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The Yangtze River Delta Railway will break through 1 million TEUs in 2024
Time: 07:30, May 21, 2024 Source: Vision Jiangsu Font:[ large in Small ]

On May 19, Hai'an Freight Station of China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group was carrying containers. China Railway Shanghai Bureau Group Co., Ltd. announced that as of May 18, the Yangtze River Delta Railway had completed sea rail intermodal transportation of 1.06 million TEUs this year, 24 days earlier than last year, with a year-on-year growth of more than 20%.

It is reported that as a "ferry bridge" connecting the lower reaches of the Yangtze River with Shanghai Port and Ningbo Port, the sea rail intermodal train has become an important logistics channel to ensure foreign trade, and is favored by export-oriented enterprises due to its strong transportation capacity, preferential transportation prices and other characteristics. Photographed by Xu Congjun

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