General Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government on Printing and Distributing Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award
Notice on Management Measures for Application and Selection
Date of issue: 2024-04-19 10:46 Source: General Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government Font:[ large in Small ]

SZBF [2024] No. 12


To the people's governments of cities, counties (cities, districts), provincial commissions, offices, departments and bureaus, and provincial units directly under:

The Administrative Measures for the Application and Selection of Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award has been approved by the provincial people's government and is now printed and distributed to you. Please organize the implementation carefully.  


General Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government

March 14, 2024

Administrative Measures for Application and Selection of Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award


In order to further strengthen the guidance on the construction of human settlements in Jiangsu Province and standardize the application and selection management of human settlements awards, the Measures are formulated in accordance with the requirements of the Notice of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development on Printing and Distributing the Administrative Measures for the Application and Selection of China Human Settlements Awards (JC [2022] No. 12) and in combination with the actual situation of our province.

1、 General

(1) The Measures are applicable to the application, selection, dynamic management and review of Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award.

Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award includes two categories: Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (comprehensive) and Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (example). The "Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Comprehensive)", named by the provincial people's government, will be awarded to the cities and counties (cities) with districts that have made outstanding achievements in improving the living environment. The "Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Example)" will be awarded to projects with important demonstration value in the field of improving the human settlements environment. The Provincial People's Government will authorize the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development to name them. The "Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Example) Application and Selection Management Measures" and "Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Comprehensive) Selection Criteria" will be formulated and released by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development.

(2) The application and selection management of Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award follows the principles of voluntary application, classified selection, dynamic management and regular review.

(3) The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development is specifically responsible for the application, selection and management of Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award.

2、 Applicant

The main applicant of Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Comprehensive) is the people's government of cities and counties (cities) divided into districts. The selection area covers the urban (county) built-up area.

3、 Declaration conditions

No major safety, pollution, ecological environment damage, historical and cultural resources damage and other incidents have occurred in the last two years (the year of application and the natural year of the previous year, the same below) of the cities and counties (cities) that apply for district division, no destructive "construction" behaviors that seriously violate the laws of urban development have occurred, and no criticism has been circulated by the people's governments at or above the provincial level, housing and urban and rural construction authorities, And meet the following requirements.

(1) Conform to the requirements of Selection Criteria for Jiangsu Human Settlements Award (Comprehensive);

(2) The provincial ecological garden city was named;

(3) Prepare relevant plans for human settlements and organize their implementation;

(4) A relatively complete urban infrastructure archive has been established;

(5) The urban operation management service platform has been built;

(6) It has been named as China Habitat Environment Award (example), National Garden City, National Water saving City, National Barrier free Construction City, National Demonstration City/County of Ecological Civilization Construction, Green Travel Creation Assessment Standard City, National Model City of Healthy City Construction, National Model City of Safe Development, and Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (example) Provincial city management demonstration city (county), provincial safe development demonstration city, etc., can be given special points when applying for Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (comprehensive), and priority will be given under the same conditions.

4、 Application procedure and selection time

(1) The selection of Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Comprehensive) is carried out every two years, with odd years as the application year and even years as the selection year.

(2) When applying for the Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Comprehensive), the people's government of the city and county (city) divided into districts shall organize relevant departments to conduct self-evaluation against the Selection Criteria for Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Comprehensive). If the self-evaluation basic index score reaches 80 points (inclusive) or more and the new index score of Jiangsu reaches 24 points (inclusive) or more, the city, county (city) divided into districts shall The people's government applies to the provincial people's government for declaration.

(3) The people's governments of cities and counties (cities) divided into districts shall submit the application materials for Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (comprehensive) to the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development before December 31 of the application year. The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development accepted the application materials and completed the selection of Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (comprehensive) before December 31 of the selection year.

5、 Application materials

The applicant submits materials to the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development in a combination of online and offline methods. The application materials shall be true, accurate, concise and to the point, the source and statistical caliber of the supporting materials for each indicator shall be clear, and the relevant data and forms shall be filled in in a standardized manner.

