The 5th anniversary of Shuguo Planet's open reading cooperation: double line upgrade, 400 stores

2023-11-21 13:42:24 Source: Shuguo Planet Children's Reading
  • Business scope: reading education, in-depth reading, reading club activities
  • Number of stores: 500
  • Single store investment: 5~10 ten thousand
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On November 16, the fifth anniversary celebration of the open reading cooperation of Shuguo Planet with the theme of "Welcoming the situation, breaking the situation and win-win future" was successfully concluded in Qingdao And reached strategic cooperation with partners in Shanghai, Tianjin, Heilongjiang and Harbin on the spot. The person in charge of Shuguo Planet Investment Promotion Center said that he would work hand in hand to provide one-stop reading services for tens of millions of families and help promote reading for all.

Adhere to the double line upgrade of "product+support"

With the economic development and the iterative upgrading of reading consumption experience, consumers' demand for good products has become increasingly strong. The provision of reading products and services that meet consumer needs is the cornerstone for reading stores to base themselves on the market and achieve long-term development. According to the person in charge of the product center, Shuguo Planet is rooted in many reading markets across the country. On the basis of summing up the experience of editing, creating and promoting books and periodicals in the past decade, it has independently developed the four-dimensional and five force reading theoretical guidance system, 21 day reading habit cultivation camp, Happy Reading Youth Reading Club and other supporting reading products, which are widely welcomed by children and parents. "In recent years, we have constantly improved our product line, optimized our reading experience, and enabled children to benefit from the present and empower the future."

At the same time, he stressed that Shuguo Planet Headquarters had upgraded the content of store support for many times, such as 2023 audition activities, product presentations, reading instructor training, on-site support and upgrading, and made every effort to improve the quality of reading guidance and operation level of stores, "It is necessary to maintain the achievements of each theme reading meeting, and let every child who comes to Shuguo planet have a full and happy reading experience."

400 reading cooperative stores nationwide

In order to expand the promotion scope and strength of children's reading, Shuguo Planet officially opened investment cooperation in 2018, and successfully cooperated with more than 400 reading libraries, reading growth centers and multi-dimensional reading bookstores in five years. The relevant person in charge of Shuguo Planet said, "Books are the entrance to the spiritual world. We hope that by building a unique, high-quality and warm reading place, more children will take reading as a habit formation and a way of life to expand the infinite possibilities of future life through reading."

Over the past five years, many stores across the country have benefited from the one-stop franchise support policy of Shuguo Planet. According to the public data, the Shuguo Planet store in Jinjiang, Fujian, transformed more than 50 annual members of the reading society on the day of its opening, and the Changshu store in Jiangsu Province transformed more than 150 annual members three months after its opening. The stores in Wenzhou, Zhejiang, Tangshan, Hebei and other provinces successfully opened the "double store model" in the local area.

Today, Shuguo Planet is guiding the trend of children's reading. With the establishment of a sound scientific reading guidance system and a sustainable business model, it helps children and shares the reading blueprint with partners. "In the next five years, we look forward to working with more than 1000 partners to write a new chapter of development!" said the person in charge of Shuguo Planet Investment Promotion Center.

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 Shuguo Planet Children's Reading Alliance
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