What are the materials of the old tailor's home textiles

2022-11-23 12:03:42 Source: Old Tailor Home Textile
  • Business Scope: Home Textile and Home Furnishing
  • Number of stores: 1000
  • Single store investment: 20~50 ten thousand
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Many consumers have appropriate brands in mind in terms of quality selection and design sense of home textile products. As a professional home textile choice, the old tailor has rich experience in research and development, production, sales and training of various home textile products. At present, it has a production industrial park of more than 100000 square meters, which is powerful. Many entrepreneurs are interested in old tailors' home textiles. They want to know: what materials do old tailors' home textiles have? How about now?

 Old Tailor Home Textile Joined

1、 What material products are available

The overall strength of the old tailor's home textile established in Jiangsu in 2005 is not to be underestimated, and its brands are diverse, covering thousands of products such as home textile, home furnishings, mattresses, curtains, integrated office and bedroom soft clothing, etc. These products have their own cultural accumulation, making customers feel different designs, and the product styles are diverse, and there are many different materials, Actively update the products. After joining, you can visit the factory of the headquarters. Now, the old tailor's home textile is developing in full swing. Adhering to the century old brand culture accumulation, inheriting the spirit of craftsmen, and creating comfortable European style bedroom supplies for people, it is more satisfied with the new development model of private customization and overall household customization of soft decoration, and therefore the old tailor's home textile can develop better and better.

 Old Tailor Home Textile

2、 How about now

The old tailor home textile has built its own two series of intelligent production lines. Using the production intelligent hanging production line system, it has established a unified platform, superior production scheduling, product tracking, quality control, equipment failure analysis, network reporting and other management functions, realized closed-loop production, and established an integrated information system, Bring better support for the transformation and upgrading of stores. At the same time, the old tailors and home textiles now also adopt the new development mode of factory live broadcast, so that each franchisee can see the production process customization and so on without leaving home, so that they are more reassured about the production quality. The old tailor home textile has its own international team of original design, which can combine fashion trends to create the style of home textile products, and has its own cultural heritage.

What are the materials of the old tailor's home textiles? How about now? Entrepreneurs who want to join the old tailor's home textile industry take action in a timely manner. The old tailor's home textile industry provides a wide range of home textile products with various materials and full sense of design, which can be widely loved by customers. If you want to settle down, you can go directly to the website of the old tailor's home textile brand to leave a message and obtain the joining information.

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 Old Tailor Home Textile Joined
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