Index number: 014000319/2024-00090 Classification: Government Office (Office) Document Market Supervision and Work Safety Supervision Notice
Issued by: General Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government Date of issue: 2024-04-08
Title: Notice of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government on Printing and Distributing Jiangsu Province's Emergency Plan for Typhoon Prevention Subject words:
Document No.: SZBH [2024] No. 32
Content overview: Notice of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government on Printing and Distributing Jiangsu Province's Emergency Plan for Typhoon Prevention

General Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government

Notice of emergency plan for typhoon prevention

(SZBH [2024] No. 32)


To the people's governments of cities, counties (cities, districts), provincial commissions, offices, departments and bureaus, and provincial units directly under:

With the consent of the provincial people's government, the revised Emergency Plan for Typhoon Prevention in Jiangsu Province is now printed and distributed to you. Please organize the implementation carefully. The Notice of the General Office of the Provincial People's Government on Printing and Distributing Jiangsu Province's Emergency Plan for Typhoon Prevention (SZBH [2020] No. 13) issued on January 17, 2020 shall be repealed at the same time.  


General Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government

April 8, 2024

(This document is publicly released)

Jiangsu Province's Emergency Plan for Typhoon Prevention


1 General

1.1 Preparation purpose

1.2 Preparation basis

1.3 Scope of application

1.4 Working principles

2 Organization and command system and responsibilities

2.1 Command organization

2.2 Responsibilities

2.3 Working group

2.4 Office

2.5 Local government organization for typhoon prevention

2.6 Grass roots organization for typhoon prevention

3 Monitoring, forecasting, early warning and prevention

3.1 Monitoring and forecasting

3.2 Early warning and response

3.3 Prevention

4 Emergency response

4.1 Emergency response level and starting conditions

4.2 Emergency response actions

4.3 Information report and release

4.4 Change and end of emergency response

5 Guarantee measures

5.1 Emergency team support

5.2 Power guarantee

5.3 Communication guarantee

5.4 Traffic guarantee

5.5 Security guarantee

5.6 Material support

5.7 Health guarantee

5.8 Living security

5.9 Fund guarantee

5.10 Publicity guarantee

6 Aftermath work

6.1 Requirements for disaster relief

6.2 Emergency repair of project or facility damage

6.3 Compensation requirements

6.4 Summary evaluation

7 Supplementary Provisions

7.1 Rewards and punishments

7.2 Plan management

7.3 Plan interpretation department

7.4 Implementation time of the plan

1 General

1.1 Preparation purpose

We will implement the new concept of disaster prevention, mitigation and relief in the new era, standardize typhoon prevention, comprehensively improve the ability of our province to deal with typhoon disasters, and effectively ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the sustainable, healthy and stable development of the economy and society.

1.2 Preparation basis

According to the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China, the Flood Control Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on the Prevention of Meteorological Disasters, the Overall Emergency Plan for National Public Emergencies, the Flood Control Regulations of Jiangsu Province, the Overall Emergency Plan for Emergencies in Jiangsu Province, the Emergency Plan for Meteorological Disasters in Jiangsu Province, and the Emergency Plan for Flood Control and Drought Relief in Jiangsu Province And other laws, regulations and relevant provisions.

1.3 Scope of application

This plan is applicable to the prevention and emergency disposal of typhoon disasters in our province. Flood and waterlogging disaster prevention and emergency disposal caused by typhoon and rainfall shall be implemented in accordance with the Emergency Plan for Flood Control and Drought Relief in Jiangsu Province.

1.4 Working principles

(1) People oriented and harm reduction. We will give top priority to the safety of people's lives and property, and minimize the damage and losses caused by typhoon disasters.

(2) Focus on prevention and take multiple measures simultaneously. Adhere to the combination of various measures of "prevention, avoidance, robbery and rescue", constantly improve the level of emergency response against typhoons, and enhance the ability of emergency response against typhoons.

(3) Adjust measures to local conditions and highlight key points. Insist on proceeding from reality, comprehensively analyze the possible hazards of typhoon, highlight the key points, take into account the general interests, and subordinate the local interests to the overall interests.

(4) Unified leadership and hierarchical responsibility. Governments at all levels are the main bodies responsible for typhoon prevention in their respective administrative regions. They implement the system of executive heads' responsibility, command in a unified way, and take responsibility at different levels and by different departments.

(5) Rapid response and coordinated response. Adhere to the principles of social participation, military and civilian integration, professional and mass integration, and peacetime and wartime integration. When typhoon and secondary disasters occur, the people's government at or above the county level in the place of the incident should respond quickly, and all relevant departments should act together to carry out prevention and emergency response work in a timely and efficient manner. Each unit shall establish a feedback mechanism of "suspension of classes, business, work, production and operation" and other information to individuals.

2 Organization and command system and responsibilities

2.1 Command organization

The provincial typhoon prevention headquarters is the Jiangsu Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters (hereinafter referred to as the provincial typhoon prevention headquarters). The provincial people's government shall set up a provincial flood control director, and the local people's government at or above the county level shall set up its own flood control and drought relief headquarters. Relevant units shall set up flood control and drought relief commanding organizations as needed to take charge of their own typhoon prevention work and obey the unified command of local flood control and drought relief commanding organizations.

The provincial defense index is composed of the commander, executive deputy commander, deputy commander and the main responsible comrades of member units.

Commander: Governor

Executive Deputy Commander: Executive Deputy Governor

Deputy commander: deputy governor in charge of water conservancy, deputy commander of the provincial military region, secretary-general of the provincial government, deputy secretary-general of the provincial government, director of the provincial water conservancy department, director of the provincial emergency management department, and deputy commander of the Jiangsu Armed Police Corps.

Members: the Operation Bureau of the Joint Staff Department of the Eastern Warzone, the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Public Security, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, the Provincial Department of Ecological Environment, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Transport, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the Provincial Health Commission, the Provincial Food and Reserve Bureau Major leaders of provincial meteorological bureau, provincial communication administration, provincial fire rescue corps, civil aviation Jiangsu safety supervision bureau, Jiangsu maritime bureau, Lianyungang maritime bureau, Nanjing railway office, provincial supply and marketing cooperative, provincial electric power company, Sinopec Jiangsu Petroleum Branch, Jiangsu Traffic Holding Co., Ltd., Changzhou Branch of China Energy Group Second Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., etc.

Other departments, enterprises and public institutions shall, according to the unified deployment of the provincial defense index, do a good job in the typhoon prevention work of their own industries and units.

