Jiangsu Provincial Department of Water Resources Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance
Notice on Measures for the Management of Flood and Drought Prevention Material Reserves
Issued on: April 19, 2024 11:03 Source: General Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government Font:[ large in Small ]

Su Shui Gui [2024] No. 1

Water Conservancy (Affairs) Bureaus, Finance Bureaus and relevant provincial units of cities divided into districts, counties (cities):

In order to further standardize the management of provincial-level flood and drought disaster prevention materials reserve and effectively guarantee the needs of flood relief and drought relief, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the Measures for the Management of Water Resources Development Funds in Jiangsu Province (SCG [2023] No. 13), combined with the actual situation of Jiangsu Province, the revised Measures for the Management of Jiangsu Provincial Flood and Drought Disaster Prevention Materials Reserve is hereby printed and distributed to you, Please follow.  

Appendix: Jiangsu Provincial Measures for the Management of Materials Reserve for Flood and Drought Prevention


Jiangsu Provincial Water Resources Department

Jiangsu Provincial Department of Finance

March 20, 2024


Measures of Jiangsu Province on the Management of Provincial Material Reserve for Flood and Drought Prevention


general provisions

Article 1 In order to standardize and strengthen the management of flood and drought prevention materials at the provincial level, and effectively guarantee the needs of flood fighting and disaster relief, according to the Flood Control Law of the People's Republic of China, Flood Control Regulations of the People's Republic of China, Drought Resistance Regulations of the People's Republic of China, Flood Control Regulations of Jiangsu Province and other laws and regulations, and the Measures for the Management of Water Resources Development Funds of Jiangsu Province, The Measures are formulated in combination with the actual situation of our province.

Article 2 The provincial flood and drought prevention materials (hereinafter referred to as "provincial materials") mentioned in these Measures refer to the funds allocated by the provincial finance, which are purchased, reserved, managed and allocated by the Provincial Water Resources Department, and are mainly used for the emergency rescue of river and lake embankments and their crossing structures, large and medium-sized culvert gates, pumping stations, reservoirs, dams and other projects, We will support areas suffering from major floods and droughts to carry out flood relief, drought relief and disaster reduction, guide, train and drill provincial flood and drought disaster prevention, and participate in the relief of people threatened by floods and droughts and other emergency materials.

Article 3 The management of provincial material reserve shall adhere to the principle of "quota reserve, professional management, unified allocation, and guarantee of urgent needs".

Chapter II Reserve Type, Variety and Mode

Article 4 The provincial material reserve shall follow the principle of overall consideration for flood control and drought relief, and its variety and quantity shall be determined by the Provincial Water Resources Department according to the needs of flood and drought disaster prevention in the whole province under the guidance of the Regulations on the Preparation of Flood Control Material Reserve Quota (SL298-2004) of the Ministry of Water Resources.

Article 5 The provincial-level materials are divided into three categories: defense materials, defense equipment and supporting equipment. The varieties are stored on the basis of the varieties of materials determined in the classified list of Jiangsu Province's flood and drought prevention materials reserves and in combination with the actual work.

(1) Defense materials mainly include:

1. Bags: straw bags, woven bags, gunny bags, geotextile bags, expansion bags, integrated bags (ton bags), sand filled mold bags, etc;

2. Geotextiles: woven fabric, geotextile, geomembrane, inverted filter pad, flood discharge filter pad, etc;

3. Piles: pile timber, steel pipe pile, steel sheet pile (modified plastic sheet pile), steel pipe, etc;

4. Metal wire and its products: lead wire cage, lead wire mesh, steel wire mesh pocket, reinforcement cage, etc;

5. Sand and stone: block stone, concrete precast block, ecological solidified stone (block), yellow sand, crushed stone, etc;

6. Water retaining type: prefabricated shaft enclosure, prefabricated flood prevention sub dyke interlocking bag, rubber sub dyke, prefabricated water retaining plate (sub dyke), water injection emergency flood control box, etc;

7. Life saving: life jacket, life buoy, life rope, rescue pole, throwing device, water rescue robot (water rescue flying wing), etc;

8. Support: tents, rain gear, folding beds, life bags, etc;

9. Patrol assistance: shovel, shovel, pick, warning flag, warning tape, patrol security package, etc.

(2) Defense equipment mainly includes:

