Zhengxin Chicken Chop Returns with Honor! This conference is a complete success!

2023-02-20 15:00:10 Source: Zhengxin Chicken Chop
  • Scope of business: Catering snacks
  • Number of stores: 20000
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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On the morning of February 17, Zhengxin Group held the 2023 Global Investment Promotion Conference and Zhengxin Chicken Chop Super Symbol Conference, which was a complete success! Representatives of consumers, franchisees, store managers and special guests were invited to come together to blow the trumpet for the cross era development of Zhengxin Group in the new year!

In addition to the senior leaders of Zhengxin Group, the conference also invited Mr. Zheng Haojian, Vice President of Tencent, Mr. Wu Tong, President of Tyson in China and South Korea, Mr. Hua Shan, Chairman of Huayuhua, Mr. Yang Penghong, Partner of Huayuhua, and members of Huayuhua Project Team.

Media: Songjiang Rong Media Center, Xiaokunshan Town Publicity Department, Wenzhou Newspaper, China News Service, Xinmin Evening News, Dongfang.com China Website, Shanghai News Network, Shanghai TV Station, Shanghai Hotline, Yangtze River Delta City Network, Tencent News, Science and Technology finance Times, Zhejiang Workers Daily, Jiefang Daily, China News Network China Reform newspaper China Blue TV, etc

Participants: Mr. Xiao Gao chatted about food and beverage, Mr. Big Chive chatted about joining, Mr. Qiang chatted about food and beverage, the boss's internal reference, Mr. Xiao Luo said about food and beverage, Mr. Chai, Mr. Song on the 33rd floor, Mr. Wei Xiaobao would shine, Ms. Mao was irritable, the new fast food, the luxury car poison, Mr. Ji, the oyster house, Mr. Ji, Red Food, Professional Food, etc

Mr. Jin Jian, President of Zhengxin Group, extended a warm welcome to all the guests present at the conference, and said: "2023 is an important stage for us to work hard and create another brilliant future. Today's global investment promotion conference and super symbol conference is an inspiring call for progress, and also a new starting point for us to stride towards overseas markets."

Mr. He Tianxin, the project director of Huayu Huazhengxin Chicken Chop, introduced the origin of Zhengxin Chicken King, and gave a detailed introduction to the inspiration of super symbols and the significance of the brand.

The appearance of Zhengxin Chicken King, a super symbol, brought the atmosphere of the conference to a climax

The nimble and powerful image of the chicken king on the stage made the audience cry repeatedly.

The launching ceremony of the super symbol was held by Ms. Liu Shuyan, the consumer representative, Mr. Li Jie, Mr. Zhang Zhenghong, the franchisee representative, Mr. Liu Zheng, Ms. Lv Yuanyuan, Mr. Shen Jisheng, the store manager representative, Mr. Zheng Haojian, the vice president of Tencent, Mr. Wu Tong, the president of Tyson in China and South Korea, Mr. Yang Penghong, the partner of Huawei, Mr. Hua Shan, the chairman of Huawei Mr. Jin Jian, President of Zhengxin Group, and Mr. Chen Chuanwu, Chairman of Zhengxin Group jointly opened the conference.

Zhengxin Group has been taking customer first as its service concept for many years, and invited Zhengxin's real consumer representatives, representatives of Zhengxin's store managers and representatives of franchisees to participate in this ceremony.

Mr. Wang Hai, Vice President of Zhengxin Group, summarized the development of Zhengxin in the past 20 years, made a wonderful speech on the opportunities, service concepts and future development of joining Zhengxin Group, especially the globalization process of Zhengxin Group, and welcomed global franchisees to join the family of Zhengxin Group for common development! And shouted out the bright prospect of Zhengxin Group's future development of "one hundred thousand billion output value of stores"!

Everyone took out their mobile phones to scan code to participate in the exciting lottery.

Mr. Chen Zheng, CEO of Zhengxin Group's Xiaoxiong and Tree brand, introduced the contemporary young market and the application of digital management in the future on behalf of young people at the conference, showing the spirit of "new" Zhengxin people who are energetic, and the rapid development of Zhengxin Group that keeps pace with the times.

Mr. Xie Haiguang, the general manager of Zhengshaoji, introduced to everyone the good news of Zhengshaoji's brand value and good revenue. The on-site franchisees also showed great interest in this and expressed their desire to further investigate and actively cooperate!

As an overseas brand of Zhengxin Group, Mr. Huang Jinhui, General Manager of Dagu Rice Noodle Brand, also shared his brand experience and development history on the spot.

The signing scene was very hot, and the franchisees were very satisfied with the joining activity and lottery benefits! All faces are filled with happy smiles.

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