How much does it cost to join in housekeeping

2024-05-24 11:14:28   Source: Global franchise network   193 people participated
  • Business scope: housekeeping
  • Number of stores: 409
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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First, we need to start from our own conditions. Domestic service covers a wide range, and each person's ability and preference determines which kind of domestic service can be selected. Not everyone is suitable for all jobs of domestic service. Some people may be suitable for setting up a domestic service company individually or partnering with one or two friends, which usually requires one or two people to operate smoothly.

Next, it should be positioned according to the specific conditions of the city. The economic conditions, prices and living standards of cities in different regions are different, and the franchise fees of domestic companies will also be different. For example, in the first tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other regions, the franchise costs are relatively high, while in the third and fourth tier cities, towns and suburbs, the franchise costs are relatively low. However, it is worth noting that these costs are generally proportional to potential savings.

The service content and business strategy of different housekeeping companies are different, so there are differences in the franchise fees. You can understand the joining policies of different domestic companies according to your own perception of a brand, and seek a suitable price point.

To sum up, it is difficult to determine the exact cost of joining a housekeeping company, because it involves many factors, such as the city, the company's brand influence, service scope, etc. For those who are interested in joining the domestic service industry, you can consult the relevant industry for details in person according to your actual situation and the suggestions mentioned above.

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