Shuguo Planet: Celebrate the 5th anniversary of joining us, and the Fortune Forum offers great discounts!

2023-10-24 15:44:45 Source: Shuguo Planet Children's Reading
  • Business scope: reading education, in-depth reading, reading club activities
  • Number of stores: 500
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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On October 19, the Golden Autumn Wealth Forum of Children's Reading Growth Center, hosted by Shuguo Planet, with the theme of "Facing the situation and breaking the situation and win-win future", was grandly opened in Qingdao. This forum is the fifth anniversary of the opening of Shuguo Planet, and people from all over the country who are interested in the development of children's reading industry participated in this event.

Mr. Zhang Hongsheng, a well-known children's reading promoter and founder of Shuguo Planet, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

Over the past five years, Shuguo Planet has guided the trend of children's reading. With its one-stop scientific reading guidance system, sustainable business model, helping children and sharing the future development blueprint with partners, Shuguo Planet has won the attention and trust of more and more professionals and reading promoters.

Since this year alone, Shuguo Planet has reached cooperation with nearly 100 partners around the country in the mode of "high-speed development", and has launched reading center stores locally.

Shi Wen, co-founder of Shuguo Planet and president of the four-dimensional and five force Children's Reading Research Institute, said that with the promotion of national reading, the reading economy is ushering in a new period of development. Thanks to the support of partners over the past five years, Shuguo Planet's ambition of "setting up 5000 stores in 100 cities and providing professional reading services for 10 million children and their families" is becoming a reality.

At the meeting, Ms. Guo, a researcher of Shuguo Planet's four-dimensional and five force Children's Reading Research Institute, carefully analyzed the demand of the current reading market and shared research and development achievements.

Subsequently, the consultants of Shuguo Planet Reading Ecological Mode Business School took "the fourth quarter operation strategy of the store" as the theme, and explained in detail around the issues such as market resumption, organization of diversion activities, operation of new and old members, and service management. Many participants put forward practical and detailed questions based on the combination of the plan and their own actual situation, and received targeted answers.

Finally, business school consultants also analyzed the key content of project operation from eight dimensions, and introduced the continuous improvement and upgrading of cooperative store operation support system of Shuguo Planet in the past five years.

The well-designed product system, exciting incentive policies, the vast market with unlimited development, and the successful cases of cooperative stores for many years moved the participants, and many participants reached cooperation agreements with Shuguo Planet brand on the spot.

In a round of warm applause, the "Jinqiu Wealth Forum of Children's Reading and Growth Center" ended successfully! It is expected that in the future, Shuguo Planet and its new partners will further expand the development of children's reading industry across the country and win the first opportunity in the market competition.

The fifth anniversary of Shuguo Planet's opening and joining is still continuing. For details, please contact us by phone.

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 Shuguo Planet Children's Reading Alliance
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