Colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang National Evaluation Official Recruitment is about to officially start!

2022-05-24 11:18:00   Source: Global franchise network   75689 people participated
  • Business scope: tea planting, processing and sales
  • Number of stores: 900
  • Single store investment: 1~5 ten thousand
The enterprise has been filed
Enterprise has been certified
Receive red packet for transaction

If you, like thousands of tea friends, have a sincere love for Pu'er tea from the south of the clouds, you can certainly understand how happy and enjoyable it is for a tea lover to meet a really good tea in his life with tea, taste the ever-changing aroma and taste, and share it with tea friends who share the same ideals. However, Pu'er tea has a wide variety of brands, which dazzles people. It is not easy to quickly meet the real good tea. Someone once lamented that "after ten years of drinking tea, we still don't know how to quickly identify a good tea". In this process, many people can only keep "trial and error" and keep searching, which shows the "twists and turns".

Choosing a good Pu'er tea is not essentially different from choosing other products. On the basis of the same product category and meeting their own needs, choosing a brand with good reputation in the market or following a recommendation with credibility will not only maintain the quality of tea, but also improve the chance of meeting good tea quickly.

Word of mouth and credibility may be valuable things in the market today. It does not lie in one day, but requires restraint and persistence year after year. Since the establishment of the enterprise, the colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang, which has put "telling the truth" and "good tea" in the first place, is just like this in the industry. They also know that the shaping of credibility is not only the self statement of the enterprise brand, but also should win the praise of social forces.

In 2020, Qicai Yunnan Qingfengxiang launched the activity of "Global Tea Commissioner", inviting the anchors of mainstream media in seven major cities to act as "Global Tea Commissioner", to speak together, speak out the consensus of consumers and speak for good tea. The "global truth telling and supervising tea officials" composed of these mainstream media anchors not only recommend good tea to consumers, but also supervise the production process of colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang Pu'er tea. Through their introduction and experience with the credibility of mainstream media, consumers who love Pu'er tea can also feel the birth process of a cup of good tea from tea garden to tea cup, Witness the birth of a cup of really good tea together. Colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang has also received the support of professionals in the tea industry, who objectively and impartially recommend the ancient tree tea of Colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang, and help enterprises to develop new products, develop standards and establish traceability systems from a professional and realistic perspective. In order to let these good teas, which have been supervised and certified by the "Global Tea Commissioner", enter the real life of more Pu'er tea lovers, Seven Colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang has also held thousands of tasting meetings in hundreds of cities since 2019, presenting the real good tea to all tea lovers.

Global tea inspector

Global tea inspector

In 2022, the epidemic situation is still disturbing, the outside world is in constant turmoil, and the troubled heart also needs the warmth of good tea. When you meet good tea, you will be excited and surprised; Drink good tea and return to nature in various flavors; Share good tea with people around you to bring warmth and comfort. In order to let more people drink the really good tea, and also to use more consumers' criteria for judging the good tea to demand themselves, in 2022, Colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang will face the public, recruit thousands of all civilian product judges, drink and share 50 kinds of colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang good tea jointly recommended by industry professionals.

Once we get the qualification of 2022 Colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang National Appraisal Officer, it means that we will unlock rich rights and interests. In the following year, the national evaluation officials can receive the colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang special products every month, including the colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang hundred mountains and hundred flavors of ancient trees spring tea from 30 hills in different years, such as the old Ban Zhang, Iceland, Xigui, Jingmai, Nannuo, Yiwu Brown, Big Snow Mountain, Mahe, and the moonlight golden twigs, 1889, Yiwu ancient trees cooked tea, jasmine green More than 20 classic characteristic products, such as the year old tea, can be tasted by the tasting officer free of charge; At the same time, every official of the whole people want to share tea with tea friends. Colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang will provide material support such as tea tasting, so that every official of Colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang can easily hold a tea tasting party for tea lovers; In addition, when buying tea products in the official shopping mall of Colorful Yunnan Tea Industry Selection, the national tasting officials can enjoy a discount of 8.8% off on annual tea purchase and enjoy the qualification to participate in the activities related to Colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang Tea; At the end of the activity, Qicai Yunnan Qingfengxiang will also select "Qicai Yunnan 2022 Annual Appraiser" from a thousand appraisers, and give the great beauty of Yunnan once a free trip to find the source of ancient tea mountain in Yunnan, go to the beautiful tea mountain villages in Yunnan, and experience the beauty of the diversity of nature and culture in Pu'er tea producing areas during the trip.

Tasting 50 kinds of good tea every year is a feast for anyone who loves tea. For an enterprise, it is also a sincere sharing with people who love Pu'er tea to be able to deliver so many kinds of good tea to thousands of national quality supervisors. Colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang knows well that tea lovers are interested in a good tea, so it sends the brand's really good tea after years of tempering to more tea lovers. Of course, this is not only a sharing, but also a way for enterprises to present themselves to the public, ready to accept the judgment and test of thousands of "national evaluation officials". As the saying goes, "It's hard for everyone to adjust." Even if thousands of people have thousands of tastes, colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang also has the courage and confidence to accept the public's "criticism", the purpose is to make a really good tea that can be recognized and loved by everyone. More importantly, Colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang has opened the door to everyone regardless of the region and the length of tea drinking experience in the selection of national tasting officials, which also gives good Pu'er tea from Yunnan more opportunities to enter thousands of families, move towards a broader world, help the cloud tea industry to improve its influence, and make the world fall in love with Yunnan tea.

The 2022 Recruitment of Colorful Yunnan Qingfengxiang National Evaluation Officials will be officially opened on May 21, please wait!

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