How much is the joining fee of the No one Fun Shop

2024-05-17 16:07:44   Source: Global franchise network   2197 people participated

Franchise fee: In the face of a large number of adult product brands to choose from, the franchisee needs to pay a certain franchise fee. Now, many brands in the market are free of franchise fees, which provides convenience for entrepreneurs with relatively limited funds.

Rental cost: The location largely determines the flow of stores, so it is very important to choose the appropriate location of stores. For example, opening a hotel in a hotel and hotel concentrated area may bring more passenger flow although the rent is higher. The first quarter rent plus deposit should be considered in the budget, which should not exceed 450.

Decoration cost and display: the shop decoration is simple, and the key is to provide a bright and clean shopping environment. It is necessary to purchase about 20 display shelves, usually 3 to 4 shelves.

Purchase cost: the initial purchase budget may be between 3000 and 600 according to the demand of men's and women's products. Choosing reliable suppliers to ensure the quality and safety of products is the key to the success of entrepreneurship.

Personnel expenses: If the store is large, it is necessary to hire service personnel to ensure that their service level and product knowledge can meet customer needs.

In general, the capital requirement for opening a small-scale unmanned sex toy store is between 10000 and 20000 yuan. However, this budget is only based on general conditions, and the specific amount needs to be adjusted according to the specific size of the store and the actual situation of the region. When joining, we should pay attention to the analysis of market trends and the ability of individuals to join. We should not blindly pursue scale expansion while ignoring cost control and actual market demand.

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