How about the Bell floor? How about the quality of the Bell floor

2018-09-17 15:11:56   Source: Bell floor   849 people participated
  • Business Scope: Floor
  • Number of stores: 100
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Floor is a kind of floor and wall decoration material preferred by modern people. It has rich patterns, clear texture, beautiful and fashionable, durable, convenient maintenance, and has been widely used in hotels, shopping malls and other places. Bell flooring, a well-known brand in the industry, has strong strength and numerous praises. It is a choice for home decoration. So, How about the Bell floor? How about the quality of Bell flooring? Now, let's talk about it.

 Bell floor

   How about the Bell floor

Bell Flooring, a well-known domestic supplier of home decoration materials, originated in the United States and founded in 1991, has been focusing on the R&D, production and sales of floor products, and is committed to providing good floor products for thousands of families, so that they can enjoy a high-quality life. Now, Bell Flooring has gone to every place in the world, and its annual sales performance is gratifying.

   How about the quality of Bell flooring

Bell flooring has four series of laminate flooring, solid wood flooring, multi-layer flooring and WPC flooring, and several products, which can meet the home decoration needs of every customer. Its series of products are made of good materials with modern equipment and technology. After quality inspection by several departments, they are sold only after the quality is qualified. Therefore, the quality of Bell flooring is very good, and we don't need to worry about it.

 Bell Floor Quality

   What is the price of Bell flooring

According to Xiao Bian's understanding, the price of Bell flooring does not have a fixed value, because its actual sales price is determined by the style and size of products selected by customers. Generally, the customized price per square meter ranges from tens to hundreds of yuan.

   How to join Bell Flooring

After knowing how Bell Flooring works, many smart candidates should be planning to open Bell Flooring stores themselves! Then, before officially joining, I think you still need to know about the joining process. The specific joining process is as follows:

Enquiry by phone - investigation project - interview between both parties - signing letter of intent - joining review - submitting application - formal signing - receiving training - store decoration - sample preparation - store layout - project acceptance - official business


How about the Bell floor? How about the quality of Bell flooring? After reading the above introduction, everyone knows it! Bell flooring has a wide variety of designs and colors, which can be customized with many choices. Moreover, the sales price is not particularly expensive, and almost every family can afford it. If you haven't bought the right wood products by now, you might as well go to Bell Flooring Shop to have a look. Maybe there is something you like!
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