You must know these suggestions when choosing the catering industry!

2022-08-15 11:35:34   Source: Global franchise network   33721 people participated
  • Business scope: hot pot
  • Number of stores: 1000
  • Single store investment: 50~100 ten thousand
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What should be paid attention to when catering personnel first choose the catering industry? In addition to psychological preparation, what should be paid attention to when opening a restaurant? Chaotianmen Hot Pot has 87 years of chain catering business experience. Today, Chaotianmen will share with you the key points to pay attention to when choosing the catering industry.

1、 Make a shop that can replicate standardization

For catering businesses, it is crucial to reduce product costs, reduce labor costs, and improve the stability of food production. If catering stores want to become larger, they must meet two preconditions: first, standardization, and second, replicability. For customers, it is simple, fast, inexpensive, and time saving, Our restaurants are more in line with the needs of young people today.

2、 Shop for healthy diet

As the post-90s and post-00s have gradually become the main force of consumption, you will find that this group is not only concerned about taste, but also about whether the ingredients are fresh and healthy. Today's young consumers are very picky. They want to eat healthy and fresh ingredients, and the health theme meets the consumption and life needs of today's young people, Restaurants should not only taste delicious, but also return to the essence of health. If they want to retain customers, they still need to rely on taste. Therefore, the future trend of catering must be a combination of health and taste.

3、 Make a personalized restaurant with characteristics

With the change of the times, the catering consumers are gradually becoming younger and the decoration is personalized. To achieve product differentiation, the store operation is differentiated, characteristic and personalized, which is indispensable. In terms of products, differentiated products should be shaped. In terms of environment and decoration, we should never be modest. The decoration is a bit special, like Chongqing Chaotianmen Hot Pot, There are cultural stores, new Chinese stores and fashion stores. Only enterprises with brand strength can make so many styles of decoration to meet the needs of different consumer groups in different cities.

4、 Connect with the Internet and learn to use the Internet

No matter what kind of restaurant you are in, you should know how to use the Internet, because most of the future customers will come from the online rather than from the offline. If you choose a good location for your restaurant, there will be a lot of customers at the door, but if the location is poor, you will find that there is no one every day. Customers can only come from the online. You should know how to use Internet traffic, Short videos must be channeled and promoted.

The above is the relevant sharing of Chaotianmen Hot Pot. I hope it can help you. If you have other questions, please leave us a message to exchange and learn together!

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