How much does it cost to join the online store of sexy underwear

2024-05-17 14:11:16   Source: Global franchise network   1845 people participated
  • Business scope: underwear
  • Number of stores: 155
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Joining in sexy underwear has always been the focus of many franchisees. Choosing a sunrise industry to join can bring greater career prospects and spare space. How much does it cost to join in sexy underwear?

According to the market research information, the initial joining cost of erotic underwear is expected to be between 50000 and 100000 yuan, which is the basic investment that each franchisee needs to prepare.

In addition to the franchise fee, the franchisee also needs to consider the decoration cost, staff salary, equipment purchase and other additional expenses of the store, which will vary according to the size of the franchise store and regional differences. Generally speaking, the larger the overall scale of the erotic underwear franchise store is, the more capital it needs.

For those who are interested in joining in sexy underwear, the official support and coaching are indispensable. From decoration guidance, product training to marketing support, the headquarters will do its best to help each franchisee succeed. Therefore, it is no harm to consult the online customer service of the headquarters before joining to obtain more detailed joining information and budget guidance.

Interesting underwear not only pursues excellence in products, but also provides comprehensive support in services, aiming to support franchisees' franchise operation and market share. With the continuous development of the fashion industry, sexy underwear is undoubtedly a potential franchise choice. If you are interested in joining the sexy underwear, you can ask for more information by leaving a message or contacting the brand directly.

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