2.2 Responsibilities

2.2.1 Responsibilities of the command organization

The provincial defense index organizes and leads the province's typhoon prevention work, implements the national typhoon prevention laws, regulations, guidelines and policies, implements the decisions and deployment of the national defense and the provincial party committee and government, and guides and supervises the implementation of major decisions on typhoon prevention. Main responsibilities: organize the formulation of typhoon prevention policies, procedures and working systems, timely deploy and implement various preparations for typhoon prevention, decide to start, change and end emergency response for typhoon prevention, organize, coordinate, guide and command typhoon prevention rescue and relief, and coordinate post disaster disposal.

2.2.2 Responsibilities of member units and relevant departments of the command organization

All member units shall obey the unified command of the provincial defense index, implement all instructions in a timely and efficient manner, and establish and improve the early warning information release and feedback mechanism; According to the division of responsibilities and the provincial defense index, we are responsible for the inspection and supervision of the system's typhoon prevention.

Provincial military region: jointly carry out typhoon prevention drills, risk and hidden danger troubleshooting, etc., to grasp weak links in typhoon prevention; Organize the militia to support the local authorities in typhoon prevention, and assist the local governments in transferring, resettling and safeguarding the victims.

Operation Bureau of the Joint Staff Department of the Eastern Theater of Operations: coordinate and organize relevant military task units to participate in supporting personnel transfer, rescue and disaster relief in Jiangsu.

Jiangsu Provincial Armed Police Corps: responsible for coordinating the armed police forces to support local typhoon prevention; Strengthen the security of important targets, coordinate with public security organs to maintain public order, and assist local organizations to transfer and relocate personnel.

Publicity Department of the Provincial Party Committee: organize, guide and coordinate news release and publicity report on typhoon prevention; Strengthen the collection and analysis of public opinion and correctly guide public opinion; Assist in public welfare publicity and knowledge popularization of typhoon prevention, and improve the public's awareness of disaster prevention and risk avoidance ability; Open information sharing channels and assist relevant departments in public release of early warning information.

Provincial Development and Reform Commission (Provincial Energy Bureau): participate in the arrangement of typhoon prevention project construction, danger removal and reinforcement, damage repair plan, funds and typhoon prevention and disaster relief fund plan. Cooperate with power safety supervision department to guide offshore wind power generation platform to strengthen typhoon prevention. Supervise and guide the typhoon prevention work of Huai'an City.

Provincial Department of Education: responsible for organizing and guiding universities, middle schools, primary schools and kindergartens to inspect the safety of school buildings, ancillary facilities and projects under construction; Strengthen the publicity and education of typhoon prevention knowledge among teachers and students, and improve their awareness of prevention and self-protection ability; Coordinate and organize the placement and transfer of teachers and students in universities, middle schools, primary schools and kindergartens; Urge and guide the disaster stricken universities, middle schools, primary schools and kindergartens to carry out post disaster self-help and restore teaching order. Supervise and guide the typhoon prevention work of Lianyungang City.

Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology: responsible for ensuring the safe use of special radio frequencies for rescue and disaster relief; Organize supervision and inspection on the use of typhoon prevention radio stations; Investigate and deal with harmful interference to special radio frequencies and stations for typhoon prevention during emergency response; Coordinate the production support of materials and equipment required for typhoon rescue and disaster relief; Guide industrial enterprises responsible for the supervision of work safety to implement measures related to typhoon prevention. Supervise and guide the typhoon prevention work in Xuzhou.

Provincial Public Security Department: it is responsible for maintaining social security and road traffic order, and cracking down on illegal and criminal activities that obstruct typhoon prevention, create rumors to confuse people, steal and loot materials and destroy facilities according to law; Assist relevant departments to properly handle mass incidents caused by typhoon prevention, and assist in organizing the safe evacuation or transfer of the masses from dangerous areas. Supervise and guide the typhoon prevention work in Yancheng City.

Provincial Department of Finance: guarantee the funds required for typhoon prevention and disaster relief as required, timely arrange and distribute typhoon prevention funds such as rescue and disaster relief, damage repair, etc., and supervise the use of funds. Supervise and guide the typhoon prevention work in Nanjing.

Provincial Department of Natural Resources: responsible for organizing and guiding the investigation, patrol, monitoring and early warning of landslide and collapse geological disasters; Timely release meteorological risk warning and forecasting information of geological disasters to the society, and undertake technical support for emergency rescue of geological disasters; Responsible for organizing and guiding marine disaster monitoring and early warning, timely releasing storm surge and wave disaster early warning information to the society, and participating in major marine disaster emergency response and maritime search and rescue operations. Supervise and guide the typhoon prevention work in Zhenjiang City.

Provincial Department of Ecological Environment: responsible for monitoring and early warning of water environment quality, providing water pollution information in a timely manner, and organizing the investigation and treatment of pollution sources. Be responsible for supervising and guiding Taizhou's typhoon prevention work.

Provincial Housing and Urban Rural Development Department: responsible for organizing and guiding the planning, construction and safety management of urban drainage and waterlogging prevention facilities; To guide local organizations to coordinate urban drainage and waterlogging prevention; Guide the construction site safety inspection and urban dilapidated house safety assessment, and put forward transfer proposals; Guide the reinforcement of high-rise buildings such as tower cranes and billboards; Guide local governments to strengthen the protection and inspection of municipal facilities, do a good job in thinning and supporting urban trees, and strengthen the safety management of urban parks together with relevant departments. Supervise and guide the typhoon prevention work in Suzhou.

Provincial Department of Transport: be responsible for guiding and coordinating the local transportation authorities to do a good job in road, transportation and water transport facilities, and typhoon prevention safety of traffic projects under construction; Guide roads, ports, inland rivers (waterways), lake areas (waterways), ferries, docks (except the Yangtze River) and other aspects to issue safety tips, urge and guide inland ships to avoid the wind safely, and timely carry out the search and rescue work for ships in distress; Organize ports, roads and other transportation resources of the province to participate in the water search and rescue operations; Coordinate the allocation and transportation of rescue and disaster relief materials, cooperate with the public security department and other departments to implement traffic control when necessary, and ensure the smooth flow of typhoon rescue and disaster relief vehicles and vessels. Supervise and guide the typhoon prevention work in Wuxi.

Provincial Water Resources Department: according to the unified deployment of the provincial defense index, coordinate the province's typhoon prevention work, and organize and guide the typhoon disaster emergency rescue work. Organize the daily inspection of water conservancy projects; Organize the monitoring and forecasting of water regime and work condition information and the release of early warning information; To be responsible for the construction of professional water conservancy rescue team and the reserve and management of provincial water conservancy and flood control materials; Be responsible for water project scheduling during typhoon prevention; Organize and guide the emergency repair of water conservancy facilities; Guide the transfer and evacuation of personnel in flood storage and detention areas and disaster affected areas; Undertake the technical support for flood prevention and emergency rescue.

Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: responsible for guiding fishery administration and fishing port supervision, management of fishing vessels, and safe production of marine ranches; Establish and improve the mechanism of wind prevention and risk avoidance for fishing vessels; Organize the fishing boats from other provinces to return to the port and the coastal breeding personnel to take shelter from the wind; Coordinate and deal with fishery safety search and rescue work and major fishery safety emergencies in the sea, Yangtze River, lakes and other waters, and provide necessary technical support for emergency response of fishing vessels in distress; Timely release early warning information to fishing vessels, facility planting and breeding entities; Timely make statistics, check and submit fishing vessel information, agricultural disasters, personnel transfer and other information; To be responsible for guiding and providing technical services for agricultural production and disaster relief, and guiding self rescue and recovery of production after disasters; Cooperate with the distribution of agricultural disaster relief funds and coordinate the supply and demand of post disaster materials. Supervise and guide the typhoon prevention work of Yangzhou City.

Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism: responsible for guiding and coordinating the security of cultural protection units and A-level tourist attractions against typhoons; Guide A-level tourist attractions and major cultural and tourism venues to timely release typhoon warning information and implement risk avoidance measures; Supervise and guide the transfer, rescue, evacuation and closure of A-level tourist attractions in typhoon affected areas. Be responsible for supervising and guiding Changzhou's typhoon prevention work.

Provincial Health Commission: responsible for guiding and coordinating medical rescue, epidemic prevention, health supervision and other emergency work of wind prevention and disaster reduction in disaster areas; Timely check and submit the medical and health information of the disaster area.

Provincial Emergency Management Department: organize, guide and coordinate the typhoon disaster emergency rescue and relief work according to the unified deployment of the provincial defense index. Be responsible for the construction of the emergency rescue team of the emergency system and the storage of emergency materials; Organize and coordinate the emergency rescue team and materials and equipment of the emergency system to participate in the rescue work, organize and guide various social rescue forces to participate in the emergency rescue work, and request and link up the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force to participate in the emergency rescue work; Organize and coordinate the resettlement of disaster affected people together with relevant parties, and uniformly release the disaster situation according to law; Put forward the use decision of provincial disaster relief materials and subsidies. Supervise and guide the typhoon prevention work in Suqian.

Provincial Food and Reserve Bureau: it is responsible for coordinating the food and universal emergency supplies in disaster areas, organizing the storage and management of universal emergency supplies at the provincial level, and organizing the transportation according to the instructions of the Provincial Emergency Management Department.

Provincial Meteorological Bureau: responsible for monitoring, analyzing and forecasting typhoon trends, and making rolling forecasts of important weather situations and disastrous weather; Timely release forecast and early warning information; Organize and carry out meteorological support services at the disaster relief site.

Provincial Communications Administration Bureau: responsible for organizing and coordinating the provincial basic telecom operators and tower companies to do a good job in public communication network emergency communication guarantee; Coordinate the basic telecom operators in the province to send public welfare early warning and emergency response reminder messages to the public.

Provincial fire rescue team: organize and guide the construction of fire rescue teams at all levels, and reserve emergency rescue equipment and materials; Organize and command fire rescue teams at all levels to participate in rescue work, participate in organizing and coordinating the mobilization of various social rescue forces to participate in rescue tasks, and assist local people's governments in evacuating and rescuing people in dangerous areas; Be responsible for fire safety of temporary resettlement sites.

Civil Aviation Jiangsu Safety Supervision Bureau: responsible for organizing and coordinating the self-protection of the provincial civil aviation system against typhoons; Organize and coordinate airlines to dynamically adjust flights according to the impact of typhoon and rainstorm; Ensure the transportation of typhoon prevention and rescue materials, equipment and disaster relief personnel in emergencies.

Jiangsu Maritime Safety Administration: responsible for issuing navigation warnings and water traffic control in Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River and Nantong coastal waters; Strengthen the management of navigation ships and typhoon prevention publicity within the jurisdiction, and conduct safety reminders and real-time monitoring on ships within the jurisdiction; Organize and coordinate the water search and rescue in the navigable waters of the province.

Nanjing Railway Office: responsible for supervising and inspecting the implementation of typhoon prevention measures in the railway system under its jurisdiction, and ensuring the railway transportation of typhoon prevention and disaster relief materials, equipment and personnel.

Provincial supply and marketing cooperatives: give play to the regulating role of chain supermarkets and wholesale markets of agricultural products in the supply and marketing cooperatives system, and do a good job in the supply of agricultural and sideline products and market price stabilization during emergencies; Organize and coordinate the transportation and supply of fertilizer, pesticide and other means of production needed for production and disaster relief to ensure the recovery of production after the disaster. Supervise and guide the typhoon prevention work in Nantong.

Provincial Power Company: responsible for typhoon prevention and security of power facilities under its jurisdiction and projects under construction to ensure the safe operation of power facilities.

Sinopec Jiangsu Petroleum Company: responsible for the organization, storage, transportation and supply of product oil sources for typhoon prevention.

Jiangsu Traffic Holding Co., Ltd.: responsible for the safety and smoothness of expressways and bridges across the river; Give priority to the passage of typhoon relief materials; Assist in personnel transfer, and cooperate with public security and other departments to implement traffic control when necessary to ensure the smooth progress of rescue and disaster relief work.

Changzhou Branch of China Anneng Group Second Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd.: participate in emergency rescue and relief, and assist the local people's government in evacuating and rescuing people in distress in dangerous areas.

Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration: responsible for issuing navigation warnings and water traffic control in Lianyungang and Yancheng coastal waters; Strengthen the management of ships on voyages and the publicity of typhoon prevention, and provide safety reminders and real-time monitoring for ships within the jurisdiction; Organize and coordinate water search and rescue for major and lower level emergencies in Lianyungang and Yancheng coastal waters.

2.3 Working group

Relying on the comprehensive coordination, monitoring and early warning, technical support, emergency rescue, relocation and resettlement, traffic communication, medical treatment, order guarantee, publicity and reporting, disaster assessment and other working groups set up by the provincial defense index, they undertake the corresponding work responsibilities for typhoon prevention. Their composition and responsibilities are as follows.

Comprehensive Coordination Group: led by the General Office of the provincial government, composed of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the Provincial Department of Emergency Management. Implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the National Defense General (Office), the provincial party committee and the provincial government, and be responsible for comprehensive coordination, uploading and issuing, work guidance, property coordination, supervision and verification, etc.

Monitoring and early warning group: led by the Provincial Meteorological Bureau and the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, and composed of the Provincial Department of Ecological Environment and the Provincial Department of Water Resources. Responsible for monitoring and forecasting meteorology, oceanography, geology, hydrology and water quality, and issuing early warning information to relevant units and society as appropriate.

