Franchise fee for adult articles of vending machine

2024-05-17 15:08:30   Source: Global franchise network   2130 people participated
  • Business scope: Adult products
  • Number of stores: 40987
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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According to the joining policies of many brands in the market, the joining expenses of the self-service adult product stores are relatively low, and the initial capital investment is easy to bear. Now we will carefully analyze the cost of this franchise.

General analysis of franchise expenses

The initial franchise fee is about 10000 yuan, and there is no need to increase other fees, such as brand usage fees, on this basis. However, franchisees also need to consider other costs, including store leasing, decoration, equipment purchase, etc. In this way, the overall franchise fee may fluctuate between 30000 yuan and 50000 yuan, and the final fee may vary depending on regional differences and the size of the franchise.

Support services from franchise

1. Brand image support: after joining, the headquarters will provide special regional protection to ensure the independent operation rights and interests of franchisees.

2. Whole store output support: relying on the rich marketing experience of the headquarters, the franchisee will get a complete set of business plans to help easily replicate the success of the business.

3. Free training support: in order to guarantee the good operation of the store, the headquarters provides free business training to ensure that the franchisee has professional operation ability.

4. Channel promotion support: the extensive publicity channels of the headquarters will provide continuous exposure to franchise stores and help generate customer flow.

5. Continuous tracking service: In the process of store operation, the headquarters provides continuous consulting and guidance services, and regularly pushes new product research and development trends.

As mentioned above, it is a business opportunity with low capital threshold and comprehensive support to join in the field of self-service adult stores. For entrepreneurs who are willing to join, now is a good time to seize the opportunity. Of course, you must fully understand the brand background and conduct a comprehensive research on the market before signing the contract to ensure that your capital can grow to a large extent.

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