Details of franchise expenses of shoe washing shop

2024-05-16 14:11:16   Source: Global franchise network   1887 people participated
  • Business scope: shoe washing shop
  • Number of stores: 230
  • Single store investment: 1~5 ten thousand
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For entrepreneurs who want to join the shoe washing shop, you may need to prepare a joining cost of about 100000 to 200000 yuan, which includes the joining fee, purchase of professional equipment and basic capital needs for store leasing. Considering the differences in brand influence, service scope, business philosophy and other factors, the joining costs of major brands will also be different.

Brands such as Shoes Love, Shoes Guard and I Love Daren have established their influence in the market and provided various services to meet customers' personalized needs, including deodorization, cleaning and maintenance.

The conditions for joining the shoe washing shop are:

1. Have sufficient franchise ability and good financial condition, and be able to bear all expenses required for franchise.

2. The layout and decoration of the store must meet the standard specifications of the headquarters.

3. Franchisees should be healthy, confident and enthusiastic about the clothing care industry.

4. We must go all out to identify with and accept the brand's business philosophy and strategy.

5. Provide legal identity documents so that the headquarters can establish authentic and reliable files.

6. Follow and implement all operation and management systems of the brand.

7. Natural persons with independent legal personality or considerable economic strength.

Today, the shoe washing industry continues to be hot, and the market demand is growing. If you have sufficient funds and broad market vision, joining a shoe washing shop is undoubtedly a business opportunity full of potential.

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