1. Command and communication: emergency command vehicle, communication support vehicle, command tent, emergency communication equipment, etc;

2. Observation and measurement: water area survey vehicle, underwater exploration robot, unmanned survey ship (with sounding instrument and side scan sonar), unmanned aerial vehicle (with aerial photography and measurement equipment), dike piping leakage detector, total station, current meter, etc;

3. Power and lighting: gasoline and diesel generator sets (vehicles), charging shelters, motors, portable lights, flood lights, lighthouses, emergency lighting vehicles, tethered lighting drones, cables, etc;

4. Underwater rescue: diving equipment, underwater cutting and welding equipment, etc;

5. Water rescue: pile planter, riprap, sand and gravel bagger, pile driving boat (steel pontoon combination platform for water operation), etc;

6. Drainage: submersible pump, diesel engine pump (including diesel generator), mobile pump truck, floating crawler mobile pump station, etc;

7. Boats: rubber boats, assault boats, hang boats, hovercraft, etc;

8. Pumping: submersible pump, deep well pump, etc;

9. Water supply: water supply and drainage equipment, water geophysical prospecting equipment, well drilling (washing) equipment, water cart, water purifier, water storage tank (bag), water-saving equipment, water transmission pipeline, etc.

(3) Supporting equipment mainly includes:

Field life support vehicles, field rescue cooking vehicles and other support vehicles, as well as tractor, transport vehicle, dump truck, amphibious vehicle, forklift, crane, excavator, bulldozer, loader and other tool vehicles.

Provincial material reserves should focus on the promotion and application of new technologies and new products. According to the development of flood control and drought relief technology, timely increase the reserves of new materials and equipment for flood control and drought relief, and improve the practicality of provincial-level materials and technology.

Article 6 Provincial materials belong to special reserve materials, which must be "special materials for special use". Without the approval of the Provincial Water Resources Department, no unit or individual may use it.

Article 7 The provincial material reserve adopts three ways: direct reserve, entrusted reserve and agreement reserve. For direct reserve, the units under the Provincial Water Resources Department (hereinafter referred to as "direct storage units") are responsible for the daily management of provincial materials; The entrusted reserve shall be entrusted by the Provincial Water Resources Department to the municipal and county water administrative departments (hereinafter referred to as the "entrusted reserve units") to be responsible for the daily management of provincial materials; Agreed reserve refers to the way in which the provincial water conservancy department signs an agreement with the material manufacturer or dealer (hereinafter referred to as the "agreement unit") to agree on the annual agreed amount. The materials within the agreed amount will not be purchased, but the manufacturer or dealer should ensure that they can be transferred out at any time. In case of emergency, they should first transfer and then settle accounts.

Chapter III Management Responsibilities

Article 8 The Provincial Department of Finance is responsible for arranging the supervision and administration of the provincial material purchase fees, storage fees and the use of funds.

Article 9 The Provincial Water Resources Department is responsible for the purchase, storage, management and allocation of provincial materials, and its specific responsibilities are as follows:

(1) Formulate reserve management system, provide business guidance to reserve units, and supervise the implementation of various management systems;

(2) Organize the purchase and warehousing acceptance of provincial materials;

(3) Regularly check the storage and maintenance of provincial materials;

(4) Supervise the reserve units to manage and use the storage fees as required, and regularly check the use of the storage fees;

(5) Be responsible for the transfer, supplement, return and verification of provincial materials;

(6) Be responsible for reporting the provincial material reserves to the Provincial Finance Department.

Article 10 The responsibilities of the reserve units are as follows:

(1) Participate in the warehousing acceptance of provincial materials, and be responsible for the inventory, inspection, receipt and warehousing of materials;

(2) Be responsible for the daily management of materials, classify and store materials in different areas according to their different characteristics and storage requirements, strengthen management, and ensure that materials are in good condition;

(3) Strictly implement the dispatching instructions and be responsible for the emergency dispatching of provincial materials;

(4) The direct storage company and the entrusted storage company shall establish a material account, regularly check and count the physical assets of materials, and ensure that the account is consistent with the reality;

(5) Direct storage units and entrusted storage units shall regularly report provincial material reserves to the Provincial Water Resources Department.