Technical support group: led by the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, and composed of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, the Provincial Department of Ecological Environment, the Provincial Department of Transport, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, the Provincial Department of Emergency Management, Jiangsu Maritime Safety Administration, Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration, etc. Organize experts to provide technical support for typhoon prevention and rescue according to the needs of the local people's government for typhoon prevention and rescue.

Emergency rescue team: led by the Provincial Emergency Management Department, the Provincial Water Resources Department, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Provincial Military Region, the Operation Bureau of the Joint Staff Department of the Eastern Warzone, the Jiangsu Armed Police Corps, the Provincial Department of Public Security, the Provincial Food and Reserve Bureau, the Provincial Fire Rescue Corps, the Jiangsu Maritime Safety Bureau, the Provincial Supply and Marketing Cooperative, the Changzhou Branch of China Anneng Group Second Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration, etc. Be responsible for guiding project rescue and disaster relief, and coordinating rescue teams and materials according to their responsibilities.

Relocation team: led by the Provincial Department of Water Resources, the Provincial Department of Emergency Management, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Provincial Department of Education, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Public Security, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Transport, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the Provincial Health Commission, the Provincial Food and Reserve Bureau, the Jiangsu Maritime Safety Administration, the Provincial Supply and Marketing Cooperative Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration, etc. According to their responsibilities, they are responsible for guiding the relocation of disaster victims, providing basic living security and comforting the families of the victims, and organizing the allocation of funds and materials for disaster relief at the provincial level.

Traffic communication group: led by the Provincial Department of Transport and the Provincial Communications Administration, and composed of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, Jiangsu Civil Aviation Regulatory Bureau, Jiangsu Maritime Safety Administration, Nanjing Railway Office, Provincial Power Company, Jiangsu Traffic Holding Co., Ltd., Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration, etc. Be responsible for guiding the transportation, emergency communication, power and other support for typhoon prevention, organizing and coordinating the priority transportation of the wounded, rescue and relief personnel and materials.

Medical rescue team: led by the Provincial Health Commission, composed of Jiangsu Armed Police Corps, Provincial Emergency Management Department, etc. Be responsible for organizing, coordinating and dispatching medical teams and materials, guiding medical rescue, health and epidemic prevention in disaster areas, medical security of resettlement personnel and rescue personnel, and doing well in post disaster disease prevention and control and health supervision.

Order guarantee group: led by the Provincial Public Security Department, composed of the provincial military region, Jiangsu Armed Police Corps, Jiangsu Maritime Bureau, Lianyungang Maritime Bureau, etc. Be responsible for guiding social security and stability maintenance in disaster areas, preventing and combating various criminal activities, and preventing and handling mass incidents; Do a good job in the security of important targets in the disaster area; Implement necessary traffic guidance and control to maintain traffic order.

Publicity report team: led by the Provincial Party Committee Publicity Department and the Provincial Government General Office, and composed of the Provincial Housing and Urban Rural Development Department, the Provincial Water Resources Department, the Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department, the Provincial Emergency Management Department, the Provincial Fire Rescue Corps, etc. Organize and guide news reporting; Organize public opinion monitoring, research, judgment and guidance, and respond to social hot spots; Strengthen public welfare publicity such as risk avoidance and self rescue.

Disaster assessment team: led by the Provincial Emergency Management Department, composed of the Provincial Education Department, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Transport, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Jiangsu Maritime Safety Administration, Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration, etc. Organize and guide the statistics, verification and assessment of disaster situation and disaster losses according to their responsibilities.

2.4 Office

The office is the provincial flood control and drought relief headquarters office (hereinafter referred to as the provincial flood control office). It is composed of the Provincial Water Resources Department and the Provincial Emergency Management Department.

According to the deployment requirements of the provincial defense index, the provincial defense office organizes and coordinates monitoring and forecasting, early warning and prevention, diversion and avoidance, emergency rescue and other work, and guides and supervises local and relevant departments in typhoon prevention.

2.5 Local government organization for typhoon prevention

The flood control and drought relief headquarters of the local governments at or above the county level, under the leadership of the party committee, the government and the flood control and drought relief headquarters at the higher level, organize and coordinate the typhoon prevention work in the region, and its office is the flood control and drought relief headquarters office at the same level.

2.6 Grass roots organization for typhoon prevention

Township (sub district), village (community) and enterprises and institutions shall define their responsibilities and personnel according to the requirements of typhoon prevention, and do a good job of typhoon prevention in their own areas and units under the leadership of the county level flood control and drought relief headquarters, township level party committees and governments.

3 Monitoring, forecasting, early warning and prevention

3.1 Monitoring and forecasting

The provincial meteorological bureau is responsible for monitoring the process of typhoon generation, development, landing and disappearance, making a good forecast of the future trend of typhoon and the wind, rainfall and other trends in the areas that may be affected, reporting the real-time path, intensity, speed of typhoon, rainfall process, range, intensity and other information in a timely manner, and releasing it to the society. The Provincial Department of Water Resources is responsible for monitoring and forecasting the water regime and work conditions of rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and the Provincial Department of Natural Resources is responsible for monitoring and forecasting geological disasters, storm surges and waves. Other departments should do a good job in monitoring and forecasting.

3.2 Early warning and response

3.2.1 Typhoon warning

Typhoon warning is a warning activity for the society against strong wind, rainstorm, flood and storm surge caused by typhoon. The early warning level is generally divided into I, II, III and IV levels from high to low, which are respectively marked in red, orange, yellow and blue.

(1) The natural resources department is responsible for monitoring and forecasting geological disasters, storm surges and waves, and issuing early warning information.

(2) The Housing and Urban Rural Development Department is responsible for issuing early warning information on urban high-rise building facilities, urban and rural dilapidated houses and other aspects.

(3) The transportation department is responsible for issuing safety tips on roads, ports, inland rivers (waterways), lake areas (waterways), ferries, docks (except the Yangtze River), etc.

(4) The water conservancy department is responsible for releasing the water regime of rivers, lakes and reservoirs and the safety warning information of water projects.

(5) The agricultural and rural departments are responsible for issuing early warning information to outbound fishing vessels, facility planting, marine ranching and breeding entities.

(6) The culture and tourism department is responsible for issuing safety tips for major activities and tourist attractions.

(7) The meteorological department closely monitors the whole process of typhoon generation, development, landing and disappearance, makes a good forecast of future trends, and is responsible for issuing meteorological warning information such as typhoon and rainstorm.

(8) The power department is responsible for issuing early warning information on power.

(9) The maritime department is responsible for releasing the early warning information of the Yangtze River and coastal ports, wharves and ships sailing in the port.

