How much is the joining fee for general children's parks

2024-05-17 08:48:52   Source: Global franchise network   1714 people participated
  • Business Scope: Children's Paradise
  • Number of stores: 200
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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If you want to join a children's park, the initial joining is mainly divided into several parts: joining expenses, venue rent, venue decoration, entertainment equipment investment and publicity expenses.

At present, many children's park brands have given up the franchise fees in order to attract franchisees. However, some brands still need to charge a certain franchise fee according to their market influence and services provided. For franchisees with limited funds, choosing a franchise fee free brand may reduce financial pressure.

The rental fee depends on the size and location of the park. Generally, 100 to 300 square meters of space is enough to open a small and medium-sized children's park. A month's rent in large cities may be 10000 or 20000 yuan, while the cost in small cities or towns will be relatively low.

The joining of amusement equipment is a major part of the cost of children's parks, with costs ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of yuan. It depends on the quality and quantity of equipment and the attraction it can bring to the park. The selection of equipment suppliers with quality assurance is the key to support safety and reduce later maintenance costs.

As for the decoration and publicity, the decoration can refer to the design drawings, restore the ideal appearance of the paradise to a large extent, and control the cost. In terms of publicity, social media, offline leaflets, word of mouth and other means can be used to improve reputation, which are relatively low-cost.

In general, the initial franchise is expected to be between 100000 and 200000 yuan, which does not include the daily expenses during the operation period. The specific franchise cost should also be determined according to the specific conditions of the town. Before deciding to join, it is crucial to understand the market demand, site rent and the expected target rate.

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