Zhengxin Chicken Chop continued to lead the snack track, with a year-on-year growth of 28.7%, and 3795 Chicken King stores were upgraded!

2024-03-12 11:32:09 Source: Zhengxin Chicken Chop
  • Scope of business: Catering snacks
  • Number of stores: 20000
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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"Be bigger in the past and stronger in the future."

If you want to talk about the catering business of Zui in 2024, it must be leisure snacks. At the beginning of the New Year, some people raised hundreds of millions of dollars, and some people pointed to Wandian, especially the snack brand with "fried" as the main line. As the "social currency" of Zui's popular catering, it is more popular than tea.

Of course, Zhengxin Group, which has been established for more than 20 years, has always stood at the forefront in this catch-up business arena. Although like most enterprises, they were also affected by the temporary slowdown of the epidemic growth, they still handed in their growth answers at the end of 2023.

According to its official data, in 2023, thanks to the efforts of all Zhengxin partners, the overall performance of the Group will increase by 28.7% compared with 2022, and 3795 brand new Jiwang stores will be upgraded throughout the year, of which the overseas business will perform well.

As a catering brand entering the Wandian Club in China, its every move will also release important industry signals.


Bigger in the past:

In 2017, it has entered the Wandian Club,

It is a catering brand entering 2W+stores in the industry!

From a Zhengxin snack bar in Wenzhou in 2000 to Wandian chain brand, Zhengxin Group has created a super commercial symbol - "Zhengxin Chicken Chop". Zhengxin Group has walked this road for more than 20 years.

It is emerging in the era of China's booming entrepreneurship, and it is also the stage of the Chinese franchise chain Zui, from imitating McCann to growing into its own towering tree.

In fact, Zhengxin has entered the Wandian Club since 2017, which is a catering brand in the industry that has entered 2W+stores. Even today's popular tea brands are closely following.

Zhengxin has been able to become bigger in the past in two aspects: one is to use supply chain thinking to do catering, which is an earlier enterprise in the industry to do full supply chain alliance; The other is to use the final thinking to layout the catering ecology, create a compass logistics that is good at warehousing and transportation, and serve enterprises such as Ruyi wonton, degenerate shrimp, and burning immortal grass; There are about 20 companies producing food raw material factories and decoration packaging materials, serving hundreds of customers in the catering industry worldwide.

Zhengxin Group has always enriched the ecology with the investment mentality of planting trees. The forest plan project launched by Zhengxin Group has incubated catering brands such as Dagu Rice Noodles and Zhengshaoji.

In addition, Zhengxin Group has always led the industry in marketing, inviting Huang Bo to be the spokesperson, and inviting Hua and Hua to upgrade the super symbol of "chicken king", all of which have brought brand reputation.

In the past, there was a photo and card wall at the former site of Zhengxin office building every day, and the number of stores on the wall increased every day. Countless catering people who came to Zhengxin for study tours and visits wanted to take a group photo here, which was a true portrayal of Zhengxin's "growth" in the past.


Now become stronger:

In the year of high-quality franchise, Chinese chicken chops will influence the world!

Now, Zhengxin chicken chops can be seen in many parts of the world.

In every urban street in China, many sunken towns have Zhengxin chicken chop shops. Zui's store is far away from Sanya, and Zui's store at a high altitude is in Tibet

Recently, Zhengxin has just concluded the second Zhengxin Chicken Chop Global Franchisee Conference, which can be said to release several important news:

1. Performance increased by 28.7% year on year, and 3795 Jiwang stores were upgraded

The three-year epidemic has made the real economy unbearable. Even Zhengxin, an enterprise with sustained growth in the past, is inevitably affected.

In the past year, Zhengxin chose to work quietly. Even when the overall market of the industry slowed down, Zhengxin also handed over the growth answer. The overall performance of the group increased by 28.7% compared with 2022, and the image of 3795 new chicken king stores was upgraded throughout the year.

2. Fully open the era of fried chicken 9.9, adhere to the cost performance line

When customers' wallets are tightened and they are highly sensitive to prices, it means that they should take the cost performance route.

In the past, Zhengxin Chicken Chop has always adhered to the route of high cost performance. Relying on its advantages in the supply chain, last year it launched 9.9 yuan and half a kilogram of free weight fried chicken, opening the 9.9 yuan era in an all-round way.

In addition, the store also launched new popular products with cost performance, such as free weight fried chicken, golden hammer wing root and raw fried chicken leg.

3. Promote the franchise mode, and the headquarters will take more risks

In 2023, Zhengxin Group will sign nearly 3000 franchise stores in total. The second store of Dagu Rice Noodle at Tianfu Airport has a high monthly revenue of more than one million yuan; Zhengshaoji Nantong MIXC Store, with a revenue of more than 500000 yuan last December.

For Zhengxin, high-quality development is to open high-quality franchise stores and encourage more franchisees to rely on Zhengxin brand to make money. For this reason, it launched a strong franchise mode: the franchisee does not need to pay the franchise fee, brand use fee and management fee, but Zhengxin advances the decoration fee, equipment payment and purchase money. This is a new franchise mode, which is different from the traditional form of franchise. The company bears greater risks and reduces the business risk of the franchisee.

4. 34 overseas stores have been newly added, and the Southeast Asia market has achieved outstanding results

The craze for Chinese food going to sea has been widely discussed in recent years. In fact, Zhengxin Group has laid out overseas business since a long time ago.

In 2023 alone, Zhengxin signed a contract to add 34 stores overseas, and one after another settled in Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, the United States, Australia and other countries. Among them, the franchisee Mr. Chen opened 8 stores in Laos.

Among them, Zhengxin Chicken Chop, a franchise store in Venice, Vietnam, had a revenue of 18000 yuan on the opening day, making Chinese chicken chops influence the world.

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