(10) The civil aviation department is responsible for issuing early warning information about civil aviation.

(11) The publicity department is responsible for organizing, coordinating and guiding the news media to broadcast relevant early warning information in a timely manner.

(12) Other relevant departments shall do a good job in early warning.

Each department is responsible for submitting the industry early warning information to the flood control and drought relief commanding organization at the same level.

3.2.2 Alert response

Early warning information issuing units of natural resources, housing and urban and rural construction, water conservancy, agriculture and rural areas, meteorology, electricity, maritime, civil aviation and other departments should establish a level by level early warning response mechanism. When the early warning information is released after the call response mechanism is launched, the lower level person in charge shall timely feed back to the higher level information release department after receiving the early warning information and take emergency measures. If the early warning information is not fed back in time, the issuing unit of the early warning information shall notify the government or competent department head of the lower level responsible person in time to ensure that the early warning information is delivered accurately, leaving no dead space and forming a closed loop. In extreme cases, such as issuing a red alert, the call should be able to reach the grass-roots level directly from the provincial level.

3.3 Prevention

All departments at all levels shall make all defense preparations according to their responsibilities, and organize all units and the public to actively carry out self prevention.

3.3.1 Defense preparation

(1) Organization preparation. Establish and improve the organizational system and responsibility system for flood control, drought relief and typhoon prevention, implement the responsible person, rescue team and response measures, and strengthen the construction of professional mobile rescue team and service organization. Strengthen publicity of typhoon prevention and mobilize all sectors of society to support typhoon prevention.

(2) Engineering preparation. Before the flood season, complete the repair of typhoon impact and flood damage projects, implement emergency risk removal and reinforcement for various projects and infrastructure with risks, and implement safety measures during typhoon prevention.

(3) Plan preparation. The competent departments of each industry shall timely revise and improve their own emergency plans for typhoon prevention; Enterprises and institutions that bear the main responsibility for typhoon prevention shall timely formulate their own emergency plans for typhoon prevention.

(4) Material preparation. In accordance with relevant national and provincial regulations, necessary materials and equipment for emergency rescue and disaster relief shall be stored in different regions, and a certain amount of materials and equipment for emergency rescue and disaster relief shall be stored on site at key defensive positions.

(5) Communication preparation. Organize basic telecom operators and tower companies to do a good job of public communication network emergency communication guarantee, implement emergency communication facilities and equipment reserves and key telecommunications facilities hidden trouble troubleshooting, and ensure that the early warning feedback system is intact and unobstructed. Improve the hydrological and meteorological observation and reporting network to ensure the timely transmission of rain, water, customs, work, disaster information and command and dispatching instructions.

3.3.2 Typhoon prevention inspection

Flood control and drought relief headquarters at all levels and member units shall organize and carry out typhoon prevention inspection and hidden danger troubleshooting before the end of June every year, and instruct relevant departments and units to complete rectification within a time limit; If the rectification cannot be completed before the typhoon comes, the typhoon prevention plan shall be implemented.

(1) Departments of education, housing, urban and rural construction, transportation, water conservancy, culture and tourism, communications, power, maritime, civil aviation and other departments strengthen the inspection of typhoon prevention work in universities, middle schools, primary schools and kindergartens, municipal administration, transportation, water conservancy, scenic spots, communications, power, anchorage, airports, search and rescue facilities, and deal with hidden dangers in a timely manner.

(2) The departments of housing and urban construction, transportation, agriculture and rural areas, maritime affairs, etc. shall, according to their duties, respectively organize the investigation of personnel, houses and ships in dangerous areas, register them, and report them to the flood control and drought relief headquarters at the same level for the record.

3.3.3 Typhoon prevention patrol

During the period affected by typhoon, relevant departments or units shall organize and guide the patrol of typhoon prevention, focusing on the areas, projects or facilities that may be affected by typhoon.

(1) The education department is responsible for guiding the typhoon prevention patrol work of universities, middle schools, primary schools and kindergartens.

(2) The natural resources department is responsible for the patrol of geological hazard potential points and marine hazard early warning monitoring.

(3) The Housing and Urban Rural Development Department is responsible for guiding the typhoon prevention patrol work in key areas and parts such as municipal public facilities, high-altitude building facilities, construction sites, billboards, dilapidated urban houses, urban parks, etc.

(4) The transportation department is responsible for the patrol of roads, inland rivers (waterways), lake areas (waterways), ferries, wharves (except the Yangtze River), ships returning to the harbor and sheltering areas within its jurisdiction, and typhoon prevention of projects under construction.

(5) The water conservancy department is responsible for guiding the patrol of water conservancy projects such as reservoirs, embankments, gates and stations.

(6) The agricultural and rural departments are responsible for the inspection of fishery breeding, marine ranching, marine fishing industry, and typhoon prevention of ships returning to the port shelter.

(7) The culture and tourism department is responsible for guiding the patrol of tourist attractions and scenic spots against typhoon.

(8) The emergency management department is responsible for typhoon prevention patrol of tailings pond and other projects.

(9) The power department is responsible for the typhoon prevention patrol work of power equipment and facilities, power projects under construction and other aspects, assisting important users and relevant key users to do a good job in typhoon prevention power safety inspection, and strengthening technical guidance and support for users' power safety.

(10) The maritime department shall be responsible for patrolling the Yangtze River, coastal ships and ships returning to the port shelter for typhoon prevention.

(11) The civil aviation department is responsible for guiding the typhoon prevention patrol of airports and airlines.

(12) Other departments are responsible for the corresponding typhoon prevention patrol work according to their responsibilities.

4 Emergency response

4.1 Emergency response level and starting conditions

Emergency response is divided into Level I, II, III and IV from high to low. According to the typhoon warning level, impact degree, hazard degree and defense capability issued by the provincial meteorological bureau and the provincial natural resources department, the starting conditions of emergency response at all levels are as follows:

(1) Level IV emergency response

In case of one of the following conditions, the provincial or local level IV emergency response will be initiated after comprehensive research and judgment.

① The provincial meteorological bureau issued the typhoon blue warning information.

② The Provincial Department of Natural Resources issued a blue warning for storm surge.

③ The national or river basin defense headquarters issued Level IV emergency response involving our province.

④ Other situations requiring the initiation of Level IV emergency response.

(2) Level III emergency response

In case of one of the following conditions, the provincial or local Level III emergency response will be initiated after comprehensive research and judgment.

① The provincial meteorological bureau issued yellow typhoon warning information.

② The Provincial Department of Natural Resources issued a yellow storm surge warning.

③ The national or river basin defense headquarters issued Level III emergency response involving our province.

