Is there any professional restriction on how to join in Yifatong legal services

2024-04-21 16:06:14   Source: Global franchise network   959 people participated
  • Business Scope: Enterprise Legal Counsel
  • Number of stores: 60
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Many ordinary people do not know much about law. Therefore, when encountering legal problems, they often choose to find professional lawyers or go directly to law firms for help. They can see different legal service centers in major cities. Yifatong legal service is one of the most popular brands, providing a variety of legal services, It has established a good reputation and has become a project of concern for franchisees. So how can Yifatong legal services join? Are there any professional restrictions?

 Franchise of Yifatong Law

How to join Yifatong legal services?

1、 Entrepreneurs can learn more about the brand's joining policy, brand culture, management methods and other issues they care about in relevant websites to determine their joining intentions.

2、 Franchisees go to the brand headquarters for a detailed investigation in person to understand the comprehensive strength of the headquarters, the business situation of other stores and the brand's market reputation, and submit cooperation applications.

3、 The headquarters will conduct a detailed review of the store opening qualifications of the partners, such as the size of the store, whether there are cooperative stores in the city, and the preparation of the store opening funds to determine the cooperation qualifications.

4、 After a detailed investigation, they can formally sign a franchise contract.

 Easy access to law

Is there any professional restrictions on Yifatong legal services?

There are no professional restrictions on Yifatong's legal services, and the conditions for joining the headquarters are simple, mainly including the following:

1、 Franchisees have more than 200000 yuan of store construction funds, which are mainly used for labor costs, service place leasing, advertising and other expenses.

2、 Entrepreneurs recognize the brand's operation mode, management concept and corporate culture, and can establish long-term cooperative relationship with the headquarters.

3、 The partner has a fixed store in the local market, with a store size of at least 100 square meters, and successfully applied for a business license that meets the requirements.

How to join Yifatong legal services? Are there any professional restrictions? Over the years of operation, Yifatong legal service has won many honorary titles, such as "consumers trust the legal service brand", "honest business unit", etc. After successful joining, entrepreneurs can easily attract the attention of potential consumers by virtue of the brand's market influence.

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