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industry Hotpot>Beef Hotpot
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It is believed that no one will ask what to eat when traveling in Chongqing. Chongqing has its own special food card, hot pot. Chongqing people praise hot pot not because of its unique taste, but many Chongqing natives shake their heads when talking about hot pot in Chongqing.
The early origin of Jiugongge is the early development of Chongqing hotpot, which is a form of table pooling. People who don't know each other can sit down to cook a pot of hotpot together, and use the same pot to cook their own food. It needs different areas to distinguish, so the current Jiugongge has emerged. The simple separation can meet the demand for the same table to receive several groups of people to cook hotpot together, Each eats his own meal and pays his own money.
It can be said that the soul of Chongqing hot pot is a lump of white butter. Many foreign diners may not understand that a large lump of butter is really not greasy. Don't you feel the urge to eat it when you see the raw materials? In fact, it is not. The hundred year history of Chongqing hot pot, why can it be inherited to the present? There must be a reason for its existence, Now let's share the experience of Chaotianmen Hot Pot with all the catering staff on the raw material of butter. I hope it will be helpful to you.
Hot pot, as a brand in Sichuan and Chongqing, is more authentic, so when you go out to eat, you will find many Sichuan and Chongqing hot pot brands. Yanggangan Chongqing Hotpot, with authentic Chongqing taste and spicy taste, has won many food lovers and gained a good reputation in the market.
Hot pot is a traditional Chinese food. It is very popular in both the north and the south. Hot pot restaurant has a huge market, and its revenue is considerable, attracting some entrepreneurs. In the catering industry, there are various powerful hot pot brands, such as Yanggangan Chongqing Hot Pot.
Nowadays, there is fierce competition in the catering industry, so if you want to achieve a stable position in the market, you must highlight the characteristics of the product, so as to enhance the competitiveness of the product, so as to obtain a stable market. Yanggangan Chongqing Hotpot is a very good hotpot brand. Since its establishment in 2006, it has achieved very good results.
As one of the traditional domestic specialties, hotpot has diversified bottoms and rich ingredients, making consumers never tire of eating. With the rapid development of the catering industry, there are more and more hot pot brands.
Chongqing is the hometown of gourmet food. You can see many characteristic hotpot restaurants on the streets and lanes of Chongqing, and the people who consume them every day are continuous. Yang Gangan Chongqing Hotpot is a representative chain hotpot brand in the local area. He has been engaged in the research, operation and promotion of hotpot. Over the years, he has not only accumulated numerous good reputations, but also formed a better brand image, becoming a hotpot project that entrepreneurs pay close attention to.
Many people know about Chongqing cuisine. Chongqing hotpot is very famous, so there are many brands. Yang Gangan has a great influence on Chongqing hot pot. He can focus on product research and pass down the authentic old hot pot technology of Chongqing.
Hot pot is a traditional delicacy. Because of its diverse flavor, it can be matched with different ingredients at the same time, so it is popular everywhere. Walking on the streets of many cities, you can see hotpot shops of different styles.
Entrepreneurship hotspot
Everyone is familiar with the taste characteristics of Chongqing hot pot, which is mainly spicy and delicious. Yang Gangan Chongqing hot pot is a very famous brand of Chongqing hot pot. Both the decoration of the brand and the taste of the hot pot have reached a certain level, showing the local characteristics of Chongqing hot pot, which is loved by customers.
Chongqing hotpot, as a special type of food, not only has a spicy taste, but also has a rich variety of ingredients, which meets the diverse needs of people. Its sales volume in the market has always been considerable.
In recent years, hot pot stores have risen rapidly in the sinking market of the third, fourth and fifth line. According to data statistics, the population base of the sinking market is large, accounting for 70% of the total population, and the per capita disposable wealth of some third tier cities is higher than that of the first and second tier cities. It is precisely the characteristics of large population and strong consumption ability that hot pot stores began to take root and grow rapidly in the third, fourth and fifth tier cities.
No city loves hotpot more than Chongqing. According to statistics, for every 30 Chongqing people, one person is engaged in the hotpot industry. When entering Chongqing, the air seems to be filled with the flavor of hotpot.
If you want to taste the authentic flavor of Chongqing hotpot, you should not only choose a hot pot restaurant with pure taste, but also adjust the oil plate. Oil plate is a necessary item for Sichuan and Chongqing people to eat hot pot. Although a small hot pot oil plate has a great impact on the overall flavor of hot pot.
Market situation
In Chongqing, there are many treasures and delicacies worth exploring, such as noodles hidden in mountain alleys, hot and sour noodles for walking in the streets, and barbecues with fireworks in the bazaar. But if you want to count Chongqing's delicacies, you must have Chongqing hot pot.
Almost everyone who has eaten Chongqing hotpot will have the same feeling. Why is Chongqing hotpot more delicious? This, of course, is related to the magic way of frying hotpot ingredients.
People who have eaten Chongqing hotpot are all impressed by the myriad tastes of hotpot. It looks like a small pot of hot soup, but it contains several rich, complex, and delicious tastes. How can it be unforgettable?
Chongqing hotpot is a kind of catering product that seems simple, but requires high taste. The taste and spiritual satisfaction brought by different sauces are different. Some hotpots are only single-layer spicy, while others are only spicy but not fragrant. Such hotpots are lacking in taste. To achieve an authentic hotpot soup base, you must meet the multiple requirements of spicy, delicious and hot.
What should be hot to eat hot pot? Different people have different views on this issue. Everyone has his or her favorite dishes when eating hot pot. But in the process of boiling hot pot all the year round, he or she inevitably falls into the limitation of rigid ordering. Every time he or she orders a dish, he or she repeatedly chooses. How can he or she open a new world of hot pot without trying a new cuisine?
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