④ Other situations requiring the initiation of Level III emergency response.

(3) Level II emergency response

In case of one of the following conditions, the provincial or local Level II emergency response will be initiated after comprehensive research and judgment.

① The provincial meteorological bureau issued orange typhoon warning information.

② The Provincial Department of Natural Resources issued an orange storm surge warning.

③ The national or river basin defense headquarters issued Level II emergency response involving our province.

④ Other situations requiring Level II emergency response.

(4) Level I emergency response

In case of one of the following conditions, the provincial or local Level I emergency response will be initiated after comprehensive research and judgment.

① The provincial meteorological bureau issued the typhoon red warning information.

② The Provincial Department of Natural Resources issued a red warning for storm surge.

③ The national or river basin defense headquarters issued Level I emergency response involving our province.

④ Other situations requiring Level I emergency response.

4.2 Emergency response actions

4.2.1 Level IV emergency response

(1) The deputy commander of the provincial defense director or the director of the provincial defense office shall decide to initiate Level IV emergency response.

(2) The director of the provincial defense office presided over the discussion, and the leaders of the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Water Resources, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the Provincial Department of Emergency Management, the Provincial Meteorological Bureau, Jiangsu Maritime Safety Administration, Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration and other member units participated in the discussion and made corresponding work arrangements. Connect relevant municipal and county defense indicators for mobilization and deployment as appropriate.

(3) The provincial defense office is on duty 24 hours a day to closely monitor the wind direction of the platform.

(4) The member units of the provincial defense index shall, according to their responsibilities and the linkage and social response measures of typhoon disaster departments in the emergency plans for typhoon prevention in various industries, do a good job in relevant work and report the work trends to the provincial defense office. The departments of transportation, agriculture, rural areas and maritime affairs should timely remind relevant water operations and passing ships to strengthen prevention, and urge the implementation of wind prevention and risk avoidance measures. Report at any time in case of major disasters and dangerous situations.

(5) The relevant district and city defense indicators shall do a good job in the emergency response period, report work trends to the provincial defense office, and report in time in case of sudden disasters and dangerous situations.

4.2.2 Level III emergency response

(1) The deputy commander of the provincial defense index shall decide to initiate the Level III emergency response.

(2) The deputy commander of the provincial defense index or entrusted the director of the provincial defense office to preside over the discussion, and the leaders of the provincial natural resources department, the provincial housing and urban construction department, the provincial transportation department, the provincial water conservancy department, the provincial agricultural and rural department, the provincial emergency management department, the provincial meteorological bureau, Jiangsu Maritime Safety Administration, Lianyungang Maritime Safety Administration and other member units participated in the discussion and put forward work objectives and countermeasures. The important information shall be reported to the provincial government, the national defense headquarters and the river basin defense headquarters in a timely manner. Dispatch a supervision group and an expert group to the accident site as appropriate to guide the typhoon prevention work. Connect relevant municipal and county defense indicators for mobilization and deployment as appropriate.

(3) The director of the provincial defense office leads the shift, and the provincial defense office implements 24-hour duty. Closely monitor the typhoon path, danger and disaster changes, and make preparations for the deployment of emergency supplies team.

(4) The member units of the provincial defense index shall, according to their responsibilities and the linkage and social response measures of typhoon disaster departments in the emergency plans for typhoon prevention in various industries, do a good job in relevant work and report the work trends to the provincial defense office. The departments of transportation, agriculture and rural areas, and maritime affairs shall, as the case may be, organize water operations in relevant waters and the return of passing ships to harbor for shelter. Report at any time in case of major disasters and dangerous situations.

(5) The relevant district and city defense indicators shall do a good job in the emergency response period, report work trends to the provincial defense office, and report in time in case of sudden disasters and dangerous situations.

4.2.3 Level II emergency response

(1) The standing deputy commander of the provincial defense index shall decide to initiate Level II emergency response.

(2) The executive deputy commander of the provincial defense index or the deputy commander entrusted by the provincial defense index shall preside over the conference. The member units of the defense index and the responsible comrades of the relevant city and county defense index shall participate in the conference, propose work objectives and countermeasures, and report the situation to the provincial government, the national defense headquarters and the river basin defense headquarters. Send a steering group and an expert group to the accident site to guide the typhoon prevention work. Set up an on-site headquarters as appropriate to direct, supervise, inspect and guide the typhoon prevention work in relevant areas.

(3) The standing deputy commander of the provincial defense index or the deputy commander entrusted by the provincial defense index is in command, and the party and government leaders in relevant regions go to the important dangerous disaster scene to command and supervise. The provincial defense office implements 24-hour duty, and the provincial natural resources department, the provincial housing and urban construction department, the provincial transportation department, the provincial water conservancy department, the provincial agricultural and rural department, the provincial emergency management department, the provincial meteorological bureau, the provincial fire rescue corps and other relevant member units send personnel to the provincial defense office for joint duty. Closely monitor the typhoon path, danger and disaster changes, and make preparations for the deployment of emergency supplies team.

(4) The member units of the provincial prevention index shall do a good job in accordance with their responsibilities and the linkage and social response measures of typhoon disaster departments in the emergency plans for typhoon prevention in various industries, and report the work trends to the provincial prevention office at least once a day. The transportation, agriculture and rural areas, and maritime departments shall organize water operations in relevant waters and the passing ships to return to the harbor for shelter. Except for the necessary watchmen, all other personnel shall evacuate to the shore. Relevant task units of the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force enter the state of emergency rescue and relief, and carry out rescue on the disaster site. Report at any time in case of major disasters and dangerous situations.

(5) The relevant municipal governments with districts shall, as appropriate, take measures to restrict activities in public places, commute or suspend classes, suspend business, suspend production, suspend operation and other preventive measures to ensure the safety of people's lives. The relevant city divided into districts and cities shall do a good job in the emergency response period, report the work dynamics to the provincial prevention office at least once a day, and report in time in case of sudden disasters and dangerous situations.

4.2.4 Level I emergency response

(1) The provincial defense director shall decide to initiate Level I emergency response.

(2) The provincial defense director directs or entrusts the executive deputy director to preside over the conference. The member units of the provincial defense director and the responsible comrades of relevant cities and counties participate in the conference, propose work objectives, countermeasures, and make emergency arrangements for typhoon prevention and rescue and disaster relief. Set up an on-site headquarters to command from the front, send a supervision group and an expert group to supervise, inspect and guide the typhoon prevention work.

(3) The provincial defense director directs or entrusts the executive deputy commander to command in the town, and the party and government leaders in relevant regions go to the important dangerous disaster scene to command and supervise. The provincial defense office is on duty 24 hours a day, and the heads of all member units are on joint duty at the provincial defense office. Closely monitor the typhoon path, danger and disaster changes, and make preparations for the deployment of emergency supplies team.

