It is necessary to explain the process of making hand-made silver pots by the master craftsman of silver products life

2019-07-24 16:54:31   Source: China Franchise Network   615 people participated
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The complicated forging process of a silver pot is the experience and charm accumulated by the silversmiths after years of experience. The sound of Ding Dong hammering silver into a pot can not be understood by outsiders. However, after understanding the silver pot, it is necessary to explain the process of making the silver pot, in order to comfort the craftsmen for their hard work.

The silver pot production process is a combination of traditional and modern techniques. Each link is closely linked and orderly. It is roughly divided into six processes:

1、 Design: ingenious conception, first draft of design

2、 Silver melting: high temperature furnace, pressing silver sheet

III Hammer piece: silver piece is annealed and repeatedly tempered. After more than 70000 blows, the pot shape is slowly forming

IV Engraving: On the surface of the silver pot, the techniques of hook, lift, squeeze, press, lean, pick, silk, prop, and take off make the decoration full of three-dimensional sense and enhance the artistic appeal.

V Assembly: forge the spout and lifting beam to weld the parts molded into blocks, which are required to match harmoniously to form the basic requirements of the finished product.

6、 Polishing: polish, polish and clean the finished product to make the surface of the silver pot bright and bright.

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