How much does it cost to open a graphic express printing shop? OK or not?

2017-06-05 10:36:11   Source: China Franchise Network   49758 people participated
  • Business scope: express printing
  • Number of stores: 234
  • Single store investment: 1~5 ten thousand
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Advertising image and text industry is a new service industry supported by the 13th Five Year Plan. It is developing rapidly and the prospect of smart choice is optimistic. Many entrepreneurs with a keen sense of business want to rely on opening image and text express printing shops to open the door to development. So, How much does it cost to open a graphic express printing shop? Is it reliable to open a picture and text express printing shop? If you are interested in this smart choice project, please follow the editor.

 Photo and text express printing shop

[How much does it cost to open a graphic express printing shop]

Generally speaking, the cost of intelligent selection of graphic express printing stores is mainly related to market positioning and store size. In addition, the city where the store is located will also affect the cost of intelligent selection. After all, the rent in large cities is certainly much higher than that in small counties.

According to the editor, the cost of the graphic express printing shop mainly includes the following aspects: rent, decoration costs, equipment costs, material costs, staff salaries, utilities, office expenses, etc. Among them, there is a big difference in equipment costs. Take printing equipment as an example, ordinary second-hand domestic black and white printers may cost only two or three thousand yuan, while new imported color printers need at least tens of thousands yuan, or even more.

If we open a small print shop with an area of about 20 to 30 square meters now, the equipment does not need to be of high quality, and only one staff member is employed, then according to the comprehensive estimation, the initial investment will be five About ten thousand yuan. Of course, if you want to open one one hundred For large graphic and text express printing stores with an area of more than square meters, it is another matter. The starting capital is generally RMB 230000.

 Graphic and text quick printing

[Is it reliable to open a picture and text express printing shop]

Large market demand Wise choice, optimistic prospect

Now, both individuals and enterprises have demand for fast printing, and there is a market for demand. With the rapid development of economy, today's graphic and text fast printing industry is 30% As the industry is not yet mature, the image and text fast printing industry will usher in a broader development space and an optimistic prospect of intelligent choice in the future.

 Photo and text express printing shop

Small difficulty in entering the bank, diversified operation

The intelligent choice of the graphic express printing shop can be large or small, and the operation process is streamlined. After systematic learning, you can quickly start, and the difficulty is small. The image and text express printing shop is flexible in operation and versatile in one shop. It integrates the business of printing factory, photo agency, copy shop, printing shop, advertising company, design company, etc. The operator can provide different growth services in the design, output, production, improvement/increase and other links, collect fees respectively, and obtain more generous business.

 Photo and text express printing shop

How much does it cost to open a graphic express printing shop? Is it reliable? Now there should be no doubt about these two issues. You can work out a reasonable and intelligent plan according to your economic strength, and then work hard. With continuous efforts, you are sure to achieve the goals you expect!

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