(4) The member units of the provincial prevention index shall do a good job in accordance with their responsibilities and the linkage and social response measures of typhoon disaster departments in the emergency plans for typhoon prevention in various industries, and report the work trends to the provincial prevention office at least twice a day. The transportation, agriculture and rural areas, and maritime departments shall organize water operations in relevant waters and the passing ships to return to the harbor for shelter. Except for the necessary watchmen, all other personnel shall evacuate to the shore. Relevant task units of the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force enter the state of emergency rescue and relief, and carry out rescue on the disaster site. Report at any time in case of major disasters and dangerous situations.

(5) The relevant municipal governments with districts shall resolutely take measures to restrict activities in public places, commute to and from work off peak hours or suspend classes, suspend business, stop work, stop production, stop operation and other preventive measures to ensure people's life safety, and provide support for people's basic living security. The relevant city divided into districts and cities shall do a good job in the emergency response period, report the work dynamics to the provincial prevention office at least twice a day, and report in time in case of sudden disasters and dangerous situations.

(6) When the situation is particularly serious, very urgent measures shall be taken to ensure the safety of people's lives and protect the safety of key areas and the overall situation. The relevant municipal governments with districts shall resolutely take other very urgent measures. All units and individuals must obey the command and undertake the assigned tasks of typhoon prevention and rescue.

(7) In case of need of national or provincial assistance, the provincial defense index shall apply in due time, take the initiative to link up with each other, define rescue tasks, and ensure logistics services.

4.3 Information report and release

4.3.1 Information report

(1) Typhoon defense information, such as danger and disaster, shall be reported at different levels, handled in a centralized manner, and shared at the same level.

(2) All departments at all levels shall, in accordance with the Interim Provisions on the Report of Flood and Waterlogging Emergencies and Disasters printed and distributed by the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, do a good job in reporting the information of dangerous situations and disasters.

(3) In case of major danger and disaster, the local defense director must report orally to the provincial defense office within half an hour after receiving the report, and report in writing to the provincial defense office within one hour. After receiving the report, the provincial prevention office shall deal with it at the first time and report it to the relevant member units of the provincial prevention index or the flood control and drought relief command organization of the city or district where it is located, report to the provincial prevention index as appropriate, and report to the general office of the provincial government, the national and river basin prevention general offices as required.

(4) The flood control and drought relief commanding organizations, relevant units and departments of the cities with districts shall strengthen cooperation with the adjacent areas, and establish information notification and coordination channels for emergencies, disasters and other emergencies. In case of sudden danger and disaster beyond the scope of the administrative region, timely report, contact and coordinate according to the needs of emergency disposal work.

4.3.2 Information release

(1) Typhoon prevention information shall be released in a timely, accurate, objective and comprehensive manner.

(2) Information release forms mainly include authorized release, distributing press releases, organizing reports, receiving interviews with journalists, holding press conferences, etc. The typhoon disaster prevention, relief and relief information released by the public media should be reviewed by the provincial disaster prevention index.

(3) In case of finding false or incomplete information that affects or may affect social stability and disrupt social order, the prevention offices at all levels shall timely organize relevant industry departments to release accurate information for clarification.

4.3.3 News report

In case of typhoon disaster, the competent news department shall strengthen the coordination and guidance of news media reports. Local flood control and drought relief headquarters provide news reports based on the impact of disasters, and the news media will report objectively and impartially. The provincial defense index, together with the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions on emergency reporting, do a good job of publicity and reporting that has a significant impact on the development trend of typhoon disasters, casualties, economic losses, etc. When necessary, the provincial government or the provincial defense index shall hold a press conference to report the relevant information.

4.4 Change and end of emergency response

4.4.1 According to the development trend of typhoon disasters and the changes in the impact on our province, the provincial prevention office shall timely put forward a request for change or termination of emergency response, and announce the change or termination of emergency response after approval according to the principle of "who starts, who changes and terminates".

4.4.2 After the change or termination of emergency response, relevant emergency response actions and measures shall be adjusted as appropriate, and necessary measures shall be taken to restore normal life, production and work order as soon as possible.

5 Guarantee measures

5.1 Emergency team support

The emergency rescue team consists of comprehensive fire rescue team, professional emergency rescue team, grass-roots emergency rescue team and social emergency rescue team. Industry and information technology, public security, ecological environment, housing and urban and rural construction, transportation, agriculture and rural areas, water conservancy, health, energy, power, maritime, civil aviation and other departments build and manage professional emergency rescue teams in their own industries and fields according to the functional division and actual needs.

Flood control and drought relief commanding organizations at all levels shall organize rescue teams to carry out business training and drills.

5.2 Power guarantee

The electric power department is responsible for the power supply needs of rescue and disaster relief, rush drainage of rain and waterlogging, and the temporary power supply of the emergency rescue site, as well as the emergency repair and dispatching guarantee of large-scale power outages caused by typhoon.

5.3 Communication guarantee

Establish and improve the emergency communication network and emergency broadcasting system, improve the disaster prevention and destruction resistance capability of public communication network and emergency service capability, and promote the implementation of emergency command communication system construction project. All basic telecom operators and tower companies give priority to public communication network emergency communication guarantee for typhoon prevention command and dispatching. Flood control and drought relief commanding organizations at all levels shall establish a special communication network for typhoon prevention in accordance with the principle of public communication network to ensure smooth information. Strengthen the on-site communication guarantee under extreme conditions. In case of emergency, make full use of public radio, television and other media as well as mobile phone SMS to release information, notify the masses to evacuate quickly, and ensure the safety of people's lives.

5.4 Traffic guarantee

The transportation department shall improve the mechanism of transportation capacity dispatching and allocation and emergency green channel, and give priority to the transportation of rescue and relief personnel and materials. The public security, transportation, maritime affairs and civil aviation departments shall formulate corresponding measures to ensure the safety of personnel transfer, disaster relief materials transportation, airport, river shipping and ferry. When necessary, traffic control shall be implemented to ensure the smooth progress of typhoon prevention, rescue and disaster relief.

5.5 Security guarantee

The public security department shall be responsible for the social security work during the typhoon prevention period, severely crack down on the acts that damage the disaster relief operations and the safety of engineering facilities according to law, and ensure the smooth progress of the disaster relief work; Be responsible for organizing the patrol, prevention and emergency handling during typhoon prevention.