Chapter IV Purchase of Reserves

Article 11 The Provincial Water Resources Department shall, according to the needs of flood and drought prevention, propose a plan for the purchase of materials at the provincial level and organize the purchase in the next year.

Article 12 In order to ensure the purchase quality, the Provincial Water Resources Department may entrust a third party to supervise the quality of the whole process of material purchase. According to the requirements of the purchase contract and the national (or industry) mandatory quality standards, professional organizations with inspection (testing) qualifications can be entrusted to inspect and test the performance, quality and other aspects of the purchased materials.

Article 13 The acceptance of provincial materials shall be carried out in accordance with the Acceptance Standards for Flood Control Reserve Materials, the Acceptance Standards for Drought Resistance Reserve Materials and relevant provincial regulations, bidding documents and bidding documents.

Direct storage units and entrusted storage units shall organize the preliminary inspection of provincial materials (including material variety, specification, quantity, packaging, production date, ex factory certificate, etc.). Those qualified in the preliminary inspection shall go through the warehousing procedures, and those unqualified in the inspection shall not be warehoused. The Provincial Water Resources Department shall organize spot check and recheck according to the preliminary inspection report, quality inspection report, etc., fill in the warehousing acceptance form after the acceptance is qualified, and settle with the warehousing acceptance form (see Table 1 for the style of warehousing acceptance form).

Each batch (piece) of materials shall be equipped with a clear identification plate, indicating the product name, number (ship number), quantity, quality, production date and warehousing time, so as to ensure that the physical objects, labels and accounts are consistent. And regularly check with the financial account (refer to Table 2 for the style of signboard).

Article 14 Direct storage units and entrusted storage units shall carry out material registration, management, use, inventory, disposal, reporting and other work in strict accordance with the requirements of administrative and institutional state-owned assets management regulations, and conduct accounting in accordance with the provisions of the Government Accounting Standards No. 6 - Government Reserve Materials (CK [2017] No. 23).

Chapter V Storage

Article 15 The provincial direct material storage units shall carry out the standardization construction of material reserve management. Provincial materials shall be stored in different areas and managed by special personnel. Direct storage units and entrusted storage units shall establish and improve post responsibility system, duty patrol system, acceptance and distribution system, maintenance system, fire safety system, material account system and management file system. The interior of the warehouse is clean and tidy, and the passageway is unobstructed. It has good ventilation, moisture-proof, light proof, heat preservation, fire prevention, anti-theft, rat proof, insect proof and other conditions. It is equipped with forklifts, cranes, video surveillance, lightning protection, fire protection and other facilities and equipment. The material signs are obvious and stacked neatly.

Article 16 The provincial material reserve warehouse shall meet the requirements of specialization and standardization, its storage area, overall functions, supporting equipment and facilities and other aspects can meet the needs of material reserve, and implement various storage and safety measures.

Article 17 Direct storage units and entrusted storage units shall be staffed with sufficient management personnel, implement the management system, regularly maintain storage facilities and equipment, regularly carry out provincial material maintenance, and ensure the safety of storage facilities and good material performance.

Article 18 Direct storage units and entrusted storage units shall, in accordance with the principle of combining peacetime and wartime, strengthen the training of material use skills at the provincial level. Organize the preparation of dispatching plans and carry out dispatching drills. In addition to maintenance and skill training, the use of provincial materials shall be reported to the Provincial Water Resources Department for approval.

Article 19 Direct storage units and entrusted storage units shall inspect provincial materials before the flood season every year, carry out regular maintenance as required, fill in maintenance files and work logs, and record the maintenance in detail, so that the materials are always in good condition and can be used at any time. The inspection results and maintenance of provincial materials shall be reported to the Provincial Water Resources Department in writing at the end of April every year.

Article 20 The direct storage unit and the entrusted storage unit shall check the inventory of materials (including block stone materials) and accounts after the flood season every year. The direct storage unit and the entrusted storage unit shall establish an inventory system of materials in stock, and the inventory results shall be reported to the Provincial Water Resources Department in writing at the end of November each year.

The damage and materials that need to be scrapped found in the inventory shall be found out the reason and handled after being reported for approval according to the regulations.

