Shuguo Planet Children's Reading Hall Jixian Store held public welfare activities, and signed up for 100 in 2 days+

2024-02-26 15:28:54   Source: Global franchise network   11346 people participated
  • Business scope: reading education, in-depth reading, reading club activities
  • Number of stores: 500
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Recently, the Children's Reading Center in Jixian County, Shuangyashan, Shuguo Planet, jointly held a reading public welfare activity with multiple units, which was widely praised.

The person in charge of the store, Mr. Jiang, is also the initiator of the Shuangyashan City Hand in Hand Care Action Volunteer Service Group for Orphaned Children, She said that "this time, in cooperation with the County Women's Federation and the Education and Sports Bureau, the activity of" donating a book, reading a year, and reading for all "was carried out in the Jixian Reading Hall of our Shuguo Planet, which not only can help orphans and poor children more purposefully, but also can comprehensively create a strong atmosphere of love, good reading, and good reading, promote the reading of all people in our hometown, and let more children benefit from reading."

"By donating a book and one yuan, you can enjoy one year of free reading in Jixian County Reading Hall of Shuguo Planet. One yuan donation will be donated to the orphaned and needy children in your hometown. After the touch and line visits, we will provide one-on-one assistance to these children. We hope that while promoting the reading of the whole people, we will also let the whole people pass on their love."

Although doing public welfare does not care about returns, this activity of "donating a book, reading a book for a year, and reading for the whole people" has made Mr. Jiang very surprised: more than 100 people signed up for the activity in the first two days.

Shuguo Planet Children's Reading Hall not only provides book borrowing services, but also has multi intelligence reading clubs and colorful reading activities, adding a variety of reading guidance forms.

Following the laws of physical and mental development of children aged 3-14 at different stages and referring to international PISA standards, Shuguo Planet has independently developed a widely recognized four-dimensional and five force reading system and reading methods. Accurately grasp the situation of children when reading, so that children can gain internal and external growth power from the four-dimensional fields of language ability, humanistic quality, personal growth and social participation.

The same is true of Mr. Jiang's "one-on-one" help for orphaned children, which focuses on spiritual and psychological companionship and care. Through heart support, ambition support and skill support, we can build up the hope and confidence of orphaned children for a better life in the future.

Perhaps it is the similar attributes that bring mutual attraction. Teacher Jiang, who is enthusiastic about public welfare, met the Shuguo Planet brand, which has also been committed to public welfare. Teacher Jiang said, "Shuguo Planet has temperature, width and thickness. I believe that such a responsible, responsible and powerful brand will go farther and farther in the future education wave."

If you also want to find like-minded partners, welcome to learn about Shuguo Planet.

Shuguo Planet Children's Reading Center has joined the brand and 14 years of experience in children's reading. It has helped 500+stores across the country to successfully launch and generate revenue. We will provide our partners with multi-dimensional support such as diversion, opening preparation, brand promotion, operation management, etc. Welcome to inquire, we will provide you with the joining materials for free.

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