5.6 Material support

Development and reform, water conservancy, emergency management, grain and reserve, supply and marketing and other departments at all levels are responsible for reserving materials and equipment for typhoon prevention, rescue and disaster relief according to the division of responsibilities. Other enterprises and institutions should reserve materials and equipment for typhoon prevention according to relevant regulations. Citizens, legal persons and other organizations are encouraged to reserve basic emergency self rescue and daily necessities. In the emergency of typhoon prevention, the flood control and drought relief headquarters can requisition social materials and equipment according to the actual needs. It shall be returned in time after the end of the flood season. If it is damaged or cannot be returned, it shall be compensated according to law.

5.7 Health guarantee

The health department shall implement the emergency plan for medical and health rescue to ensure the smooth progress of emergency rescue and epidemic prevention. After the typhoon disaster, the health, agriculture and rural areas and other departments organized medical and health emergency professional teams to visit the disaster area for medical consultation, rescue the wounded, carry out immunization, disease monitoring, killing and food and drinking water hygiene supervision of human, livestock and aquatic diseases, and prevent the spread of diseases.

5.8 Living security

Local people's governments should organize relevant departments to implement emergency disaster avoidance sites, build a certain number of disaster avoidance sites when necessary, and timely announce to the public. All kinds of public buildings, such as universities, middle schools, primary schools, kindergartens, cinemas, halls, stadiums, etc., shall be opened unconditionally according to the instructions of the people's governments at all levels or the flood control and drought relief headquarters as emergency shelters.

Personnel transfer work shall specify the person in charge of personnel transfer, implement the corresponding responsibility system, properly arrange the basic life of the transferred people, and provide necessary supplies and food. Before the removal of the transfer order, the transferred people shall be prevented from returning without authorization.

5.9 Fund guarantee

The provincial finance arranges and supervises the funds for typhoon prevention, rescue and relief, which are used to subsidize the expenditures of cities, counties and provincial units suffering from typhoon disasters to carry out disaster relief and rescue, repair water conservancy facilities damaged by floods, etc. Expenditures for typhoon prevention, rescue and disaster relief at all levels shall be borne at different levels according to the current division principle of administrative power and financial power.

5.10 Publicity guarantee

5.10.1 Publicity

Publicity and education on typhoon prevention related guidelines, policies, laws and regulations as well as prevention, risk avoidance, self rescue, mutual rescue and other knowledge will be carried out through multiple channels and forms for the public. Enterprises, institutions and citizens should actively participate in typhoon prevention knowledge publicity and education activities, enhance risk awareness and self defense ability, and have the obligation to consciously cooperate with governments at all levels and flood control and drought relief headquarters to do a good job in typhoon prevention.

5.10.2 Training

Actively organize and carry out training on typhoon prevention knowledge for leading cadres at all levels, emergency management personnel and professional disposal teams, and constantly improve the level of professional work.

5.10.3 Drill

All levels of defense indicators, member units and enterprises and institutions shall carry out different types of typhoon prevention emergency plan drills in a planned and focused manner in combination with the actual situation, to test and improve the relevant emergency plan.

The professional rescue team must carry out targeted drills for disaster resistance and rescue according to the business expertise of its own team and various local dangerous situations.

6 Aftermath work

6.1 Requirements for disaster relief

6.1.1 Post disaster relief

After the typhoon disaster, governments at all levels should strengthen the leadership of disaster relief and relief work, properly arrange the victims, and ensure that they have water, food, clothing, shelter, and timely treatment if they are ill.

The provincial emergency management department carries out disaster relief work according to relevant procedures, organizes disaster relief donations, and raises funds and materials for disaster relief.

The Provincial Department of Finance will allocate disaster relief funds.

The Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organized production self-help, implemented improvement measures for farmers who lost their income due to typhoon disasters, strengthened guidance on crop management in the field, implemented measures to increase production and income, guided post disaster epidemic prevention, and guided affected fishermen and livestock and poultry farmers to resume production.

The Provincial Health Commission organized the rescue of the injured, organized a professional medical and health emergency team to the disaster area to carry out medical treatment, disease prevention and control, health supervision and other work.

The Provincial Department of Education will resume classes in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.

Other departments shall do a good job in accordance with their responsibilities.

6.1.2 Post disaster reconstruction

All relevant departments shall organize the recovery and reconstruction as soon as possible, and the post disaster reconstruction shall be in principle restored according to the original standards. If conditions permit, reconstruction standards can be improved.

6.2 Emergency repair of project or facility damage

After the end of flood season or the impact of typhoon, local people's governments shall organize relevant departments to repair the flood damaged engineering facilities such as communication, municipal utilities, transportation, water conservancy and power as soon as possible, and strive to restore the main functions before the arrival of the next typhoon.

According to the material consumption and the principle of graded burden, finance at all levels should arrange special funds to replenish in time, and the quantity and variety of materials needed should be determined according to the material reserve quota.

6.3 Compensation requirements

After the occurrence of typhoon disaster, the insurance supervision and management department shall urge the insurance companies within the jurisdiction to timely assess, review and confirm the losses caused by emergencies, and settle claims according to the insurance contract. For emergency mobilization and requisition of materials from relevant departments (units) and individuals, compensation shall be made according to regulations.

6.4 Summary evaluation

Flood control and drought relief commanding organizations at all levels shall summarize and evaluate all aspects and links of typhoon prevention. Summarize experiences and lessons, and put forward suggestions for improvement. Promote the establishment of a third-party evaluation mechanism.

7 Supplementary Provisions

7.1 Rewards and punishments

Advanced units and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to typhoon prevention shall be commended and rewarded according to relevant national and provincial regulations. Those who have died bravely in typhoon prevention work shall be recognized as martyrs according to relevant regulations; Those who are injured or disabled in typhoon prevention shall be given work and life care according to relevant regulations. If losses are caused due to dereliction of duty in typhoon prevention, the party concerned shall be investigated for responsibility and punished according to law; If a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

7.2 Plan management

This plan is prepared by the Provincial Water Resources Department and implemented after being approved by the provincial people's government.

The local flood control and drought relief commanding organizations at all levels shall formulate corresponding emergency plans at the same level according to the plan and local conditions, which shall be approved by the people's government at the same level for implementation and reported to the superior flood control and drought relief commanding organizations for record. The member units of the provincial defense index shall improve and refine relevant plans according to their own responsibilities for typhoon prevention, as a part of this plan. The competent department of other relevant enterprises and institutions shall organize enterprises and institutions to prepare emergency plans for typhoon prevention in combination with the actual situation and report them to them for the record.

The typhoon prevention emergency plan shall be evaluated according to the typhoon prevention practice and plan deduction, revised in due time, and submitted for approval according to the original approval procedure.

7.3 Plan interpretation department

The General Office of the provincial government is responsible for the interpretation of this plan.

7.4 Implementation time of the plan

This plan shall be implemented from the date of printing and issuing.

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