Is there any support for the joining headquarters of Physical Tiger

2022-11-25 11:01:56 Source: Physical Tiger Children's Physical Fitness Gymnasium
  • Business scope: education
  • Number of stores: 1200
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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In order to start a business successfully, it is often impossible to realize the dream of becoming rich without good projects. Entrepreneurs need to have a keen business vision and choose good projects with great market development potential among many entrepreneurial projects. Physical Tiger is a brand with good reputation in the industry. It has advanced teaching equipment and professional teaching system, provides professional training services for the majority of students, and is recognized by more and more consumers in the market. It is a very good cooperation project. So, where is the headquarters of the physical tiger franchise? Is there any support for joining?

 Physical tiger joining

Where is the headquarter of Physical Tiger

In 2019, the physical fitness tiger brand was established, headquartered in Qingdao, Shandong Province. It is a large local physical fitness sports hall brand. The company has a strong production force and R&D technology, and has developed a variety of physical fitness teaching aids. The R&D and production of each product use environment-friendly raw materials, so that consumers have a comfortable training experience and meet the standards of modern consumers, Let parents feel more at ease. After just a few years of development, the physical tiger brand has gradually expanded its business scale in the market, and now has more than 300 franchise chain stores in major cities, bringing greater satisfaction to consumers.

 Physical tiger

Is there support for joining

Support 1. Store location

In order to improve the chance of each entrepreneur to successfully open a store, Tineng Tiger Company will send experienced marketing specialists to provide support for store location selection, make relevant analysis based on the business site selected by the franchisee, and provide two suitable site selection schemes to bring more development space for entrepreneurs.

Support II. Advertising

Tineng Tiger Company invests a lot of money and time in advertising every year, and adopts different channels to promote the brand, such as film and television advertising, media advertising, airport advertising, etc. Various channels of publicity make the brand more famous in the market, and will also provide free publicity support for franchisees, so that entrepreneurs can operate more easily.

Where is the headquarter of Physical Tiger? Is there any support for joining? Physical Tiger is a brand with great influence in the industry. The company carries out diversified physical training programs to meet the needs of consumers of different ages. The market has huge space for development.

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  •  Advantage 4: 10 million word of mouth
  •  Advantage 5: Gold medal customer service
 Physical Tiger Children's Physical Fitness Gymnasium Joined
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