction of the communication mechanism. The provincial government, relevant departments and local governments, according to the demands of foreign-funded enterprises, irregularly carried out face-to-face communication and exchanges with foreign-funded enterprises, listened to the opinions and suggestions of foreign-funded enterprises, and solved the difficulties reflected in a timely manner, achieving good results. Last year, the Provincial Department of Commerce took the lead in holding four roundtables for foreign-funded enterprises and seven "face-to-face meetings between foreign enterprises and departments". These activities provided effective policy information for foreign-funded enterprises and were recognized by foreign-funded enterprises.

There is no end to supporting and serving foreign-funded enterprises, just like the construction of business environment. In the future, we will work with relevant departments and local governments to continuously optimize the business environment and provide greater support for the development of foreign-funded enterprises in Jiangsu. Please continue to pay attention to and publicize the work of foreign investment in our province to further expand the demonstration effect. Thank you!

Reporter of Legal Daily : We learned from our interviews with enterprises that fair competition is the key to a good market environment. Please introduce what measures Jiangsu has taken to promote fair competition and help optimize the business environment? thank you!

Chen Qihong (Deputy Director of the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau) : Thank you for your questions. Fair competition is the internal requirement of market economy, the common aspiration of business entities, and an important indicator of business environment. In recent years, the market supervision department has focused on creating a first-class business environment, deeply promoted the implementation of fair competition policies, continuously strengthened competition supervision and law enforcement, and focused on creating a fair competitive market environment, making positive contributions to the high-quality economic development of the province.

First, continue to optimize the fair competition policy environment. We will fully implement the fair competition review system, and do a solid job in stock clearing and incremental review. In 2023, the province organized and sorted out 154000 policy documents involving economic activities of business entities, and 276 were revised and abolished after careful review. Through online monitoring, joint inspection and review and other means, we urged policy making organs to fulfill the responsibility of review subjects, and effectively prevented the introduction of policies and measures that violated fair competition. In conjunction with the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and other departments, the Opinions on Guaranteeing the Equal Participation of All Business Entities in Bidding Competition to Serve the Construction of a Unified National Market was issued, and efforts were made to create an institutional environment in which all business entities were treated equally.

Second, we will effectively maintain the market order of fair competition. Focus on medicine, public utilities, digital economy and other key areas of people's livelihood, carry out special anti-monopoly and anti unfair competition law enforcement for five consecutive years, and continue to purify the competitive ecology. Since 2019, the province has investigated and handled 10 monopoly cases such as monopoly agreements and abuse of market dominance, and more than 4000 cases of unfair competition such as false propaganda, infringement of trade secrets, and commercial bribery. Among them, the successful settlement of the case of infringement on the trade secret rights and interests of Kunshan and Jiangyin two foreign-funded enterprises has strengthened the investment confidence of foreign-funded enterprises and produced a good international impact.

Third, we should strive to create a strong atmosphere of fair competition. Strengthen the construction of the main position of competition propaganda, carry out the fair competition policy "into the organs, party schools, enterprises" activities, list the fair competition policy as an important training content, and strengthen the concept of fair competition of leading cadres. Compacting the main responsibility of enterprise competition and compliance, issuing the guidance list of enterprise related administrative compliance, conducting competition and compliance guidance for medicine, public utilities, industry associations and other fields, and helping enterprises improve their compliance management system. Promote the construction of fair competition culture, host the 10th International Forum on China's Fair Competition Policy, hold fair competition policy publicity week, enterprise trade secret protection ability improvement service month and other activities, advocate, protect and promote fair competition is increasingly becoming the government's name card, enterprises' consciousness and social consensus, and the concept of fair competition is more popular.

In the next step, the market supervision department will continue to coordinate and promote the anti-monopoly and anti unfair competition supervision and law enforcement, focus on maintaining the fair competition market order, and with the actual effect of high-quality competition supervision, help to create a market-oriented, legal, international and first-class business environment, and promote the high-quality economic and social development of our province. That's all I have to answer. Thank you!

Reporter of Jiangnan Times Not long ago, Jiangsu Provincial Taxation Bureau released the report on the construction of the rule of law government in 2023, introducing the work of "continuously optimizing the tax business environment". Please introduce the situation of optimizing the tax business environment in detail, and what will be considered in the next step, thank you!

