Double reduction landing, "reading craze" everywhere! Growth Secret Science and Technology Reading Hall is recruiting partners nationwide

2024-03-15 14:35:22   Source: Global franchise network   1992 people participated
  • Business scope: reading hall, reading education, reading club
  • Number of stores: 50
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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"Double reduction" has landed, and "reading craze" has been welcomed everywhere!

How about the reading industry? The country has continuously issued various encouraging policies to promote the development of the reading industry. The 2022 New Curriculum Standard has included "reading of the whole book" into the standard. Primary schools across the country are carrying out "all subject reading", and the market's awareness and acceptance of reading has greatly improved.

The Growth Secret Science and Technology Reading Hall is recruiting partners across the country. Its product courses cover 3-12 year old students, with a new panoramic interactive and profound reading method.

The "secret of growth" science and technology reading hall is an immersive science and technology reading space that is different from the traditional picture book library. Guided by the concept of general subject reading, it provides one-stop solutions and products for the cultivation of reading ability and learning ability. Starting from the cultivation of reading ability, we should cultivate the ability of independent reading through online+offline reading, and establish a learning ability system.

The project is attracting investment. Come and join us,

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