How does Kanoa operate? What are the team advantages now

2023-04-26 18:16:39 Source: Kanoa
  • Scope of business: overall home furnishing
  • Number of stores: 1000
  • Single store investment: 10~20 ten thousand
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Nowadays, people prefer the overall home service in the decoration design of houses. Many decoration companies and furniture brands have launched the whole house customized service, which has brought a one-stop whole house service support to many consumers. Professional customized design is carried out through the owner's ideas and concepts, and a satisfactory answer is submitted. As an excellent whole house service brand in the industry, Kanoa has an excellent reputation in wardrobe customization and the whole customized service, and has won the love and recognition of many consumers. So, how about Kanoa's operation? What are the team strengths now?

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How does Kanoa operate

Kanoya mainly adopts a unified service model in its operation. There are many Kanoya offline service center stores in China. All stores have a unified service model and standard, and have always been outputted in the operation mode of nine space services, which include the entrance door, living room, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, study, multi-function room Balcony and bathroom can meet the actual service needs of many customers.


What are the team advantages now

Kanoa has always paid attention to team research and development and service quality. Now it has team version 4.0. Through years of team upgrading, Kanoa has professional team strength in product research and development, production, offline service, after-sales service and many other aspects, bringing users one-stop satisfactory service output.

Kanoa has a three-dimensional storage system of the headquarters, mainly in the form of intelligent production line+three-dimensional warehouse, with four tracks and tens of thousands of warehouses. The delivery time has changed from more than an hour and a half at the beginning to about 50 minutes now, and it can achieve unattended work. There is little demand for human and material resources.

So, how about Kanoa's operation? What are the team strengths now? Canoa's rejection of the routine has brought reliable whole house customization services to many consumers. Canoa has excellent service support in the integration of wardrobe, cabinet, wooden door, parapet, furniture and home appliances. After years of development, Canoa has excellent brand reputation and service quality in China.

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  • Franchise certification
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  • Thousands of public praise
  • Gold medal customer service
  •  Advantage 1: 100% certification
  •  Advantage 2: Big name league
  •  Advantage 3: Lightning recovery
  •  Advantage 4: 10 million word of mouth
  •  Advantage 5: Gold medal customer service
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