2024 is the golden year for catering|| Interview with Mr. Gan, the head of investment promotion of Li and Bai Baozi Shop

2024-03-19 11:22:35   Source: Global franchise network   905 people participated
  • Business Scope: Catering
  • Number of stores: 300
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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"As an indispensable part of people's daily life, the catering industry has always maintained its vitality more and more With the continuous improvement of diversification and quality pursuit, the catering market is ushering in development opportunities.

Joining chain catering brands can not only open the market quickly with the help of brand influence, but also enjoy the support provided by the brand side. When selecting franchise brands, we need to carefully consider those with strength and reputation good Brand. At the same time, we should also choose the appropriate store type and location according to our own actual situation and business ability. Only with adequate preparation and planning can ensure Success of joining.

In the operation process, we also need to focus on quality management and service improvement. Quality is the lifeline of the catering industry. We must ensure Fresh ingredients, unique taste and comfortable environment. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the needs and feedback of consumers, constantly optimize the service process, and improve the consumer experience. Only in this way can we win the trust and loyalty of consumers and achieve long-term stable development.

The project is attracting investment. Come and join us!

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Registered member -Pay attention to the brand - offline recommendation - in-depth communication - confirm the deal and find the project is so efficient

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