What business mistakes should be avoided when community children's bookstores join?

2022-07-13 10:47:45   Source: Global franchise network   69629 people participated

Many entrepreneurs now start their businesses for the first time and have little experience in business. However, no matter what kind of stores, entrepreneurs should make a good positioning before opening them. Some entrepreneurs do not fully understand the positioning, so there is a misunderstanding when positioning. Let's talk about the management mistakes that the community children's bookstore should avoid when joining.

Misunderstanding 1: store positioning is to find product advantages.

The operation of community children's bookstores naturally focuses on books, but the positioning of community children's bookstores is not only to find the advantages of products, but also to find the target consumer groups of community children's bookstores. For example, the consumer groups of Shuguo Planet children's reading alliance are mainly for mothers and children, so when positioning the target consumer groups, the focus is on these consumers. Only when consumers recognize the product, can the reading product give full play to its advantages.

False cognition 2: think that positioning is to be different.

Although the characteristics of the community children's bookstore are very important, does it mean that it can be different from other reading stories? In fact, the answer is not. Although the community children's bookstores are mostly borrowing books, Shuguo Planet children's reading focuses on the needs of consumers, breaks the traditional way of borrowing books in products, and introduces different reading guidance courses to bring different experiences to consumers.

Misunderstanding 3: The business model does not know how to be flexible.

Some operators operate community children's bookstores. Even though they know that their stores are not doing well, they still do not know how to adapt. They still follow the same pattern, from opening in the morning to opening in the evening, and do not do promotions or publicity activities. It seems that "deep wine is not afraid of deep alley" attitude. In fact, repeat customers are very important. They can bring you more customers. The children of Shuguo Planet think that if they want to keep them, they should know how to operate with reasonable price, qualified quality and flexible business model.

When joining the picture book reading library, it is necessary to choose the children of Shuguo Planet to read. Shuguo Planet Children's Reading has a set of mature enrollment publicity programs, which can help entrepreneurs recruit enough students at the initial stage of opening and operation, so as to keep the business of reading franchisees stable.

Shuguo Planet is now inviting investment nationwide. Franchisees do not need experience or education background. Multiple franchise supports make it easy for you to run a school.

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