How to promote online stores of adult products? How to conduct drainage and promotion?

2022-12-12 16:03:11   Source: Global franchise network   11687 people participated
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  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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With the development of the Internet today, opening online stores is everywhere. You don't need to pick up your own goods, worry about the problem of overstocking, and don't need rent. So many people choose to open online stores How to promote online stores of adult products? How to conduct drainage and promotion?

1. Learn to filter keywords according to the characteristics of adult products in your store to increase the exposure of products searched by users.

2. Take the initiative to answer some questions related to adult products on various question and answer platforms to increase the exposure rate of stores.

3. You can choose to promote adult products in the platform community. Pay attention to the promotion according to the community rules, and do not violate the community rules.

4. Use the direct train that comes with the platform to promote the goods. Before promotion, be sure to be familiar with the operating rules of the direct train, so as to spend less money or get more benefits.

5. You can hold some activities in your own store, such as reducing the amount of the full amount and giving small gifts to the full amount, to increase the popularity and increase the flow of the store.

6. Posting in various forums and blogs for promotion and marketing, be careful not to cause repugnance to the user group.

How to conduct diversion and promotion:

1. Community posting

To do online promotion, posting and replying is a necessary work for promotion. On the e-commerce platform, it is a common way for all sellers to improve their store reading. The role of a post varies according to its content. A good post can bring hundreds or even thousands of readers. Therefore, community posting should not only focus on quantity, but also on "quality".

2、 other Forum Posting

In addition to the platform community, the promoters can also go to the adult products online shop to promote other Visit the forum to improve the reputation of online stores and bring some traffic.

3. Baby on and off the shelf

When the buyer is in the store, the platform acquiesces in the ordering method that is to arrange the store according to the shelf time. The closer the store gets to the shelf, the more front the store will be, which is easy for the buyer to find. Therefore, if you want to get more attention from people, you must start from this rule and pay attention to the time when your baby goes off the shelf to calculate your baby's time on the shelf.

4. Seller Comments

Using the habit that buyers will pay attention to the review and evaluation before buying something, we can insert words to promote the store in the reply to buyers. Explained sentences have the same effect whether they are bad comments, medium comments or good comments.

5. Wangwang pay flow

There are many advantages of participating in Wangwang Group. The direct one is to enhance the reputation of the online store. If you often speak in the group and show your face, you will naturally go to your store to see. When you want to buy, you will naturally think of your store, and can also analyze buyers for you.

How to promote online adult goods stores has been introduced in detail in the above article. We should be patient enough, abide by the rules, provide good service and quality, so that the stores can stand out.

How to promote online stores of adult products? How to conduct drainage and promotion? The above is a detailed introduction. Love Centennial adult products can open offline self-service stores, take away stores, and online stores on major e-commerce platforms: single products generally have more than 200% - 500% of revenue. Provide business license and second-class medical treatment guidance. It saves a lot of trouble to grant agents with qualification certificates for opening online stores and physical stores.

If you need to do adult products, you can consult us for information

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