Analysis of the advantages of brand hotel chains

2011-12-14 09:50:35 Source: Shangkeyou Hotel
  • Business Scope: Hotel
  • Number of stores: 2800
  • Single store investment: 100~200 ten thousand
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Shangkeyou Chain Hotel:

1. Shangkeyou is currently an independent chain hotel brand specializing in second and third tier cities. This market position is Shangke Youchuang, and other small companies imitate it to the skin. In this market, we can't surpass any brand.

2. After Shangkeyou has reserved a large number of members in second and third tier cities and accumulated a large number of cost control means and channels (purchase and decoration channels), it will have obvious cost advantages when it gradually enters big cities later.

3. The franchise fee is low, no hidden fees will be charged, and it is open and transparent.

4. The cost of opening a store is strictly controlled, which is far lower than other brands.

5. Our management mode is also different from other chains. Vertical management+ground inspection is more suitable for franchise stores.


seven Days Inn:

  • Strong membership system and stable operation
  • Operation system, achieving higher goals
  • Direct management mode, saving management trouble
  • Professional support team, providing considerate service
  • Famous brand in hotel industry, gathering national supporters
  • Smart party selection management system, fair, transparent and qualified
  • E-commerce leader, leading the network consumption trend


Chain Hotel:

Brand advantages: unified brand image system, unified marketing system, unified standard training system

Advantages of customer sources: a personalized customer gathering platform, a networked customer distribution system, and a personalized customer membership system

Technical advantages: reservation system (CRS), property management system (PMS), customer relationship management system (CRM)

Supply chain management system (SCM), enterprise resource planning system (ERP)

Management advantages: standardized operation system, standardized quality system, standardized service system, standardized financial system, standardized procurement system


Motel one hundred and sixty-eight Chain Hotel:

It was awarded the title of "2004 Hotel Industry Brand Pioneer" by the Tourism Hotel Industry Association.

It was awarded the title of "2006 Economic Hotel Brand Pioneer" by the Tourism Hotel Industry Association.

It was awarded the title of "30 local hotel groups with scale in 2006" by the Tourism Hotel Industry Association.

Won the "2009 World Hotel · Five Continents Diamond Award" issued by the World Hotel Alliance Conference, a hotel chain brand with development value.


Chain Hotel

Advantages: project evaluation, engineering support, unified management, training support, market promotion, technical support


Chain Hotel:

  1. The economic hotel brand with priority influence is your successful improvement/increase
  2. You will become a member of a large family of budget hotel chains
  3. Share nearly 2 million member customer resources
  4. Unified hotel construction standards and technical support ensure that you can open an economic hotel exactly like the existing one in Jinjiang
  5. Unified operation standards and quality improvement/increase system ensure that you can easily operate an economic hotel chain like the existing one
  6. The powerful reservation center and other marketing platforms can deliver guests distributed throughout the country to your hotel
  7. Training institute, well-trained managers and high-quality management talent pool with training and cultural influence
  8. The unified material distribution system can deliver hotel supplies that meet the operation standards for your hotel in time
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label: Joined by small chain hotels Which hotel is better to join the chain hotel How much investment is needed to open chain hotels Chain Hotel Investment Promotion Association
Global franchise network advantage
  • Franchise certification
  • Big League
  • Lightning Recovery
  • Thousands of public praise
  • Gold medal customer service
  •  Advantage 1: 100% certification
  •  Advantage 2: Big name league
  •  Advantage 3: Lightning recovery
  •  Advantage 4: 10 million word of mouth
  •  Advantage 5: Gold medal customer service
 Joined by Shangkeyou Hotel
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