How much does it cost to open a children's clothing franchise store

2024-05-17 13:04:56   Source: Global franchise network   1892 people participated
  • Business Scope: Children's Wear
  • Number of stores: 409
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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The cost of joining a children's clothing store varies from brand to brand. Generally speaking, the cost of joining a brand usually starts at 30000 to 50000 yuan. This may include royalty, guarantee and management fees for using the brand.

Of course, in addition to the franchise costs, it is also necessary to prepare the store's preparation funds. Generally speaking, the start-up franchise includes the store rent, decoration and early equipment and commodity purchase costs. It is estimated that the total amount of franchise is about 100000 to 200000 yuan.

The size of the store varies from region to region, but the 40 to 50 square meters of store is enough to open a beautiful children's clothing store. Of course, we can't ignore the daily operating costs, including water and electricity, staff salaries, market publicity, and a certain amount of working capital, which is expected to be about 30000 to 30000 yuan.

There are many children's wear brands with good reputation and strong support in the market, providing entrepreneurs with diversified choices. Joining a famous brand can help you enter the market faster and gain brand effect support. At the same time, with the help of the headquarters, you can manage the store more easily and reduce the entrepreneurial losses to a large extent. Before choosing to join, entrepreneurs should have a comprehensive understanding of the market and brand to ensure that their joining can achieve goals quickly and steadily.

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