How much does it cost to join the monthly center

2024-05-17 17:27:11   Source: Global franchise network   2120 people participated
  • Business scope: postpartum recovery
  • Number of stores: 234
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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First of all, the start-up capital required by the Yuezi Center is related to many factors, including geographical location, store size, decoration style, etc. For a standard monthly center, the total investment is expected to be more than 300000 yuan from leasing the store to internal decoration, equipment procurement, plus personnel recruitment, marketing and other costs.

If you choose to join a famous brand of the month center, you also need to consider the cost of joining. In the third tier cities, the brand month center will be opened, and the initial franchise will be between 300000 yuan and 400000 yuan; In second tier cities, the figure may be 400000-500000 yuan; First tier cities may need more than 500000 yuan.

Of course, these figures are for reference only, and the specific amount of franchisees should be determined according to the actual choice of franchisees. Before planning to launch business, franchisees should make full market research, prepare corresponding funds, and select appropriate store locations to attract target customers. If you decide to join a brand monthly center, brands such as Lifestyle Monthly Center can consider joining your candidate list.

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