Article 21 Strictly manage the warehousing and delivery of materials at the provincial level. Ex warehouse includes transfer and transfer ex warehouse, and ex warehouse shall go through formalities according to dispatching instructions. Warehousing includes the warehousing of materials purchased, the warehousing of transferred materials, and the warehousing of donated materials, which shall be checked and accepted before warehousing.

The Provincial Water Resources Department shall organize the direct storage unit or the entrusted storage unit to transfer the materials to the warehouse, check and count the returned materials, and go through the warehousing procedures after the acceptance. The unqualified materials shall not be warehoused.

Article 22 Direct storage units and entrusted storage units shall strictly implement the laws and regulations of production safety, implement the responsibility system of production safety, establish and improve the dual prevention system of production safety, standardize daily management, pay close attention to production safety, and eliminate production safety accidents.

Chapter VI Material Transfer

Article 23 The Provincial Water Resources Department is responsible for the dispatch and use of materials at the provincial level.

Article 24 After the occurrence of flood and drought disasters, cities divided into districts and counties (cities and districts) shall first use the materials stored at the same level; If it is necessary to transfer provincial materials due to serious floods and droughts and in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, it shall apply to the Provincial Water Resources Department or the Provincial Prevention Office level by level, and transfer after approval.

Article 25 Provincial material transfer procedure:

Call request. The city divided into districts, county (city, district) defense indicators (defense offices) or water administrative departments shall submit written applications level by level, and the relevant departments (units) directly under the provincial government shall submit written applications. If the situation is urgent, you can apply for approval by phone first and then fill in the formalities. The application contents include the purpose, product name, quantity, destination and time requirements of the materials to be used.

Call approval. The Provincial Water Resources Department coordinates the flood and drought disaster prevention requirements of the province, makes written approval, and issues dispatching instructions. The dispatching instruction shall specify the purpose, product name, quantity, destination, receiving unit, contact person, contact number, etc. of the transferred materials.

Material call. After receiving the dispatching instruction, the direct storage unit, the entrusted storage unit or the agreement unit shall immediately organize the shipment, specify the transportation mode and escort personnel, and safely and quickly transport the materials to the designated place. The handover parties shall count, inspect and transfer the materials, handle the written handover procedures (see Table 3 for the format), and feed back the dispatching situation to the dispatching unit.

Article 26 The allocation and transportation costs (including loading and unloading, transportation, bridge and road crossing, transportation insurance, etc.) incurred in the transfer of provincial materials shall be paid by the reserve unit in advance and arranged by the Provincial Water Resources Department in the material storage fees of the next year.

Article 27 The applicant unit shall do a good job in receiving materials at the provincial level. Unused or recyclable materials and equipment shall be recovered by the applicant and returned to the direct storage unit or entrusted storage unit for repair and maintenance before storage. The direct storage unit or entrusted storage unit shall apply to the Provincial Water Resources Department for verification and cancellation of the consumed materials and materials that cannot be recycled.

Article 28 For materials that can be applied for write off in accordance with the provisions of Article 27, as well as materials that fail to meet the requirements after testing due to the expiration of the reserve period or are scrapped due to non man-made damage, the disposal procedures shall be applied for in a timely manner, and they shall not be written off without approval.

For provincial materials that fail to meet the requirements after testing due to the expiration of the storage period or are scrapped due to non-human damage, the direct storage unit or the entrusted storage unit shall organize to carry out material inventory, and report to the Provincial Water Resources Department, explaining the reasons and specific handling suggestions. The Provincial Water Resources Department shall go through the approval and scrapping procedures in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Measures for the Administration of State owned Assets of Administrative Institutions in Jiangsu Province (Order No. 162 of the People's Government of Jiangsu Province) and the Operating Procedures for the Disposal of State owned Assets of Provincial Administrative Institutions in Jiangsu Province (SCZ [2012] No. 26).

For the materials applied for scrapping, an appraisal institution with asset appraisal qualification shall be entrusted to conduct asset appraisal, provide relevant information and materials to the asset appraisal institution truthfully, and be responsible for the objectivity, authenticity and legality of the information and materials provided. After the asset appraisal report is issued by the asset appraisal institution, the applicant shall submit it to the Provincial Water Resources Department together with the application documents.