(1) Overview of the city and county (city) divided into districts, including the schematic map of the selection area;

(2) Create work organization and implementation plan, create work summary, and introduce the declaration content (about 3000 words);

(3) Materials reflecting the basic requirements of declaration;

(4) Urban physical examination report or self examination report specified in relevant documents of China Habitat Environment Award;

(5) Self assessment results of Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (comprehensive) and relevant basis data;

(6) Images (within 5 minutes) or pictures reflecting the creation work and results;

(7) Other materials that can reflect the achievements and characteristics of the applied awards;

(8) There shall be no less than 4 demonstration projects that can reflect the characteristics of local human settlements. The projects shall fall into different categories of 8 categories, including ecological livability, health and comfort, safety and resilience, convenient transportation, style and features, tidiness and order, diversity and inclusiveness, and innovation and vitality.

6、 Selection organization management

(1) The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development is responsible for organizing relevant departments and experts to carry out specific work such as preliminary review, social satisfaction survey, on-site evaluation and comprehensive evaluation.

(2) The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development shall establish a selection expert database, and select experts and relevant personnel according to the annual declaration. Experts who follow the principle of avoidance and provide technical guidance services for the applicant shall not participate in the selection of the application place.

(3) If the applicant conducts fraud in the application materials or selection process, the applicant's qualification for the current year will be cancelled.

(4) In the process of application and selection, "face projects", "image projects" and "achievements projects" that are divorced from reality, extravagant and wasteful, and waste money are strictly prohibited.

7、 Selection procedure

(1) Pre examination.

The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development shall organize the preliminary review of the application materials, and form preliminary review opinions in combination with the site survey when necessary.

(2) Social satisfaction survey.

Social satisfaction survey shall be conducted in the selection of Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (comprehensive). The third party survey agency will carry out a survey on the satisfaction of local residents with the construction of urban residential environment. The social satisfaction survey results serve as an important reference for selection.

(3) On site evaluation.

The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development will determine the list of on-site evaluation suggestions according to the preliminary review comments and social satisfaction survey results. The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development organizes on-site evaluation of the applicant city, and forms on-site evaluation opinions by listening to reports, checking account data, checking the scene, and listening to the opinions of relevant parties.

(4) Comprehensive review.

The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development organized a comprehensive review to determine the list of recommendations for Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (comprehensive).

(5) Publicity and naming.

The list of recommendations approved by the comprehensive review is publicized on the portal website of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development for 10 working days. If there is no objection to the publicity, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development shall report to the provincial people's government to award the "Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Comprehensive)" and name it.

8、 Dynamic management and review

The term of validity of the naming of Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Comprehensive) is 5 years.

(1) The people's government of a city or county (city) divided into districts that has won the Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Comprehensive) shall apply to the provincial people's government for reexamination and submit a self-assessment report one year before the expiration of the validity period. If no review is applied for, the title will not be retained. The review shall be carried out in accordance with the current selection methods and standards.

(2) The cities, counties (cities) divided into districts that have passed the reexamination shall continue to retain their award-winning titles; Those who fail to pass the reexamination and whose rectification is not in place within one year will be disqualified. In case of major safety, pollution, destruction of ecological environment, destruction of historical and cultural resources and other events during the title retention period, and destructive "construction" behaviors that seriously violate the laws of urban development, the award winner will be notified to correct or even be canceled. The cities, counties (cities) divided into districts that have been cancelled the Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (comprehensive) shall not participate in the application and selection of the next application year.

If fraud is found in the review process of a city or county (city) divided into districts, the application for the next annual Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Comprehensive) will be suspended.

(3) For cities that have won the title of "China Habitat Environment Award" and Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (comprehensive), dynamic management and review shall be carried out in accordance with the Administrative Measures for Application and Selection of China Habitat Environment Award.

(4) Establish a preliminary list system of applicants. The competent departments of housing and urban and rural construction in cities divided into districts can submit the list of cities and counties (cities) divided into districts that are preparing to apply for the Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (comprehensive) to the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development as the list of preliminary catalogue, and strengthen guidance to improve the quality and demonstration of the application. The application for Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (comprehensive) shall be preferred from the list of preliminary catalogues.

(5) The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development recommends the application of the "China Habitat Environment Award (Comprehensive)" and the "UN Habitat Award" from the list of winners of the "Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Comprehensive)".

9、 Supplementary Provisions

(1) These Measures shall be interpreted by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development.

(2) The Measures shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation, and the Notice of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government on Printing and Distributing the Application and Selection Measures for Jiangsu Habitat Environment Award (Revised) (SZBF [2011] No. 10) shall be repealed at the same time.

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