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title Consultation on when to include assisted reproduction items in medical insurance reimbursement
Submission date 2024-04-30 16:25:13

Letter asking when Jiangsu Province will include assisted reproduction (IVF) project in medical insurance reimbursement.

Acceptance reply
Reply date 2024-05-06 16:25:13
Reply unit Jiangsu Medical Security Bureau
Reply content


The provincial medical insurance department attaches great importance to the national active fertility policy and accelerates the inclusion of assisted reproduction projects into medical insurance payment. In the early stage, according to the requirements of the national Guidelines for Establishing Price Projects of Assisted Reproductive Medical Services (Trial), the integration and standardization of existing assisted reproductive projects have been completed. Next, we will formally implement the integrated new assisted reproduction projects, link and improve the medical insurance payment policy, include eligible assisted reproduction projects into the medical insurance payment scope, reasonably determine the reimbursement treatment of patients, and reduce the burden of patients' expenses.