Great Sage arrives at the national store star! Half year grand ceremony is coming

2022-06-27 13:15:30   Source: Global franchise network   67752 people participated
  • Scope of business: Pediatric Massage
  • Number of stores: 5000
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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On June 28, 2022, Dasheng arrived at the headquarters to hold a semi annual ceremony. Since the first day, the preparation for the award of franchisees nationwide has begun. It has visited more than 10 provinces in China, visited more than 500 stores, established 7 awards, and listed more than 80 stores.

Among them, the other award expected by franchisees, Dasheng Drive to the National Store Star, has also been officially announced. This award was established to commend franchisees who excel in technical strength and operating results in the process of Dasheng drive to the store. Before the semiannual event, there were five franchisees selected as store stars.

Dasheng Drive to Jiaozhou Store

"At that time, I also accidentally saw the industry of children's massage. I saw the yellow vest of the Great Sage on the road when I was on a business trip. Alas, I felt very curious. I wanted to try to change my unchanged life. I went out to have a look and understand."

Ms. Fu said that her entrepreneurship was like coincidence and opportunity. After joining Dasheng, she really benefited a lot.

Dasheng Drive to Qingdao Agent

In the interview, Mr. Wang said, "I never thought that the business school courses that Dasheng had visited were so comprehensive, the boss secret training courses and the lecturer class. After listening to them, I found many management problems and thinking mode problems that existed in the enterprise before. I absorbed them all and applied them to the fission and management of the stores that Dasheng had visited in Jiaozhou, which can be said to be handy.

Up to now, as a city agent, the number of his stores has exceeded 10.

Great Sage Drive to Lanshan Agency

"I don't know if I can step into an industry I don't know, but I don't care". Ms. Gong, from Lanshan District, changed her career from underwear sales. She used to deal with her mother, but now she deals with her children. "It's doomed to join the Great Sage"

Dasheng Drive to Wudi Store

"I attach great importance to services and products, and I feel (Dasheng arrives) The headquarters is the same frequency with me. The operation idea is always ahead of me. There are corresponding products, massage and health care activities and programs in every season, festival and even solar term. When I need customers, the operation teacher will always help me plan. After more members, Mr. Nie will give me the QSM store management system, which is really good and warm. "

Dasheng Drive to Dongying Store

"The standardization of the store is very important. The decoration of Dasheng is a unified style, warm yellow, and training for employees. Every day, he reads the sincerity of the doctor and makes eight pieces of brocade, including the preparation before and after dressing and massage. For the first time, he feels so easy to be a boss."

Since its establishment in 2013, Dashengqiandao has always adhered to the concept of inheriting the classics of traditional Chinese medicine and spreading green therapy. There are more than 4000 franchised stores in China. The purpose of this semi annual meeting is to summarize store operating experience and commend stores. In the future, Dasheng will continue to take advantage of the momentum and forge ahead, helping the development of children's massage.

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