Shuguo Planet: What are the development directions of joining children's reading libraries?

2024-02-26 15:33:42   Source: Global franchise network   983 people participated
  • Business scope: reading education, in-depth reading, reading club activities
  • Number of stores: 500
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Many people like the blue ocean of children's reading and want to open a franchise store of children's reading hall, but more and more people are watching the children's reading hall. On the whole, the joining of children's reading libraries has broad prospects for development. If you want to successfully open a store, you should choose the store's orientation and development direction, and choose the operation mode.

The development of children's reading industry has gone through a long time of exploration. There have been various models of children's reading halls, such as those that distribute picture books, those that pay a deposit to borrow books for free, and those that are free in the community. These models may seem novel, but in essence, they still use the gimmick of "reading" to attract people.

What can be done in the long run is the real service brand. The franchise stores of Shuguo Planet Children's Reading Center are very stable in this regard, because their development has the following directions:

Direction 1: Increase your book base and reduce costs

Children's reading hall "minus", reading "plus". To reduce costs, children's reading centers can focus on borrowing services and streamline other places. When the number of members reaches a certain level, we can consider opening reading activities, research and practice, etc.

Children's reading halls in this development direction must do a good job in details. They can label books and write recommendations to make it easier for customers to find them. In addition, we can also carry out regular activities in the store, not seeking more, but seeking stability, so as to maintain customer stickiness.

Direction 2: "Reading+" for institutional transformation and upgrading

Shuguo Planet has many partners who transform and upgrade children's reading stores. They add reading projects on the basis of retaining the original business, and complement each other. For example, the franchise store of Shuguo Planet Children's Reading Center in Peixian County, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province increased reading on the basis of the original eloquence training, and transformed into 150+year reading club members in just two months, generating 75W+income.

In addition, there are also popular models such as "reading+hosting", which benefit the partners of Shuguo Planet.

Shuguo Planet has been working hard for children's reading for 14 years. Now we are looking for partners nationwide. If you are also interested in children's reading and want to join the children's reading library, please consult us. We will give you a detailed introduction and provide free joining materials!

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