Will new energy vehicles continue to be hot in 2024? Listen to what Weiche regional investment director said

2024-03-01 13:17:17   Source: Global franchise network   759 people participated
  • Business scope: automobile
  • Number of stores: 610
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Every era has its opportunities. The key is to remain completely open and have the courage to struggle. Welcome partners with dreams to join Weiche, embrace the new energy era of automobiles and share the dividends of the automobile market!

Since joining Weiche, the sales volume of the Shaoxing Shangyu Store (Weiche New Energy Experience Store) of President Chen has grown steadily. Despite the operating costs of the store, the current situation has greatly exceeded expectations. Therefore, President Chen hopes to coordinate the site selection with the headquarters as soon as possible and plan to open a second store in 2024, so the column team also Organic The meeting interviewed Mr. Sun, the regional investment director of Weiche, who had just concluded the investment promotion meeting of Hangzhou headquarters, and came to discuss the implementation of relevant franchise support policies with Mr. Chen.

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