Investment promotion outsourcing

[Feet bath shop] Feet bath shop is invited to join

  • Investment amount
    20~50 ten thousand
  • Industry
  • Date of establishment
  • Total number of stores
  • Franchise region
    whole country
  • Suitable for people
    Free entrepreneurship
  • Business scope
    Foot bath
For more information about joining, please click "Ask for information"
  • Project focus
    two hundred
  • Project Collection
    two hundred
  • Project comments

Foot bath shop headquarters

  • Enterprise nature company with limited liability
  • Registered capital 1 million yuan
  • Location Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
  • Filing enterprises
  • Enterprise certification
  • Investment guarantee
Brand name Foot bath shop Investment amount 20~50 ten thousand
date of establishment 2000-03-09 Total number of stores one hundred and twenty-nine
Business scope Foot bath Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship
Franchise region whole country Whether there is regional authorization no
Origin of the brand Guangdong contract period
Training period Royalties
Requirements for business conditions bond
Franchise fee RMB 100000    

Joined in foot bath shop details

Now many people know that the development prospect of entrepreneurial health care industry is extremely broad, but some people dare not start a business without strong economic strength. As a leader in the field of health care, foot bath stores can be opened without too much venture capital. Relying on the headquarters' overall entrepreneurial support policy, entrepreneurs with any industry experience can easily start a new journey of wealth with the services of the headquarters' elite team as long as they have the enthusiasm to engage in this industry.

The foot bath shop is based on foot bath massage and health care. In addition, there are a variety of auxiliary business projects, including acupuncture, massage, cupping, acupuncture, etc. The technical techniques can make customers taste comfortable and healthy. After receiving services here, customers can clearly feel refreshed and energetic, not only becoming loyal repeat customers here, I can't help telling my friends that the foot bath shop service is very good, which plays an invisible role in brand promotion.

The foot bath shop has won the market with its strength, and the brand has grown in the continuous development. Now it has become a leader in the industry. Compared with similar brands, foot bath stores have lower joining threshold and more advantages, which can make it easier for franchisees to start businesses. The foot bath shop is suitable for development in all regions of the country, and also suitable for entrepreneurs at different stages to join in and do business. If you want to achieve extraordinary life, it is recommended not to miss such a good project with great development prospects.

A large number of elite talents have gathered in the headquarters of the foot bath shop to gain a deep insight into the market consumption demand, understand the industry development trend, and constantly inject new features and elements into the brand. The continuous technical service upgrading support of the franchisee can maintain the brand's continuous competitiveness, so as to achieve long-term stable development. The foot bath shop has a very large market space and a very broad development prospect. Who can give priority to finding business opportunities and grasp business opportunities decisively will be the big winner of the times.

 Foot bath shop display

Joined in foot bath shop advantage

 Foot bath shop service

1. Perfect quality, constantly create middle and high grade products, and the customer return rate is very high.

2. Unify the brand and retail price nationwide; Considerable cashier space.

3. The after-sales service provided for you under the agreed conditions. Ensure the brand management right in the agency area.

4. Perfect regional protection measures and refusal of cross shipment circulation.

5. Small foot bath stores have various training mechanisms to ensure the soft power of opening stores, so that franchise stores have excellent talent, management, technical strength and ensure competitive advantage.

6. From the establishment to the opening, the foot bath shop will present the opening gift package, and will provide the opening promotion planning service, the opening promotion activities assistance, and the opening advertising assistance.

7. Free door-to-door evaluation and site selection, free decoration design, assistance in arranging stores, assistance in debugging equipment, on-site business practice training and guidance, etc.

8. Formulate advertising strategies, and select powerful media for three-dimensional advertising. Continue to improve the brand popularity, so that the sales performance of the store can achieve sustained and steady growth.

9. The foot bath shop provides long-term and continuous market survey, publicity and shop promotion guidance to the shop. Every quarter, there will be planned promotional activities and promotional supplies support.

10. Franchise stores have the right to use the brand of foot bath stores. Store image, clerk image, professional equipment, promotion materials, management materials and other system products.

Joined in foot bath shop technological process

1. Franchise consultation

Franchisees who want to join foot bath stores need to have a detailed understanding of brand joining policies. You can browse the relevant joining policies on the website, or leave a message for more detailed joining information.

2. Investigation stage

Franchisees go to the headquarters of the foot bath shop for field project investigation, and communicate with the headquarters' franchise consultants to solve the franchise questions.

3. Franchise application

Fill in the store opening application form and confirm the intention to open the store.

4. Sign the contract

Both parties reached a consensus that the franchisee and the head office of the foot bath shop can formally sign a franchise contract, and the franchisee needs to pay some fees to the head office.

5. Select Store

Business district survey, to find the right business district, to evaluate until the right shop is found.

6. Decoration and store building

The decoration inspection, raw material preparation, equipment commissioning, store environment layout and opening advertisement are completed.

7. Personnel training

Send corresponding personnel to the headquarters for systematic training.

8. Opening

The main contents of opening preparation are the purchase and installation of store equipment, the purchase of tables and chairs, etc. At the same time, it is also necessary to plan an opening plan.

9. Assist in opening

After being checked by the head of the branch headquarters of the foot bath shop, you can choose to open on a lucky day.

Foot bath shop Franchise conditions

1. To join a foot bath shop, an independent legal person or a natural person with certain economic strength is required.

2. Understand and agree with the brand culture, business management mode and enterprise development concept of "foot bath shop".

3. Have certain financial strength and awareness.

4. There is a place to meet business needs.

5. Able to accept the management of the headquarters and comply with the operating systems of the headquarters.

6. Have the ability to operate independently, have certain contacts in the region and have a good reputation.

7. Franchisees should have correct cognition and full psychological preparation for joining foot bath stores.

Foot bath shop Brands

Foot bath shop Branch information

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Foot bath shop Brand display

  •  Quality of foot bath shop
  •  Foot bath shop brand
  •  Quality of foot bath shop
  •  Reputation of foot bath shop
Global franchise network advantage
  • Franchise certification
  • Big League
  • Lightning Recovery
  • Thousands of public praise
  • Gold medal customer service
  •  Advantage 1: 100% certification
  •  Advantage 2: Big name league
  •  Advantage 3: Lightning recovery
  •  Advantage 4: 10 million word of mouth
  •  Advantage 5: Gold medal customer service
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