Franchise fee for Sun Hao's cattle miscellaneous panel

2022-07-05 12:20:00   Source: China Franchise Network   94 people participated
  • Scope of business: snacks
  • Number of stores: 43
  • Single store investment: 100~200 ten thousand
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Pasta is one of the main diets in China. It can be divided into different types according to different regions. The taste is also different. Beef offal noodles have strong northern food characteristics, and are widely welcomed and loved by consumers. Sun Hao's offal panel is also one of the well developed brands. So, how much is the franchise fee for Sun Hao's offal panel?

Franchise fee for Sun Hao's cattle miscellaneous panel

Sun Hao needs a fixed business site for the operation of the miscellaneous panel, but the specific area is not limited, so there is no unified standard for the franchise fee, because the size of the store affects the rent and subsequent investment, and these expenses are the main part of the franchise fee. If the economic strength is average, you can choose to operate a small-scale franchise store, which costs about 100000 yuan. If the economic strength is strong, it can also operate large-scale franchise stores. The spacious place can provide consumers with a comfortable dining environment, and can also accommodate more customers to eat at the same time, bringing huge turnover to the franchisees. However, no matter which franchise mode is selected, the headquarters will provide practical help and guidance throughout the process to ensure the stable development of the store.

Introduction to Sun Hao's brand of cattle offal panel

As a little famous brand of pasta, classic noodles are the characteristics of business. The enterprise has developed special sauces, and added many nutritious ingredients and Chinese herbs into the boiled soup, creating delicious and nutritious pasta. The more popular special beef noodles, special beef noodles, special beef mixed noodles, meat and vegetable ingredients, together with delicious noodle soup, topped with attractive chili oil, sprinkled with green coriander and scallions, a bowl of steaming food is finished. The company has made a full survey of the market, learned about the price of products in the same industry, and formulated a price that is in line with the consumption level of the general public, striving to enable more consumers to taste special food.

How much is the franchise fee for Sun Hao's miscellaneous panel? The overall joining fee is not high, which will not bring excessive economic burden to the franchisees. The main stores are widely favored in the local market, so the sales volume is considerable, attracting a steady stream of entrepreneurs to join the store.

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