The residual value income from the disposal of scrapped materials at the provincial level shall be turned over to the provincial finance.

Article 29 The Provincial Water Resources Department shall regularly organize the inventory and reconciliation of provincial materials. In case of material inventory gain or loss, it shall be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the financial, accounting and asset management systems.

Article 30 For the provincial materials approved by the provincial water conservancy department for allocation, the direct storage unit and the entrusted storage unit shall go through the asset transfer procedures in accordance with the regulations.

Chapter VII Fund Management

Article 31 Provincial material funds are divided into material purchase fees and storage fees.

The purchase cost refers to the material purchase funds arranged year by year according to the provincial flood and drought disaster prevention material reserve system and reserve plan, as well as the funds needed to supplement and update the approved scrapped, written off or allocated materials.

The storage fee includes storage fees (only for the entrusted storage company and the agreement company), daily maintenance, inspection and testing, commissioning and operation, training and training, material insurance, temporary labor costs, etc.

Article 32 The provincial material funds shall be arranged in the provincial water conservancy development funds. The provincial material funds shall be used for their own purposes and shall not be used for other purposes.

Article 33 For the budget application of provincial material funds, the provincial water conservancy department shall, according to the provincial material reserve system, determine the reserve scale, allocation and use of the reserve materials in the current year, scrap consumption, and the demand for new technology and new equipment materials, study and propose the provincial material reserve purchase plan for the next year, and submit it to the provincial financial department for arrangement and distribution according to procedures.

In case of major floods and droughts that require additional emergency material reserves, the Provincial Water Resources Department and the Provincial Department of Finance shall formulate an emergency purchase plan, and the Provincial Department of Finance shall submit it for approval according to the procedures.

Article 34 The funds for supplement and renewal of provincial materials damaged due to poor management or human factors shall be borne by the corresponding direct storage unit or entrusted storage unit.

Article 35 The annual storage fee of provincial materials shall be calculated at 8% of the value of materials (2 yuan/ton for flood control rubble, 3.2 yuan/m3 for concrete precast blocks, ecological solidified stones and other rubble substitutes). The Provincial Department of Water Resources can consider the actual management of the reserve units as a whole and determine the specific standards of each reserve unit when the above standards are not exceeded.

Article 36 Direct storage units and entrusted storage units shall strengthen the use and management of material storage fees. Before the end of January of the next year, report the use of the provincial material storage fees of the previous year to the Provincial Water Resources Department.

Chapter VIII Accountability

Article 37 If a reserve unit violates these Provisions and commits one of the following acts, it shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant national laws, regulations and system provisions. If it violates the law, it shall be investigated for relevant legal liabilities according to law:

(1) Refusing to implement the provincial warehousing and ex warehouse instructions and relevant management regulations;

(2) Unauthorized use of provincial reserve materials or change of storage location without approval;

(3) Falsely reporting or concealing the quantity of provincial reserve materials;

(4) Lack of provincial materials and obvious decline in quality due to poor management;

(5) Refusing, obstructing or interfering with the supervision and inspection personnel to perform their duties according to law, causing serious consequences;

(6) Other violations of relevant management systems and regulations cause material losses.

Article 38 The management of provincial material reserves shall consciously accept the audit and the supervision and inspection of relevant departments. Any unit or individual that defrauds, intercepts, misappropriates or misappropriates provincial financial funds in the management and supervision of provincial material reserves shall be investigated and punished in accordance with the Regulations on the Punishment and Punishment of Illegal Financial Acts and other provisions.

Article 39 Any staff member of the relevant administrative department who neglects his duty, abuses his power or engages in malpractices for personal gain in the management and supervision of provincial material reserves shall be given administrative sanctions according to law; If it is suspected of committing a crime, it shall be transferred to the judicial organ for handling according to law.

Chapter IX Supplementary Provisions

Article 40 The Provincial Department of Water Resources and the Provincial Department of Finance shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Measures.

Article 41 These Measures shall come into force as of April 20, 2024, and shall be valid for five years. The Measures of Jiangsu Province for the Management of Provincial Flood Control and Drought Relief Material Reserves (SCG [2012] No. 18) shall be repealed at the same time.

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