Xu Xiangdong (Chief Accountant of Jiangsu Provincial Taxation Bureau of the State Administration of Taxation) : Thank you very much for your questions, and thank you all for your attention and support to the tax work. In recent years, Jiangsu Taxation has focused on the needs of business entities, and continued to introduce a series of optimization and improvement measures around the construction of market-oriented, legalized and international tax business environment, to create a good tax business environment for the high-quality development of the province.

First, we will implement tax and fee reduction policies to stimulate the vitality of business entities. Reducing taxes and fees is the basic trend of fiscal and tax policies in recent years. In 2022, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council will deploy and implement the new combined tax and fee support policy of "large-scale tax rebate+tax reduction and fee reduction+tax and fee postponement"; In 2023, we will deploy and implement a series of continuous, optimized and improved preferential tax policies to further stabilize market expectations, boost market confidence and stimulate market vitality. Recently, in order to thoroughly implement the major decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on promoting large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade in, the State Administration of Taxation issued an announcement to clarify the specific measures and operating methods of "reverse invoicing" of resource recovery enterprises to sellers of scrapped products from natural persons, Create a good tax environment for the accelerated development of the whole industry chain of the resource recycling industry, and help improve the quality and level of the national economic cycle. Jiangsu Taxation resolutely implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and implemented various tax support policies. In 2022, the new tax cuts and fees, tax rebates and tax postponements were 477.198 billion yuan, and in 2023, the new tax cuts and fees, tax rebates and tax postponements were 218.5 billion yuan. We will continue to improve the mechanism of direct access to tax preferential policies, carry out diversified publicity and guidance, and rely on tax big data to achieve "policy search". Since 2023, 34700 batches of tax policies have been precisely pushed through multiple channels. 3.48 million tax and fee reduction bonus bills were sent to large and medium-sized enterprises, "specialized, special and new" and other enterprises, further enhancing the sense of operating entities to obtain policy dividends.

The second is to steadily implement the reform of electronic invoice and promote the digital transformation of the economy and society. Promote comprehensive digital electronic invoices, and automatically give taxpayers the total amount of invoices through the "quota system" to achieve "zero lead" invoicing; Taxpayers can issue, deliver and check invoices by logging on the electronic invoice service platform, and enjoy the "one-stop" service; Cooperate with finance, commerce, archives and other departments to promote the integration of electronic invoice reimbursement, entry and filing, and realize the digital flow of the whole process of "digital and electronic invoice". Promote the Leju service platform with open rules and unified standards, create a data interconnection channel with "digital ticketing" as the core, and promote the integration of enterprise business, finance and tax. At present, the promotion coverage rate of "digital ticketing" in the province is over 96%, further helping the digital transformation of business entities and reducing institutional transaction costs.

Third, digital empowerment accelerates the intelligent handling of taxes and fees, and promotes the improvement of government service efficiency. Expand the scope of non-contact handling matters, optimize functions such as intelligent pre filling and automatic tax calculation of tax declaration, enrich online tax service scenarios, and achieve more than 99% online handling of tax declaration and more than 98% non-contact handling of tax matters. On the basis of 148 offline provincial and regional tax affairs in 2023, relying on the interactive service of collection and payment, comprehensively upgrade the cross regional scenarios. In addition to specifying the matters with risk management requirements, other tax affairs can be handled through the "remote virtual window" of the tax service office. Since 2023, 360000 tax businesses have been transacted across regions, further saving the time and cost of business entities.

Next, Jiangsu Taxation will continue to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, implement the work requirements of the provincial party committee and government, focus on supporting scientific and technological innovation and the development of the manufacturing industry, implement structural tax and fee reduction policies, better play the role of taxation, and help accelerate the development of Jiangsu's new quality productivity. Focusing on "doing one thing efficiently", we will take the opportunity of comprehensively promoting the online nationwide unified and standardized electronic tax bureaus to provide more integrated and intelligent tax services for business entities and promote the continuous optimization of business environment in Jiangsu. thank you!

Wei Yun (Chief of the News Coordination Division of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government) : Friends of the press, due to the time limit, today's press conference is here. Please continue to pay attention to the relevant measures and results of optimizing the business environment in our province. Thank you!

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